Treacherous [Kai]

1223 Words

The sky was angry. The downpour was overwhelming. The rain fell down in ferocious torrents, plastering Kai's fur to his body. Lightening flashed, once, twice, before an ear-splitting thunder clap shook the earth. The major disadvantage the rain had for him was that it made footing treacherous. He found himself slipping a few times as he cleared felled trees and giant-sized boulders. The deer path wasn't one traveled quite often. He had stumbled across it during one of the many midnight walks he'd taken alone while Barry was passed out flat from drinking excessively. Not much further up the road, he found a little-traveled path at the left fork. Sixty yards beyond was an old, rotten trunk that was concealed from plain sight where Kai had hidden a small stash a few days ago for this very

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