TWO | Torturous Pleasure.

2111 Words
POV | Belle "Okay, what has he planned?" I turned to Zoe who was sitting atop our kitchen counter, scrolling mindlessly through her phone.  "I forgot. Sorry" She shrugged before looking away from the screen "But I do know I have to get you ready"  Laughing I watched as she jumped down from the counter before pulling a piece of paper from her pocket. Squinting my eyes I watched as the person who barely wrote a word in school, unfolded a handwritten note.  With a sigh Zoe murmured to herself, nodding as she traced her finger down the flimsy page.  "Whatcha got there?" I stepped closer trying to have a peek. She pulled the paper to her chest with a 'Tsk Tsk' before folding it back up and slipping it into her jeans.  "Nothing you need to worry about, but first, you have to go shower" I raised my brows looking at her unchanged face as she crossed her arms.  "Your list says I need to shower?" She snorted before stating apathetically.  "Oh no. But I think you should go wash all that s*x off you considering we have a lot to do today" Reaching out I swatted her shoulder to which she laughed. Pushing me in the direction of our shared bathroom, me groaning in response.  "Okay I'm going Sheesh" I walked into the bathroom, stripping off the clothes I had only just put on. Steam filled the room before I settled under the hot stream of water. Reaching down I traced my finger around the gem that was in my ass, gripping it I gave it a tug, biting my lip as it popped out. I know Landon said not to remove it, but I'm sure he would understand the necessity to wash myself.  Rinsing it under the water I reached down again feeling my hole still slick with lube. Leaning myself against the wall of the shower I parted my cheeks with one hand while the other slowly pushed the head of the plug back in.  The familiar feeling brought a smile to my face, knowing it would please Landon to watch me stretch around it. A knock on the door pulled me from my day dream as the plug settled in place.  "Uh, it says here not to forget Bob?" Zoe's voice came through the door and my heart dropped to my stomach.  Bob stood for 'Battery Operated Boyfriend' No I wasn't the one who named it. 'Bob' was my remote control vibrator. By remote control, I mean long distance control. And guess who had the application on their phone to utilise such a useful thing.  Jumping out from the shower I wrapped the towel loosely around me. Ignoring the beads of water that continued to drip from my hair as I rushed to my room.  Shutting the door behind me I twisted the lock before going for the long slim box that hid under my bed. Running my hand over the black suede I smiled. Landon gifted me this box for our Three Month Anniversary, I will never forget the rush of excitement that ran through me the first time I opened it.  Inside it was separated into little compartments. On the right there were quilted rows, like that of a jewelry box, that held the various Gemmed and silicone plugs. Below were a few different types of clamps. Some were silver with chains, but my favourite were the black ones that vibrated.  To the right the compartments were deeper, holding things like silk, ropes and tape. Something Landon had introduced me to was bondage. I already knew I enjoyed it but learning different ways to be held in place was thrilling to say the least.  Sitting in the centre, where the biggest compartment was, were the different vibrators. Including Bob. I rolled my eyes at the name before pulling the 'U' shaped toy out and closing the box.  Laying back on the bed I let the towel fall as I opened my legs. Reaching down I rain the bigger side of the toy along my slit, letting my juices coat it before slowly pushing it in. I gasped at the sudden feeling of being stuffed as it pressed back against the plug that filled my ass.  With a low moan I clenched around the toy, the inside of it pressed firmly against my G-spot, while the other side of the 'U' was tucked up tight against my clit. I rolled my hips enjoying the sensation before pressing the on button.  Now that I was completely full I sat up from the bed, only to gasp loudly as the virator began to thrumb inside me. One thing I seemed to have forgotten, Landon not only could control it, but he gets notified every time it's turned on.  Biting my lip I reached for my phone, looking for his number only to fumble as the other side began to vibrate against my clit.  "s**t" I cussed, clenching my legs together at the sudden pleasure that began to build.  "You okay?" Zoe asked through my bedroom door. The handle jiggling for a second before she gave up realising it was locked. "Y-yeah, I'll be out in a sec" I panted.  Picking up my phone again I clicked on Landon's number, holding it to my ear as it rang.  "Yes baby?" His voice was deep as he spoke.  "L-Landon please turn it o-off" I whispered. Biting my lip as another moan filled my throat.  "Feel good princess?" He chuckled.  "G-good... s-so good..." I moaned this time not holding back.  "Be a good girl and straddle a pillow.." He demanded.  Whimpering, I moved, placing a pillow between my legs. The pressure of the toy against my clit grew as I rested my weight down atop it.  "Mm Good, now ride one out on the toy while I listen to every sound that pretty little mouth makes" Shivers ran down my back as I complied to his order. Grinding myself against the pillow while I fisted my hands against the sheets. My pants and moans filling the phone that rested in front of me.  Landon's low growls being the only indication I had that he was listening as he continued to turn the vibrations up higher and higher. Helping me reach my high without even touching me.  "That's it.." He praised. "c*m for me baby.."  With a choked cry I fell forward, pressing my face against the bed while I rode the toy to completion. Nothing but the pulsing inside me remained as Landon slowly turned down then powered off the toy.  I lay there catching my breath while he patiently waited on the other end. Once stable I sat up again, the drenched toys inside me ensuring I was to stay filled with my own c*m.  "You there princess?" Landon's voice, now soft, edged me closer to the phone.  "Yes Sir.." I panted through heavy breaths, dragging my now throbbing body from the messy bed.  "Good, now go get dressed and enjoy breakfast with Zoe" His voice was calm as he spoke. I blushed realising he was doing nothing but listening to me while he toyed around with the settings.  "Please don't turn it on while I'm eating" I begged. The dreaded thought of vibrations pulsing against my clit whilst trying to eat with Zoe not only scaring me, but exciting me all the same.  "No promises my love" He stated. I rolled my eyes knowing he wasn't going to play nice knowing what was nestled inside me.  "I'm gonna get you back for this" His chuckle filled my ears, making me imagine his heated gaze wandering over my skin in challenge.  "I can't wait baby" Was all he said before the line went dead.  Shaking my head I reached for comfortable clothes. Slipping into a pair of black stretchy jeans, a vintage sweater and some converse. Yes, the same ones I had never managed to part with. They had become a staple for me, one that brought me good memories to take along with me on my days.  With my phone in hand I unlocked my door joining Zoe who was dressed in a similar fashion. Comfy jeans and a loose sweater. With a smile she beamed at me with her keys in hand.  "Ready?" She pepped up excitedly.  I nodded following her out the door of our apartment only to stumble as the vibrations hit me for a second. My phone buzzed with a text a moment later as I halted my steps.  Landon Just a reminder of what's to come Princess x Another thing I forgot about this dreaded toy. Motion Control. Meaning Landon, would be able to detect when I was moving from the app. A way of ensuring he knew just went to turn 'Bob' on.  The drive was a short one. Soon enough Zoe and I were pulling up outside one of our favourite little cafes. As I went to order Zoe shushed me, whispering into the server's ear before I even had a chance to look at the menu.  I looked over to her confused only to be happily surprised a moment later. Soon the table was flooded with multiple stacks of food. Eggs, bacon, pancakes and small breakfast like desserts were scattered across the glass surface. I smiled as they placed an Iced latte in front of me before giving Zoe an inquisitive look.  "What, Landon organised it. All I had to do was bring the card" She shrugged before pulling out what was in fact, Landons card.  Something that always warmed my heart was when Landon planned things like this. He had been working a year for Ryan at what was now his company, Earnshaw Enterprises. He wasn't short for money but I still never expected it when he pulled things like this.  Landon wasn't one to flaunt the very full bank account he had managed to acquire. Instead, he liked small things. Sentimental things like renting a movie and eating popcorn on the couch. Or dancing in the kitchen while cooking dinner, dinners that we usually always burned after getting distracted. So this, right now, was him giving me what he would happily give everyday if he could. Despite his not being here, I knew that's what it was. Him showing me I was special to him, that I deserved the best.  Distracted by the food and small talk I barely noticed an hour had passed before Zoe excitedly clapped her hands.  "What?" I questioned to which she shrugged as if whatever was up next wasn't making her jump for joy.  I assumed there were rules to the list she held. Rules being, I was to know nothing and everything was to be a surprise. Much like the toys that filled me.  Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she held Landon's card between her fingers. Her holding it out to the server as they walked over with the cheque. I pursed my lips with a smile trying to stifle the laugh watching Zoe flaunt the luxury of a bank account that wasn't hers.  It was easy to see how Landon had managed to con her into reading, and completing, a list of tasks. A day of 'luxury' as she would put it. And from the cafe we were sitting at, I had also assumed he let her choose our dining destination.  As the server returned with the card in hand, Zoe and I stood, making our way back to her car. It took all of five seconds of me walking before I felt the low thrum of the vibrator inside me.  The sensation thrilling me as I slipped into the passenger seat. As much as I enjoyed the small reminder of Landon, I hated that I had to compose myself as if nothing was happening. As soon as My movements stopped, so did the vibrations.  Letting out a breath I relaxed into the seat, pulling the belt across my shoulder before catching the odd look Zoe was shooting my way.  "Damn girl, what's got you so flustered?" I shook my head as she turned her attention to the road.  I managed to play this one down. But considering it was Landon who wrote that list, I assumed he already knew what my movements of today would be. It was just up to him to time it perfectly with the vibe that sat nestled against my sweet spots.  'Just a reminder of what's to come'  I was starting to worry if he was talking about the main event on this list... or if he was referring to something much more scandalous. 
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