Chapter 24 Dispute

1536 Words
Lu Ping was scared and shocked by Zhang Zhihe's blow, and almost suffered internal injuries. A severely injured cultivator at the Blood Dissolving stage was still so powerful! He didn't know Zhang Zhihe was shocked and angry. Zhang Zhihe thought he could kill this little cultivator who was at the eighth level of Blood Refining with a single blow. Unexpectedly, the cultivator had solid cultivation. Instead of being hurt, he resisted his blow. Immortal Senior Du behind told Lu Ping to stop Zhang Zhihe in a moment of desperation. To his surprise, Lu Ping really stopped Zhang Zhihe. When Zhang Zhihe paused, Immortal Senior Du's high-grade flying fish sword stabbed into his back. Zhang Zhihe had no hope of escaping but turned around to fight. Lu Ping knew that he had hindered Zhang Zhihe's escape. He was worried that Zhang Zhihe would kill him in despair and that he would be asked to stop Zhang Zhihe again by Immortal Senior Du, so he had already stayed far away. Lu Ping's worry was unnecessary. Zhang Zhihe was doomed. He performed Blood Fleeing Skill twice with injuries and had exhausted all his magic power. After a while, Lu Ping heard a scream in the air, and Zhang Zhihe was killed by Immortal Senior Du with a stroke. Lu Ping hurriedly came up to Immortal Senior Du and reported to him about what he had done since yesterday. After hearing him out, Immortal Senior Du praised him, and then briefly told Lu Ping about hunting Zhang Zhihe. Yesterday, a disciple who participated in the travel happened to meet Zhang Zhihe who was fleeing on a miniature island. The disciple sent a signal before his death. At that time, Immortal Senior Du was the nearest to him, After Immortal Senior Du rushed to that island, he had a fierce fight with Zhang Zhihe. Zhang Zhihe was already seriously injured and naturally couldn't defeat Immortal Senior Du. He had to escape with Blood Fleeing Skill again. But Immortal Senior Du had been prepared for that and chased him all the way. In the end, he was intercepted by Lu Ping and then killed by Immortal Senior Du. Then, Immortal Senior Du took out a jade slip and said, "What's recorded in it is Zhang Zhihe's Mysterious Blood Fleeing Skill. This Mysterious Skill could save you when you are in danger. You resisted Zhang Zhihe's blow and saved me a lot of trouble. Take this Jade Slip." Lu Ping was very excited. Mysterious Skills could become more powerful as cultivation improved. Although cultivators always performed Mysterious Skills at a price, every Mysterious Skill was a means to kill enemies and save one's own life. Knowledge was no burden! In the Grand Competition, the top eight were rewarded with a Mysterious Skill. Lu Ping was still smarting from his default in the competition for the top sixteen to enter the top eight. After getting this from Immortal Senior Du, he finally felt much better. Immortal Senior Du looked at Lu Ping's excited expression and then said, "According to Zhenren Qu's order, after completing the task, all the disciples should return to Xuanqi Island as soon as possible. You can return with me." The flying speed of cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage was amazing. Lu Ping went back with Immortal Senior Du, and it took them a quarter of the time Lu Ping had used before to get back to Xuanqi Island. Many things on the island had changed at the time. The Guardian Circle of Xuanqi Island was activated by True Spirit Sect again and some changes were made to make it even more powerful. From time to time, cultivators of True Spirit Sect who were at the Blood Dissolving stage flew by in the sky, and the whole Xuanqi Island was enveloped in a serious and bleak atmosphere. The disciples who were excited after completing the travel task were also affected by this atmosphere and put away their excited expressions. Lu Ping found the other members of the seventh team and knew that another three fleet lights like Zhenren Qu came to the island last night from Shi Lingling who returned first. Then more than a dozen cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage also came, which startled all of the disciples! "Is our sect really going to start a war against Xuan Spirit Sect?" Yao Yong, the first senior disciple, said in confusion. "Who knows? I guess we won't be asked to join in this battle." Shi Lingling said. Lu Ping knew the reason, but he wouldn't tell them about it foolishly. While they were talking, they saw another three fleet lights of Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage coming outside the island and falling in the attic. They were stunned and looked at each other. Seven Zhenrens at the Alchemy stage! After a while, Shi Lingling said with a bitter smile, "It seems that something big is really going to happen." Everyone fell silent! Sure enough, in the afternoon, Immortal Senior Liu came and told the disciples that the travel task was completed ahead of schedule. All the disciples should quickly return to True Spirit Academy, try to reap the rewards of their travel experience, and improve their cultivation. Plus the disciples stationed on Xuanhua Island, a total of 40 people participated in this travel. When they returned to Xuanhua Island, there were only 32 of them, and half of them were injured. There were eight disciples who were above the eighth level of Blood Refining in the seventh team. The eighth senior disciple who just reached the eighth level after the Grand Competition also died in the task of eliminating Xuan Spirit Sect's disciples who were stationed on the miniature islands last night. Although all the surviving disciples gained a lot in this task, the seven disciples above the eighth level in the seventh team all looked dejected. Lu Ping, who returned to the academy, plunged into his cultivation room and started his confinement in cultivation. This time, he may not be the one who gained the most among the 40 disciples, but he was the one whose harvest was the most valuable. Moreover, his cultivation was about to break through in these two days of travel. Third-level disciples were no longer forced to cultivate daily by the leading Immortal Senior, and they could budget their time freely. Seven days later, with a sufficient supply of elixirs, Lu Ping finally entered the late stage of the eighth level of Blood Refining. He began to slowly accumulate his magic power and advance to the ninth level of Blood Refining. After Lu Ping's confinement in cultivation was over, he sorted out some sundries obtained from his travel and sold them in the market. Although these decades of spiritual herbs, spiritual materials, and miscellaneous minerals were not valuable, they were large in quantity. Lu Ping got 220 spiritual stones after selling them, and then bought many blood purifying elixirs for cultivation, and wound healing elixirs, strength restoring elixirs for restoring magic power, and daily cultivation supplies. He spent all the spiritual stones he got. At the time, the travel teams of other teams began to return one after another. The disciples with their harvest made the market of the academy lively. At the same time, all kinds of travel experience and knowledge spread in the academy. Another seven days later, Lu Ping disposed of hundreds of kilograms of spiritual grains in the market. He exchanged 1.5 kilograms of spiritual grains for one spiritual stone and got more than three hundred spiritual stones. In addition to buying elixirs and papers needed for making Magic Figures, he bought twenty blood spirit elixirs that could replenish Fine Blood, so he spent two hundred spiritual stones in the blink of an eye. At the time, the market and the academy were buzzing with rumors that the Xuan Spirit sect and its affiliated forces were the objects of the True Spirit Sect's travel. The twenty travel teams and the disciples of several other sects attacked and occupied seventeen small islands and their affiliated islands of five sects, including Xuan Spirit Sect, Feiyu Sect, and Canglang Sect. Besides, heavy casualties were inflicted on cultivators who were stationed on the other three small islands that were not occupied. At the same time, True Spirit Sect accused Xuan Spirit Sect of instigating its disciples in the name of individual cultivators to form five organizations such as "Tongxiu League" and "Gongxiu League" to sneak into the scope of True Spirit Sect and other sects to spy on information and kill their disciples in the Northern Sea Alliance. The evidence was conclusive. Moreover, Canghai Sect, Jade Sword Sect, and other five sects also showed relevant evidence to strengthen True Spirit Sect's accusation. Xuan Spirit Sect naturally strongly refuted, saying that it was a false accusation and a pretext of Xuan Spirit Sect for encroaching upon Xuan Spirit Sect and the other four sects. Xuan Spirit Sect called on other sects in the Northern Sea Alliance to jointly condemn the evil deeds of the True Spirit Sect and the other sects. In a moment, disputes arose among all sects in the northern sea region!
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