Chapter 17: Lingerie

2579 Words

After three full days of Grayson being gone, he was due back before dinner. I missed him more than I expected to. I spent the whole morning drawing with Grace before she worked with her tutor. I stared at the lingerie as I sat on the floor in mine and Grayon’s walk-in closet. I wasn’t sure if I should wear the lingerie tonight or not. Abbie was looking around at my clothes to see if they were good enough for a queen. “Some of this is really classy,” She said in a high-pitched, impressed tone. “Probably the stuff Grayson picked out.” I gave him his credit right away because I definitely wasn’t looking for clothes befitting a queen when we went shopping. I just wanted them to be befitting for me. I still really liked everything Grayson picked out. “You plan on wearing that for the king

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