11. Hard being Gentleman

2223 Words
Zorion Her breath quickened as my lips approached hers, and I could smell her desire dripping down her pvssy. I was in awe at how affected she was when I hadn't even touched her yet. “Zorion,” she moaned, making my member twist in my pants, and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to be gentle and soft, but she was making everything so very hard. My lips brushed against hers and a sweet gasp left her lips. She looked intently into me before closing her honey-coloured eyes. She felt vulnerable. Soft. Fearless. The alcohol and the bond helped her to loosen up for a moment, setting herself free. My lips moulded against hers and she moaned into our kiss, arching her back towards me, her legs wrapping around my waist. She was driving me as insane as she claimed I was! My tongue parted her lips, caressing hers as I kissed her passionately. Neither her lips or tongue moved, but she held onto me tightly, and the perfume of her arousal was growing more intense. Her core was burning against my stomach; I could feel its damp heat through the thin fabric of my t-shirt. She wanted me as much as I wanted her! As I poured all my yearning, desire and urgency into our kiss, my hands reached the beautiful curve under her as.s and I squeezed her cheeks, pulling my female’s small body against mine. She parted the kiss, panting and giggling. “I thought this kiss thing was only a hype. But it does feel so good! So good that I –” My kisses on her jawline and chin made her stop in her tracks, concluding her sentence with a soft moan. Did that mean that no one had ever tasted her lips before me? No, that was impossible. She was beautiful, surely she received lots of male attention. My blood boiled at this thought. No! She was mine only. My honey. Soon, my moist kisses reached her neck, the place where my mark would be laid, hopefully, soon. Suckling her tender and warm flesh into my mouth, I palmed her butt. Her hands found my hair and she pulled it slightly and her hips rocked in the rhythm of the music while sweet sensual sounds parted through her lips. The sultry way she moved so close to my member, made me harder than ever before. I was losing my mind. Taking Nina to the corner of the dancefloor, I pressed her against the wall. My lips covered hers without wasting any time. Her hips undulated as she danced around me, and this time she kissed me back — her tongue gliding tentatively along mine. “Dream guy, you are a good kisser,” she murmured against my lips, giggling. “Nina, I am only starting,” I whispered, my tongue caressing the shell of her ear before I nibbled at her earlobe. Sweet trembling sounds left her at my words, she looked into my eyes and pressed her forehead against mine. “Is it only a dream again?” she asked, her fingers sliding down my dark-blond hair. “No, Honey. It’s not a dream, you won’t ever have to wake up,” I whispered back before my lips took hers once again. I could kiss her the whole night long. Damn, there was nothing I wanted more than for these kisses to be only the start – but tonight, I couldn’t go any further than that. She wasn’t sober enough. I wanted to show her love, not only lvst. “Don’t you dare wake me up, Dream Guy!” she giggled, kissing me back and moving her hips widely at the rhythm of the hot music playing, Reagaton, I think. Our bodies moved in perfect sync as I danced with her, our tongues caressing one another and my hand roaming around the soft curve of her waist. My mate felt so good, better than anything. Her lips were sweet, her curves delicate — my small human felt like heaven, better than I could have expected. Suddenly, she grabbed my shoulders firmly, parting the kiss and looking away, “I… the room is spinning and my stomach.” “Let’s get you some water, Honey,” I told her, putting her down on her feet gently, hesitantly. My arms surrounded her waist as I guided her to the bar. “Still water, please,” I asked the bartender as I helped Nina to sit down. Her body was unsteady, shaking a little. She placed her head on my shoulder and sipped the water, her hand covering her lips immediately. My hands went down to her back and I drew soothing circles on it, calming her down a little. “Fresh air might help, but it’s still storming outside,” I told her and she nodded absently, her face contorted with nausea. Taking her in my arms, I placed her comfortably in my lap where she buried her face between my shoulder and neck. If only I had one of my aunt’s balms, they could heal almost anything. They are what we give Lena whenever she has a migraine or a killer hangover; though the balms don’t work much against her migraines. “I am a weak drinker,” she grumbled and I chuckled lightly. “It’s okay. You will feel better soon,” I cooed at her and she flashed me a cute frown. “Hello, Nina! Who is the sexy guy?” I heard Nina’s blonde friend's loud laugh and we both turned to look at her, “Can you believe that the stupid DJ stood me up? He said he would come to see me on his break but nothing! He was drinking with the dudes instead! I need another drink and a man!” she added, walking dizzily closer to us and sitting beside our chair. “Hello, Hot Shot!” she flashed me a smile, her eyes could hardly focus. She was even drunker than my Nina. “Duck off, Laura! He is mine!” Nina said between gritted teeth, a huge frown on her face. Having my sweet mate growing possessive over me made a smile surge on my lips and my member got even harder, impossibly and painfully harder. “Nina, don’t be selfish! I was the one to bring you here. The more the merrier, right?” Laura laughed, placing her hand on my shoulder seductively. Pulling her hand away, I said firmly, “No, Laura. I am hers only in the same way she is only mine!” “You are both not fun AT ALL! You are as boring as grandparents!” Laura pouted and turned around to order a drink. Nina’s eyes met mine for a moment and she ran her hands through my stubble. “You can feel it too — the desire, the connection, the need,” I murmured close to her lips. It wasn’t a question. The way her skin heated, the smell of her arousal and the goosebumps breaking across her skin were evidence of her ability to feel our bond. “I can…feel you,” she replied before turning around frowning and tapping her lips with her hand, probably another wave of nausea. Looking back at me, she smiled and ran her finger across my lips, “I want to… I want you tonight.” I was trying to be a gentleman, but for the sixth Pit of Hell, my mate was making it hard. Standing up, I scooped her up in my arms, making her squeal, laugh and squirm frantically. “We should go home now,” I told her. “Oh, so you are actually down... wait a moment? What kind of panties am I wearing?” Her eyes opened widely. “Nina... is not what I mean. I just think you had too much alcohol.” “Hush! Take Nina Loca home, Hot Shot! Take her virginity and make her less cranky!” Laura yelled, getting closer to us. Nina burst into laughter and I was a little shocked. Her friend was Helena’s level of bluntness. “I will take you both home,” I told Laura. She was too drunk for her own good and shouldn’t be left alone. “Threesome!” Laura squeaked, jumping up and down like an overexcited kid and almost falling on the counter. “No!” Nina opposed, holding onto my jacket almost possessively. Shaking my head at Laura, I said loud and clear, “Nina is the only one I want. Ever.” “Whatever,” Laura rolled her eyes and went back to her drink. Looking intently at Nina’s semi-closed eyes, I explained things to her, “I will take you home, Honey. There you can rest and I will take care of you,” I told her, and looked around to find Laura with her face pressed against the bar counter. “Let’s go!” I told my Nina, pulling her against my chest. She laced her arms around me and grumbled, “You are very bossy for a Dream! But anyways, even in a dream, it’s better to vomit at home than here, no?” Chuckling at her, I took Laura by her arm and helped her to stand up, “Let’s go, Laura.” She walked by my side, staggering a little and using my arm as support. “So, you changed your mind? I knew you wanted me!” she squealed. “I want you sleeping in your bed and away from harm,” I told her and she laughed. I certainly couldn’t leave Nina’s friend here intoxicated and alone. “You are funny!” Laura laughed hard, but didn’t stop walking. Nina’s body relaxed and got a little heavier, even though she was still light like a Pixie-plume. She fell asleep in the safety of my arms. Having her completely relaxed in my embrace felt so good even though she was snoring a little. Covering Nina with my jacket, I headed outside, “We have to find our jackets, Hot Shot!” Laura told me, trying to pull me back inside. “Where are they?” I asked and she laughed. “I don’t know!” Shaking my head, I called a taxi fast. I didn’t want my mate to get sick or wet — not wet like that. Arriving at their building, I carried a stirring Nina upstairs and helped Laura to walk. She was a mess and even stopped a few times on the way to throw up. As soon as we entered the small apartment, Nina woke up completely. “I want to dance with you!” she told me before biting her lips violently, “Bathroom!” she added. “You will dance with the toilet and I will be next!” Laura laughed. Taking her to the bathroom, I helped her to kneel down close to the toilet and held her hair as she emptied her stomach contents. Caressing her back slowly, I tried to soothe her trembling body. “It’s so stupid! I hope you won’t remember anything by tomorrow…” she murmured, looking at me. “I wouldn’t want to forget tonight, Nina. I don’t want to ever forget any minute I spent with you. I’m fine with holding your hair and helping you feel better,” I told her and she nodded. She couldn’t yet understand the dimension of my need, the greatness of my affection for her. She was destined to become my whole world, sooner rather than later. Lola and I had helped Helena a few times when she was in the same situation after going to parties, even though Lola was the one doing most of the job, I knew what to do next. “A shower will help you,” I told her and she didn’t respond. Turning the water on, I helped her to enter the shower and asked her, “Can you do it alone?” “I always do everything alone, Dream Boy. I am fine!” she exclaimed, seeming a little more sober for a moment. However, her legs were very wobbly and I was afraid she would fall. Damn, I couldn’t leave her alone. I knew that humans were fragile and even a fall could hurt them severely. Helping her out of her dress, and taking my t-shirt and pants off, I went down the water spray with her, holding her in place as the water fell down her soft curves. My gaze wanted to go down and drink every inch of her body, but I forced it to stay fixed on her face. I wouldn’t take advantage of my Nina. She was mine to take care of, protect and love before anything else. My pleasure was secondary to her safety and well-being. She closed her eyes and fell against my chest, which made me know that it was time to take her to bed. Wrapping her up in a towel, I laid her on her small bed and covered her with two blankets. “Do you need water or anything?” I asked, cupping her face gently. Without opening her eyes, she murmured, “No… it’s cold. I need you to hold me.”
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