The Very First Night [Kai]

1510 Words

The storm was monstrous. A quick, sharp flash of lightening shook Kai awake. Sand particles clustered around his forearms, and his eyes were tired, gravelly, and itchy as he tried to adjust his vision in the darkness to no avail. He slapped away an ant crawling up his knees and lay still, breathing heavily. Disorientation made him dizzy. He fought with his memory to remember the events of the night before, and where exactly he was. A fierce thunderbolt shattered the air after the flash, startling him properly awake now. He half rose from where he was sprawled out on the cold, hard ground before he recalled that he wasn't back at the pack house. He was in a cave. “Be calm, Kai,” a low, soothing gruff voice reassured him. It was a voice that sounded stormy, but had a softer inclination

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