Chapter 41: Emilio’s Perspective

2395 Words

Emilio’s POV Our community was on our way to the next city. Actually, we were nearly there. This was a city next to the capital. Anka wanted to be near Aria. I was patient with Aria while she was here and got nothing out of it. Once we got to the city we checked into a really nice hotel. When we went to nice cities we could actually afford to stay in their nicest hotels because Anka had access to a portion of King Grayson’s wealth. I guess I couldn’t complain even though I hated the guy. After a long discussion, we decided that we were going to stay here for a while. We had protection from not one but three guards sent by the king because of his new program to protect blessed ones. I wasn’t going to sign up for the program, I could take care of myself. I was in the hotel lobby

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