Chapter 5: The King's Perspective

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Grayson’s POV  I hadn’t thought about Aria meeting Grace. She already met Vaness but Grace would definitely make her ask questions. I wasn’t ready to answer personal questions. She clearly didn’t know much about our family even though we’re the royal family. I was told by my adviser Payna that she was traveling with other demons who were blessed by Satan. I’d rather her not know much about me for now. For all, I knew if I got too close to Aria before mating she could weaponize what she knew about me to plot my downfall. When we’ve marked each other I’ll be able to tell if she can be trusted. I didn’t like having to be so cautious with my mate. I already had to be cautious with everyone around me. My mate was supposed to be the one person I could be genuine with. Vaness was the closest thing I had to a confidant. She was only seventeen so she was still too young to really voice my thoughts to. “Daddy,” Grace said again as she climbed onto the chair. “Daddy Delilah said she’d take me to the magical realm! You know I’ve always wanted to go there.” “I just spoke to Delilah about that. I can’t let her do that but we’ll discuss why later.” I dismissed it. The magical realm wasn’t especially dangerous but I didn’t want my daughter taking such a faraway trip without me. She was only eight. She showed disappointment until she noticed Aria. “Hi, I’m Grace.” She looked at me. “I thought you said employees couldn’t sit with us.” “She’s not an employee,” Vaness said in a singsong voice.  “I’m Aria.” My mate’s smile wasn’t only kind but it was alluring. I wanted to claim her but she seemed hesitant. I didn’t want to rush her plus there was the possibility of her leading me to my death. “It’s nice to meet you, Grace.” We didn’t have very much information on the prophecy because the oracle who predicted it died shortly after writing it. We’re not sure exactly what she saw. Vaness, Grace, and I were served our food. “King Grayson, we weren’t prepared for a fourth person.” They should always be prepared but I held back scolding anyone because I didn’t want my mate to see me scold two employees in a day. I usually didn’t have to. I wasn’t planning on firing them because this was more my fault than theirs. I didn’t tell them that Aria would be joining us until earlier. It was after I talked to Delila but that wasn’t too long ago.  “I’ll share with her.”  The server nodded and moved some of my food onto Aria’s plate.  I heard a notification sound and immediately knew Vaness had the phone that I had taken from her. She tried to cough over it then laughed. “I’d like to excuse myself. Aria can have the rest of my meal.” She stood up with a fake smile plastered from ear to ear. “Sit. Hand me the phone.” Vaness sat down and looked at Aria expecting her to say something. “Don’t look at her because Aria’s opinion isn’t of concern to me.” Aria didn’t know the situation so she shouldn’t try to convince me not to take Veness’ phone away. I wanted to stop her before she attempted to because I already had a weakness for her. Aria spoke despite my opposition. “I’m sure you two could work something out. Let her keep her phone until you can talk about it after breakfast.” I didn’t say anything and it showed my corporation.  After we finished the first course the second arrived. “Wait… we’re getting more food?” Aria asked awkwardly but adorably. “Yay more food!” Grace exclaimed.  “Breakfast is usually a three coursed meal,” Vaness answered in a matter-of-fact tone. “That’s why the proportions aren’t huge.” My mate lived a simple life before. She reacted so cutely when she experienced something new. She was visibly impressed by my room, the dining room, and now the meal. There was so much more I wanted her to experience. Aria was so full she wasn’t interested in dessert after the main course.  After breakfast, I spoke to Vaness outside the dining room. “You can have your phone back but I’m still going to come up with a punishment for manipulating your way into my room and stealing back your phone.” I had already had her phone and tablet for three weeks. If I kept her phone any longer she might have rebelled even worse. “I took my tablet back too,” Vaness confessed reluctantly. “Just want you to know and I’m fine with making up for what I did.” It annoyed me but I let it go. “When do I get a phone?!” Grace exclaimed. I looked down at her. “Never.” I patted her head as she pouted. “Go off to your study now, your tutor is waiting for you.” Grace hurried down the hall. Vaness was already scrolling down social media as she walked down the hall.  I led Aria to my room. “I’m glad I got to meet your daughter Grace.” I didn’t respond. “Are you upset that I gave my opinion about Vaness' phone?” She bit her lip which caused me a little bit of excitement that I didn’t show and neither did my pants. “That’s not what’s troubling. I’m agitated that you didn’t tell me she took things from my bedroom.” I rubbed my neck. How was I supposed to believe I could have faith in my mate if she didn’t even tell me simple things? “She said they were her things and I guess I wanted her to like me.”  I looked Aria up and down as she sat down on the couch in front of the large tv on the side of the room opposite my bed. I was mesmerized by her beauty as I stared at her. “I should be the only one you’re worried about liking you.” I guess it was somewhat nice that she worried about Vaness’ approval but it wasn’t necessary. “Is it okay if I ask who Grace’s mother is?” Aria questioned. She was already curious enough to ask personal questions. It wasn’t a question I wanted to be answered so soon. Maybe not until we were mated. If I answered her question it would lead to more questions.  I looked at my phone as I received a text message. “I can’t answer that right now. I’ll be back, don’t let anyone in, and don’t leave this room.” The message was from one of my advisers and at the perfect time. I didn’t want to be pulled away from Aria but I didn’t need to be questioned about my past either. I wasn’t something I looked back at fondly. “Yes, warden,” She joked.  I left to meet with my two advisers, Panya and Tobias in my conference room. We greeted each other and sat down. When Aria refused to leave the dungeon with me the first time yesterday I left and explained the situation to my advisers. I told Panya and Tobias that the woman we had taken to execute turned out to be my mate. When I went back down to retrieve Aria, I was taking her to my bedroom the first time I had stopped and explained to Panya that my mate would now be staying in my living chamber with me. Panya explained that piece of information to Tobias last night. Now we decided to sit down and properly discuss it. “I know she’s your true mate but she’s a threat. This is how she’ll be able to overpower and end you.” Payna’s head shook from side to side in disapproval. “My King, I can’t support this.” “I can,” Tobias said to my surprise. “I don’t believe this woman will be your end.” He valued mates and trusted in Satan’s choices. “Satan wouldn’t link you to a woman who would plot your doom. We’ll all keep an eye on her, I can assure you that much.” He wasn’t usually this empathic but he was the one who repeatedly notified me that Aria wasn’t eating. It wasn’t expected because he refused the responsibility to be the one to monitor her. Panya monitored her instead for the few days she was locked up. “I’m handling the situation cautiously,” I informed them. “My king, you’ve never made such a reckless decision before.” That’s what this half-human woman was doing to me after only one day. “If you’re worried about not having a queen then that’s not an issue.” She was the only queen I wanted. “When we execute her I’m sure Satan will send you a second chance mate. We need to dispose of her to ensure the stability of the kingdom,” she insisted. I didn’t care for anything she had to say. There was no way in hell that I’d reject and execute my mate without a clear reason to. I had to give her a chance to prove the prophecy wrong but I would be on my guard. “There is nothing more to discuss. It seems you’re both up to speed and I’m considering the advice of you both. For now, she stays and that is not disputable. I don’t want to wait long before claiming her. If I do it soon it won’t give her the chance to betray me. When we’re marked there won’t be much she can hide from me.” I wouldn’t be able to hide from her either which made me hesitant. “Alert the heads of staff that my mate has been found and is living here now. They can tell the employees under them. I expect them all to be warm to her and respect her despite the prophecy.” “Of course King Grayson.” They said in unison. “We also wanted to report a sighting of low-class demons near the castle,” Tobias reported.  “That’s new, schedule more guards a day. We’ll discuss this issue further another time. I have to get back to my future queen because I have a bad feeling. Anything else before I go?” “I’ve taken care of the arrangement we spoke about yesterday. A caretaker has been sent.” “One more thing. We’re ready for the execution you ordered yesterday.” Panya was on top of things like always. “It’s scheduled for tomorrow morning. Both me and Tobias do want you to reconsider this particular execution. He’s not as easily replaceable as others under your employment. He is a member of your court.”  “He is a part of my court which is why I’d have no use for someone so close to me to be untrustworthy,” I said before leaving. As I walked down the hall I thought a lot about my mate and our current situation. I needed a better sign that I could have faith in her. If not for this prophecy I would have claimed her right away. She’d be mated and marked as mine. Despite no mark, she was still mine. When I first saw Aria I realized the first person I had to protect her from was myself. I had her death sentenced without knowing she was chosen for me. Others will be after her for her ability. I won't be the last person who tries to steal her away but I will be the last person to succeed. I promise you that much Aria. When I arrived back in my room Aria was on the couch in the fetal position. She became quiet when I opened the door but before I opened it I heard her crying. Even her cries sounded delicate and lonely. I closed the door behind me and turned my attention to the tv. The news was on so she must have been watching it. “Blessed demons are protected under the law but this doesn’t stop their murder. Hold on.” They paused. “They were able to confirm that the woman was killed by a lower class demon,” The news anchor revealed. I was able to conclude that Aria knew the woman who was murdered. She was traveling with other blessed demons before she was brought here so that made the most sense.  I slowly walked to the couch. The woman in front of me was already my everything. She didn’t need to hide her emotions from me. Grief was an emotion I’ve understood well since I was fifteen. I wondered how long she’s known grief. She was mine to protect and comfort. Seeing her like this broke my heart.
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