Chapter 59 Changes

1546 Words
Lu Ping, who had awakened from his epiphany, discovered that the battle between the seven Bloodlines had ended. The Foundation Bloodline had successfully dominated the circulation of his blood. When his blood circulated through his body, spiritual strength was constantly absorbed, concentrated, and metamorphosed, and when the spiritual strength passed through the heart, a trace of magic power was constantly differentiated, then opened up a space in his heart, and slowly condensed into a blood bead, which was the blood dissolving bead. When blood beads just formed, they would be the size of soybeans. After that, with the continuous condensation of the Foundation Bloodlines in cultivation, blood dissolving beads would become larger. At this time, Lu Ping suddenly found that he could clearly see the situation in his body and had the ability to see things through, which meant that his Divine Mentality Coercion had formed! Lu Ping couldn't wait to send out his Divine Mentality Coercion. He only felt that his mind was clear. Then all the things in the cultivation room had been displayed in Lu Ping's mind as he closed his eyes. Lu Ping was very happy and slowly sent his Divine Mentality Coercion outside the cultivation room. He could clearly observe the things in a radius of 60 meters with his Divine Mentality Coercion. Lu Ping was surprised. He learned that after ordinary cultivators entered the Blood Dissolving stage, their Divine Mentality Coercions could generally explore things in a radius of 30 meters. Even if someone had a unique talent and strong Divine Mentality Coercion, his Divine Mentality Coercions could only explore things in a radius of 33 to 36 meters. It was impossible to be 60 meters. Lu Ping felt secretly happy about that but he became vigilant at the same time. He could never let others know that his Divine Mentality Coercion was naturally strong. This was already one of his trump cards. In fact, Lu Ping had his own guess about his strong Divine Mentality Coercion. He was not a person of this world. He came here and was actually the integration of two souls. Therefore, it was normal that his Divine Mentality Coercion was twice as strong as those of ordinary cultivators. This was more or less compensation for him to travel through space and come here. However, he still had to find a magic spell to cultivate his Divine Mentality Coercion, which could cover up the abnormal strength of his Divine Mentality Coercion and keep strengthening the advantage of his Divine Mentality Coercion. Lu Ping made up his mind and began to put all his thoughts on the consolidation of his magic power after entering the Blood Dissolving stage. The reason why he rented this cultivation room for the longest period of time was mainly that he wanted to spend a lot of time consolidating his cultivation after he entered the Blood Dissolving stage. At this time, Lu Ping already knew that his Foundation Bloodline was the Dragon Bloodline of the water system through his Divine Mentality Coercion. Perhaps it was influenced by his epiphany of the water system magic methods in Shi Realm, his Dragon Bloodline became powerful at the last moment, defeated the other six Bloodlines, and established itself as the Foundation Bloodline. Through the exploration of his Divine Mentality Coercion, Lu Ping found that in addition to his Dragon Bloodline of the water system, the other six Bloodlines were Roc Bloodline of the wind attribute, Phoenix Bloodline of the wood attribute, Turtle Bloodline of the water attribute, Ape Bloodline of the earth attribute, Tiger Bloodline of the ice attribute and Cicada Bloodline of the fire attribute. Lu Ping couldn't help giving a wry smile. His luck was really bad. Only the attributes of Turtle Bloodline and Tiger Bloodline were consistent with that of his Dragon Bloodline. It could save him a lot of time and energy to integrate those two Bloodlines, which was also helpful for cultivation. On the contrary, he would spend a lot of time and energy integrating the other four Bloodlines. Even he made a small mistake when he integrated them; it would affect the purity of his Foundation Bloodline, which was directly related to how far Lu Ping could go on the path of cultivation. After all, his only purpose was to be immortal. When Lu Ping calmed down to observe the operation of the Bloodlines in his body with Divine Mentality Coercion, the seven Bloodlines that had been classified suddenly changed. The sudden change caught Lu Ping off guard. The dominant Dragon Bloodline suddenly launched an attack on his Turtle Bloodline, which immediately agitated the other Bloodlines that had calmed down after entering the Blood Dissolving stage. Lu Ping thought it was because his accumulation was too rich and the catalysis of the three blood dissolving elixirs. The Dragon Bloodline in his body was going to fuse with the Turtle Bloodline, then eliminate the discarded Turtle Bloodline from his body, so that he could directly enter the second level of Blood Dissolving. Although this case was rare, there were precedents. However, Lu Ping soon found that he was wrong. The aggressive Dragon Bloodline was not to integrate the magic power in the Turtle Bloodline but to completely devour it. If the Dragon Bloodline integrated the magic power in the Turtle Bloodline, the Turtle Bloodline would be abandoned, but it still existed. At the same time, the Foundation Bloodline that had integrated its magic power would more or less have some features of the Turtle Bloodline. But if the Dragon Bloodline devoured the Turtle Bloodline, it would plunder the Turtle Bloodline's magic power and left no trace of it. In other words, there would be no Turtle Bloodline in Lu Ping's body anymore. This overbearing action naturally caused fierce resistance from the Turtle Bloodline. After all, the previous seven Bloodlines were just trying to be the winner and get classified, rather than killing each other. Not only the Turtle Bloodline was struggling fiercely, but also the other five Bloodlines were all on guard and ready to attack. It seemed that they were about to join hands to resist the Foundation Bloodline. At this time, Lu Ping suddenly felt that he was losing control of his Bloodlines. His Divine Mentality Coercion was closely connected with the Foundation Bloodline. Lu Ping could deeply feel that there was a mysterious power in his Foundation Bloodline. This mysterious power appeared in his Foundation Bloodline as his Divine Mentality Coercion formed as if it was born with his soul. Lu Ping suddenly realized that this mysterious power might have a lot to do with the fact that he came to this world. This idea just flashed through Lu Ping's mind. Lu Ping had no time to think about these things because the struggle between the two Bloodlines had become white-hot at this time. Although the Foundation Bloodline had the upper hand, it would not succeed in devouring the Turtle Bloodline in a moment. Even if the Foundation Bloodline finally succeeded, it would probably pay a huge price and affect his cultivation. At the thought of this, Lu Ping took out his last blood dissolving elixir and swallowed it as he bit his teeth. Success or failure hinged on this one action. After the fourth blood dissolving elixir slipped into Lu Ping's abdomen, it immediately turned into surging vitality and was absorbed by the Foundation Bloodline. Then the Foundation Bloodline became much stronger and gradually devoured the Turtle Bloodline. Lu Ping only felt that the magic power in his body immediately doubled, and the blood dissolving bead in the space opened up in his heart was immediately larger and grew from the size of soybean to the size of peanut bean. Lu Ping's every action was accompanied by strong magic power like the shadow followed the form. Lu Ping was excited and forgot that whether the change of his Bloodlines would bring unknown problems. He just felt that he had never been as confident as he was at the time. Soon, Lu Ping calmed down from the joy after he saw his magic power increase due to the change of his Bloodlines. Only then did he realize that his cultivation did not enter the second level of Blood Dissolving though his magic power had been doubled. There was still one blood dissolving bead in the space opened up in his heart, and it was just a little larger unusually. Although Lu Ping would have few rivals among the cultivators of the same level after his magic power was doubled, his strong foundation needed him to spend more time building his magic power than ordinary cultivators if he wanted to make further progress in cultivation. One of the seven Bloodlines was gone while Lu Ping's cultivation didn't promote. There was no telling whether it would affect his future cultivation. He won some and lost some. At least, in the long run, a strong foundation was the basis for him to go further on the road to reaching immortality. However, he must race with time. Before the end of his life, he had to enter the next level of cultivation and won a longer life until he reached immortality. Lu Ping could only comfort himself in this way.
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