
2019 Words
It started to rain when I stepped out of Lana's home, which looked more like a mansion than the apartment I was living in. I heard her speaking to her friends, boasting about her father being the consultant to one of our country's biggest businessmen, Mr. Freddie Russell. It was funny because Freddie Russell was my father. One of the most successful people in the town, in the city, in the country. So, when she was speaking so highly of her father, I know I should be more than proud. After all, my father was in a position where he had only a few people to raise his gaze at. He was at the top of the foodchain. My father is not a bad person. He likes to earn money. Which is supposed to be a good thing, but keeping his family aside to earn money was what made me angry. Neglecting my existence. Neglecting that he had a wife who was struggling to even breathe was not something I can ever forget in my entire life. The rain drenched me whole. The shirt I was wearing clung to my body. My wallet got damped. My money. I shook my head, I'd spread them on my bed and dry them. I suggested myself mentally as I dashed towards the police station. At this point of time, I wished my father to be there. To take the charge in his hand. He would only need a minute to sort things out. But I have come a long way now. Too far to return to complaining about my problems to my father. By the time I stepped inside the police station, I was dripping. My shirt, my jeans and my body had become one layer. I was shivering from how cold the weather was. How the temperature had dropped suddenly astounded me. But maybe it wasn't just the temperature that made me shiver. I was trembling because of the presence in the police station. Because of a certain somebody was sitting on the chair, with one leg over the other. Like he owned the damn place. Like he owned the bloody police station. His one hand was gripping a cup, as he was drinking something from it. From the steam coming out of the cup, I knew it had to be coffee. And he was smiling. Talking with the officer-in-charge there, Mr. Woods. The one who had filed the complaint. The very officer who had promised to keep my name hidden from the murderer. From him. From Hades Black. I took a deep breath and stumbled back, ready to rush out of the police station. But that's when my room-mate, Hades Black, raised his face to look at me. Followed by Mr. Woods. And Mr. Black smiled at me. Not the smile he offers me when he is serving me the food. Not the smile he offers me when he comes from his work and finds me doing my assignment. His smile was very different. This time his smile was evil. Like he had everything planned in his mind. Every technique to torture me, to kill me, to sell me. And Lord knows what else. I gulped harshly when he stood up from his chair and when I turned around to leave, I was caught in the vice grip of another officer in the station, pushing me harshly towards the owner of the deadliest sins. Hades Black. "Is he the person you saw stabbing a helpless man today, Mr. Russell?" Mr. Woods asked me. And no matter how formal Mr. Woods was trying to portray himself. I knew he was in favor of Hades Black. And my doom was awaiting me. "If you have arrested him on the basis of doubt, Mr. Woods, what the heck is he doing drinking coffee and sitting on your chair like he owns the damn place? Tell me, Mr. Woods. Because this is not how an officer should do his damn duty!" I growled, forgetting how Mr. Woods was the officer here and no matter what consequences he would face later on for attacking me, he was very well in the position of doing it. And my words did hit Mr. Woods' pride. Because the next thing I knew, he had my collar in his grip, looking into my eyes dead. But I was dead. Because not only had I angered Hades Black, but also Mr. Woods. "Release him, Reid. You won't cause him any harm. Hands down. Now." Hades Black said; his voice was harsh, rough and demanding. It sent chills down my spine. Enough to make me tremble about how much authority and power he had at that very moment. Hades Black was an influential and very powerful man. With a reluctant scowl, he pushed me away harshly before taking his place. My eyes met Mr. Black's eyes for the first time since I had arrived at the police station. They were dark today. The rare softness he had in his eyes when I looked at him was gone. He looked brutal at the minute. Ready to show me that he was in power and authority amid us. "You don't look very courageous now, Lazarus." Hades said, directly to me, and I fisted my fingers, biting on my lips hard enough to feel the taste of my own blood in my mouth. I was anxious and scared. It was death now. A very painful death for me and a mystery for the world. This is it. "I am never courageous in front of you, Mr. Black." I mumbled, looking down, but my eyes only saw his eyes as he gripped my cold jaw in his hot, burning fingers, making me blanch back. Like he burned me. But didn't he? "You were very courageous to come here and file a complaint against me. You were very courageous to talk with Reid in the tone you did." He said, and I clenched my jaw, looking at him with my wide, burning eyes. I felt trapped. And cold. "That was behind you. I filed the complaint behind your back, Mr. Black. That's not bravery." I said and he hummed, smiling the predator smile, making me quiver in fear. He was enough to induce that fear. "Hm, you are shivering. And it's cold today." He said suddenly, looking at my trembling frame. I looked away from his intense gaze. I felt a lot of emotions running inside me. I felt it all in my chest, clogging it to give me trouble with breathing. "Reid, I hope those papers are out of the register now. And he comes with me. Clear out any evidence you find on your way. Hades Black will remember this help, Reid. I reward loyalty but I punish betrayal." He said, his voice dropping an octave as he turned to stare into my soul as he said the last few words, making me tug on the fabric of my shirt in anxiety. "Of course, Sir. It was a pleasure to serve you. All the best, Mr. Russell." Go to hell! Hades Black gripped my wrist and dragged me out of the police station. My heart was pounding in my ears, singing the very last melody of my heart. Who knows until how long he decides to keep me alive? Who knows what he has planned for me? "Hello, Oscar, get me a car outside Riverhill hotel. And a bottle of warm water as well." Hades Black spoke on his phone, still holding my hand. He wasn't willing to give me any kind of personal space. But he fears that I'll make a wild move. I wanted to speak so many things when we were waiting for the car to show up, when he had his bike parked outside. I wanted to cry out in front of me, beg him to spare my life. Warn him, threaten him that I was not a nobody, but the son of Freddie Russell. But no words came out of my mouth at that moment. "I have started to believe that you have grown a fantasy to see me in my most evil form, Lazarus. You keep infuriating me. You love enraging me, don't you? First coming to my territory, my garage unannounced, without my permission. And now, filing a complaint against me. Tell me, Lazarus Russell? Do you have a death wish?" He asked me after a minute and two of silence and my heart dropped in my stomach. I had no answer to his question. Or to be more precise, I had no answer that could save my life by convincing him. So I just kept staring at him. And that somehow angered him more. But he didn't let it surface on his face or in his voice. The only thing that made a shift was his eyes. His eyes darkened a bit. "Your silence will only make the consequences of your action more arctic, Lazarus. I am being kind enough to offer you a chance to speak, to give me a damn answer that could atleast sate the devil inside me enough to not rip you apart. Limbs by limbs." He growled. And I took a step back, my eyes widening and shameful tears clouded my eyes. And I was an adult for God's sake to cry out! "I..... I was scared." "You are still scared, Lazarus. But I can't see you running into the police station again!" "Stop making me feel bad about filing a complaint against you! You committed a murder, Mr. Black. And I was not supposed to witness it but I did. And despite what you think, Sir, I am a human who is afraid of murder. Especially the ones that are being committed in front of his eyes. And forgive me for being a responsible citizen and complaining against you! But the entire system is bloody corrupted! And please forgive me for being scared of you because you live in my damn apartment, and please forgive me for having no damn clue when you'll slit my throat in my own house as well. And nobody would know!" "You saw everything back in the garage but I didn't even touch a strand of your hair to hurt you, did I, Lazarus?" He asked me and when I didn't answer him, he continued with his questioning session. "I could have and, as per the rules of our world, I should have killed you the very moment you saw everything. But I didn't. In fact, I asked my men to drop you home. Unharmed. Untouched. Is that not enough to make you realize I won't harm you? Or at least that I wouldn't have harmed you." He asked me, looking at me fiercely, and I pursed my lips at his questions. "I don't know about that, Mr. Black. Yes, you cook for me. You feed me. You didn't harm me when I saw you killing someone. But that's not enough to make me feel safe. The fact that you kill people without batting a lash scares me. And not to mention, we live together. Speaking of which, you need to leave my apartment right now." I told him firmly and he raised his eyebrows at me, laughing like I had gone nuts. Or maybe I was nuts to keep him in my apartment for so many days. "You really think you'll ask me to leave your apartment and I will? Oh, darling, at first I didn't have a good place to live. But now I have a reason to live with you. You think that side of me was cruel? Oh, sweetheart, the worst is not yet seen by you. The car is here. Let's go home. I'll show you who Hades Black really is." He said and I took a step back, only for him to drag me towards the acre before dumping me in like a potato sack. When he locked the doors, I knew my fate was doomed. 
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