Chapter 48 Flying Cart

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Lu Ping bought a jade slip of "Basic Explanation of Alchemy" with 300 spiritual stones. Since Lu Ping decided to enter the field of alchemy, he naturally wanted to lay a good foundation. Although he had "Elixirs Manuscript of Sheng Tao" and "Preliminary Explanation of Alchemy" from Lin Sheng that could complement each other, it was always right to learn more about alchemy from different works. "Ladies and gentlemen, we will auction a batch of highest-grade Magic Figures, and they are highest-grade Blood Magic Figures. Due to the large quantity, we'll auction them in batches." "In the first batch, there are 20 highest-grade Blood Magic Figures. Their starting price is 150 spiritual stones," Director Pang introduced Lu Ping's Blood Magic Figures to these cultivators. The market price of a Blood Magic Figure was about eight to ten spiritual stones. But highest-grade Blood Magic Figures at the Blood Refining stage were rare, not to mention that they were sold in batches. If someone was attacked by these 20 Magic Figures together when he was unprepared, even if he was an expert at the Blood Dissolving stage, he would be in trouble. Back then, Lu Ping pinned down the sea snake at the fourth level of Blood Dissolving with the Landmine Magic Figures he laid in advance. Sure enough, this batch of Blood Magic Figures was quite popular. Their price soon exceeded 200 spiritual stones. In the end, someone bought them with 230 spiritual stones. Lu Ping thought the price was reasonable. If it was higher, the person who bought it would suffer a loss. Then, Lu Ping's Magic Figures were divided into two batches of 30 and 50 for auction. In particular, when the 50 highest-grade Blood Magic Figures were displayed, the cultivators present were surprised. If the cultivator who sold these batches of Magic Figures was not a cultivator at the Blood Dissolving stage, he was a very clever Magic Figure Maker at the Blood Refining stage. It was very likely to be the latter. After all, Magic Figure Makers at the Blood Dissolving stage were unlikely to waste their blood in making some Magic Figures that were not very helpful to them. While Lu Ping's Magic figures were being auctioned, Lu Ping spotted a person looking left and right in the auction venue. She was like looking for someone. This person was Hu Lili who suffered defeat in front of Sheng Tao's abode last time, but her two companions were not here with her. Instead, there was a young cultivator beside her who kept saying something to her. It seemed that they were very familiar with each other. Hu Lili was disappointed because she didn't find the person she was looking for. She had to look back and say a few words to the young man who kept talking next to her. Lu Ping knew that Hu Lili was already doubting that it was him who made these Magic Figures. After all, only Hu Lili had traded a large number of Blood Magic Figures with him. The two batches of Magic Figures were sold for 380 and 720 spiritual stones respectively. This gave Lu Ping more confidence to face the subsequent auctions. Then some other Magic Figures with special functions were auctioned, but they were all auctioned in batches. They were less than Lu Ping's Magic Figures, and their quality was also somewhat uneven. However, Lu Ping's two sets of Sub-Root Early Warning Magic Figures surprised the others again. After such Magic Figures were set, they could monitor the situation in a radius of hundreds of meters. Although they couldn't compare with Divine Mentality Coercion, they could detect experts at the Blood Dissolving stage when they were careless without being noticed. However, if experts at the Blood Dissolving stage hid them on purpose, those Magic Figures would be useless. Moreover, after the whole set of such Magic Figures were set, they would be effective for a certain period of time. Once the time passed, they would only be useless. Even so, this kind of Magic Figures was also eye-catching. Their price rose from 200 spiritual stones at the beginning to 400 spiritual stones and finally was sold for 480 spiritual stones. Lu Ping was surprised. Although the complete set of Magic Figures were more difficult to make than other Magic Figures, such a price was still very high. He even had the impulse to take out several sets of Landmine Magic Figures for auction, but Landmine Magic Figures were even more difficult to make than Early Warning Magic Figures. Even Lu Ping himself had only a few sets of them for self-defense. Moreover, he had to keep them as his trump card. "The next item is a medium-grade fleeing magic weapon, Flying Cloud Pocket. This magic weapon not only flies extremely fast but also has an amazing ability to hide." "It looks like a cloud, and it can become opaque or transparent with the change of weather. Even experts at the Blood Dissolving stage can hardly find it with their Divine Mentality Coercion if they are not close to it." "The starting price is 450 spiritual stones, and the offer price shall go up by no less than 20 spiritual stones each time," after Director Pang introduced this magic weapon, he was shouted down by the sound of bidding. "500 spiritual stones." "530 spiritual stones." ... In a short time, the price had exceeded 600 spiritual stones, which had far exceeded the price of the worst high-grade magic weapon, and the price was still rising. Lu Ping was also very interested in it. At the time, what he used was a low-grade fleeing magic weapon, which couldn't perform very well in flying. He was considering buying a fleeing magic weapon in this auction. However, with the price of this magic weapon rising, Lu Ping gradually calmed down. Although this magic weapon could hide almost perfectly and could fly very quickly, Lu Ping was about to reach the Blood Dissolving stage. Once he entered the Blood Dissolving stage successfully, this magic weapon would not be very helpful to him, especially its function of hiding people. It was probably not as helpful as the Invisibility Skill that cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage had. So, Lu Ping stopped bidding for it after making two offers. In the end, the magic weapon was bought by Shi Lingling in the No. 10 private room with 750 spiritual stones. However, Lu Ping found a phenomenon that after Shi Lingling bid, people in other private rooms would no longer make a higher offer. Only when someone under the stage bid again, people in other private rooms would continue to bid. Lu Ping recalled the fierce competition among all the cultivators in these private rooms during the auction of that blood dissolving elixir earlier. Only when Shi Lingling bid, these people didn't show hostility. Lu Ping stroked his chin with his hand. It seemed that Shi Lingling was more than a female cultivator who was born in a cultivation family. Lu Ping's flying cart magic weapon was also displayed soon, but to his surprise, many disciples of the True Spirit Sect cheered loudly for it, "Isn't this the Xuan Spirit Sect's medium-grade fleeing magic weapon, Cloud Flying Cart? How come it also appears in our auction?" "Probably a disciple from an aristocratic family of the Xuan Spirit Sect fooled around and accidentally squandered all his spiritual stones. He could only sell this flying cart for some spiritual stones. He was afraid that his reputation of being rich at a young age would be ruined in the territory of the Xuan Spirit Sect, so he had to come here." "I don't think so. I think this disciple of the Xuan Spirit Sect was probably abused by their sect and wanted to leave the Xuan Spirit Sect and join our True Spirit Sect, so he wanted to use this flying cart as a pledge and prove his sincerity," some cultivators had begun to make fun of it. "No, no, this flying cart is something that only disciples of the high status of the Xuan Spirit Sect could have. How could they be abused? It doesn't make sense!" "You can't get that? It's about the stuff between men and women. We can't talk about it openly here." "Ha-ha, hee-hee!" All kinds of strange laughter sounded. Lu Ping's expression was weird. He took out the flying cart to sell, but he didn't expect that it would be talked about like this.
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