Chapter 37: Low-classes Attacking

2283 Words

Aria’s POV I woke up in the middle of the night crying. Without Grayson, I probably wouldn’t sleep a full night again.  I looked at my door as it opened. I kept it unlocked for when Vaness would come back. I expected it to be her but it was Emilio. “What are you doing here?” I sniffled. “Keeping myself from doing something stupid,” answered Emilio before closing and locking the door. “Well, congratulations you stopped doing one stupid thing to do another. I don’t want you here.” I wiped my tears away. “Let me comfort you,” he asked. “No,” I scoffed. “Why would I do that?” “Because we’ve known each other forever.” he walked closer. “I know, I have the scars to prove it,” I muttered. “You know I’m rough Aria,” he defended his past actions. “It’s not like the scars are from abuse. I

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