
245 Words
When a small favor to your older brother turns into one of the best nights of your life, you start to believe that there actually might be some bigger plan for you after all. Being a Golden Boy his entire life, Dean never really gave much thought to his future family life. For him, everything always seemed to just fall into place, just as if he had been born under a lucky star. His Pack was thriving, and he was well loved and respected by everyone, always surrounded by a circle of loyal friends and the best family a werewolf could be born into. In his world, nothing could go wrong. So, when one evening he met the fun firecracker, he didn't even think twice before making the night last even longer, enjoying every second of it. But you know how everything in nature is balanced? Well, a bit of karma catches up with Dean when the girl reappears in his life, taking it by a storm. It doesn't take him long to fall head over heels for this girl. But is it a wise thing to do with someone who wasn't meant to be yours? Well, karma can be a real b***h sometimes, and Dean found that out the hard way, because that's what happens when you want the one thing you can't have. Especially when you have to watch her walking away with one of your friends. Book 8 of the Burgov series
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