Chapter 54 Counter Attack

1554 Words
Lying on the quiet seabed, Lu Ping remained motionless, but nervously judged the battle between Qiao Xipeng and the sea snake on the sea through the Early Warning Magic Figures that were previously set in the sea. When Lu Ping was attacked, he had known that the attacker was Qiao Xipeng of the Xuan Spirit Sect. When Lu Ping was knocked down to the bottom of the sea, the stone tower and Flying Swallow Sword helped him resist the attack, and the two highest-grade Blood Magic Figures weakened the sword light that attacked him. However, if he were an ordinary cultivator at the ninth level of Blood Refining, he would have been killed. Fortunately, Lu Ping was wearing a medium-grade inner armor magic weapon that was refined from the sea snake's skin. This inner armor weakened more than half of the remaining power of the sword light, and the rest of the power could no longer pose a threat to Lu Ping's life. Moreover, during this period of time, Lu Ping and the Spirit-Seeking Mouse, Bao, fed on the snake meat of the sea snake Lu Ping killed last time. The physical body of supernatural beasts was already far stronger than that of humans, not to mention the snake meat of Blue Sea Spiritual Snakes. Therefore, Lu Ping's physical body had also been greatly strengthened. Even so, Lu Ping was still seriously injured, which made him clearly realize how strong the cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage were. At the same time, Lu Ping regained his awe of cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage that gradually disappeared after he killed the previous sea snake. Compared with the normal cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage, he was still far from a match for them! After calming down, Lu Ping knew that the most important thing at the time was to survive. When he sank to the bottom of the sea, he quickly pasted several self-made Spirit-Sealing Magic Figures on his body, disguised himself as a silent corpse, and stuffed two highest-grade wound healing elixirs worth hundreds of spiritual stones into his mouth. Sure enough, as soon as Lu Ping had just sunk to the bottom of the sea, a Divine Mentality Coercion slowly submerged his whole body and wrapped him up like a stream of cold spring. Lu Ping lay motionlessly at the bottom of the sea. The depth of the sea and the Spirit-Sealing Magic Figures on his body tightly blocked the fluctuation of spiritual strength all over him. Qiao Xipeng's Divine Mentality Coercion was withdrawn in a flash. Lu Ping let out a long breath, and then observed the fight on the sea through the Early Warning Magic Figures. This was the first time that Lu Ping had watched the cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage fighting at such a close range, which glutted his eyes and made him gain a lot. Especially the sea snake's talent, water system magic methods, showed Lu Ping a whole new realm. It might be Shi Realm. Lu Ping felt that he was not too far away from entering it. Lu Ping originally wanted to send out the Sound Transmission Magic Figure he got from Immortal Senior Liu. However, this kind of Magic Figure was made by experts at the Blood Dissolving stage. If he activated it, the huge magic power fluctuation would certainly alert the two sides fighting on the sea. At that time, he would be killed before Immortal Senior Liu and the others could come. Lu Ping thought to himself that he could not put all his hopes into pretending to be dead. He had to prepare in advance. So, he thought about it and took out a few things from his storage bag. On the sea, the battle between the Blue Sea Spiritual Snake and Qiao Xipeng had also reached a critical point of life and death. At this time, the spiritual snake had got a few more wounds and was bleeding all over. Its blood dyed the nearby sea light red. The angry spiritual snake stirred up huge waves on the sea again. Qiao Xipeng just sneered. He looked excited but didn't stop making moves. He controlled a flying sword and made it firmly encircle the spiritual snake, trying to find a chance to attack. The roar of the spiritual snake didn't bring a turn for the better. On the contrary, its composure gave way to anger. Qiao Xipeng took the opportunity and stabbed the spiritual snake with his flying sword twice again. The spiritual snake was seriously injured and would face the desperate situation of running of its magic power and being killed. A look of being reluctant to die and determined to make a desperate attempt suddenly appeared in its cold eyes. The two emotions were contradictory, but they appeared in harmony in the gaze of the spiritual snake. The front half of the spiritual snake stood up suddenly, and a dull sound came out of its body. The spiritual snake trembled quickly all over, and then a painful and earth-shaking roar was heard. The spiritual snake's silver scales suddenly dyed a layer of red. Its wounds that turned white after being soaked in seawater and had gushed with blood suddenly became red and moist again, and then began to bleed profusely. At the same time, the spiritual snake's momentum soared, and its magic power surged all over as if it had resumed its peak all at once. The bucket-thick snake tail swept over and hit the defensive magic shield, knocking Qiao Xipeng who was careless into the sea. When Qiao Xipeng flew up from the sea with a pale face, the water system magic methods of the spiritual snake carried two magic weapons to stretch out the sword light band formed by Qiao Xipeng's flying sword little by little. The two magic weapons constantly broke through the obstruction of the sword light and dashed to Qiao Xipeng. In a moment, Qiao Xipeng was caught off unprepared and flustered. Qiao Xipeng exclaimed, "Self-Exploding Blood Bead!" His tone was full of panic and anger. Lu Ping knew that Self-Exploding Blood Bead was a mysterious skill of serious self-mutilation. Blood dissolving beads were the foundation of cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage. Every time the cultivators at the Blood Dissolving stage entered the next level, they could condense a blood bead in their heart. Each blood bead was the source of their magic power and the foundation of their cultivation. Self-Exploding Blood Bead was to sacrifice the blood beads that condensed in the hearts of cultivators for temporary strong magic power so that they could make the last attempt to kill the enemy. After cultivators exploded several blood beads, their cultivation would drop several levels, and the damaged foundation needed a few times longer to recover. Performing this mysterious skill almost meant giving up the chance of making further cultivation progress. Although the spiritual snake counterattacked fiercely, it was at an absolute disadvantage earlier. Therefore, it could only hold Qiao Xipeng to a draw, but the mysterious skill was only effective in a period of time. Once the time passed, the spiritual snake was at Qiao Xipeng's mercy. Qiao Xipeng obviously had figured this out, and gradually calmed himself down from panic. He wanted no credit but survival, so he took his time to stall. The effective time gradually passed in the angry roar of the spiritual snake that was trying to make a desperate move on Qiao Xipeng. The momentum on the spiritual snake gradually weakened and the look in its eyes became more and more desperate. However, Qiao Xipeng was not as excited as he was when he was about to win earlier. Lu Ping thought for a while and realized that Qiao Xipeng came here not only for revenge for his brother but also for the blood beads of the spiritual snake. However, after the spiritual snake performed the mysterious skill, he didn't know how many blood beads could be left. Naturally, he was upset. As Qiao Xipeng's sword pierced the body of the exhausted spiritual snake, the spiritual snake finally collapsed and hit the sea, splashing waves that were about tens of meters. Qiao Xipeng looked a little happy and used a magic method to drag the body of the spiritual snake to the reef island. Qiao Xipeng cut the snakeskin on the vital part of the spiritual snake with a flying sword to expose its heart. After he cut open the heart, two glittering blood beads showed up, "Fortunately, it only exploded one blood bead." At this time, the situation changed. The dead spiritual snake suddenly raised its head and stared at Qiao Xipeng with complete madness in its cold eyes. Qiao Xipeng was startled and was at a loss. At this time, a blood bead suddenly bounced up and dashed towards him. Qiao Xipeng seemed to suddenly understand something. With a cry, he quickly raised his protective shield, but it was too late. The blood bead retreated violently, and then suddenly exploded. A ray of red light exploded in all directions, and the reef island was half leveled. The momentum of the explosion pitted the seawater for tens of meters. And then the seawater was stirred up and raised more than ten meters, like a tsunami.
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