8. Inevitable Desire

2131 Words
Nina The doorbell rang in the middle of the night, waking me up with a startle. Did Laura forget her keys again? Seriously! My tired legs stood up, taking my moody self to the door. I was ready to scold my flatmate, but as I opened the door, Zorion was the one on the other side. He was insane! “Nina, I couldn’t wait. I have to see you now. I know what you are thinking…” he murmured, looking intently into my eyes. “So, now you will say you read thoughts too, Merlin?” I c****d my eyebrows at him. “Who?” he asked, confused. What he did next surprised me to no end; closing the distance between us, he whispered into my ear, “I know you want to see me too. I didn’t read your thoughts, but I know that.” His breath was warm, mint, and my body reacted on its own. My back arched towards him, a shiver danced down my spine as a hot zip of electricity went down my belly, hitting the spot between my legs. This proximity was dangerous because he was right. I wanted him like I’ve never wanted anyone in my life. I never thought much about guys, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. In a single movement, he took me in his arms and walked into my room as if he owned the place. Cocky much, dream-guy? He laid me down on my bed and covered my lips with his, in a warm and explosive kiss. His hand reached down to my hips, pulling up the old oversized t-shirt I was wearing and bearing my thin legs to his eyes. Without breaking the kiss, he roamed his fingers up my belly and squeezed his way up my waist. His touch was smooth and electric, and invoked strange sensations within me. Goosebumps exploded on my skin as my fingers ran down his muscular back. I wanted to feel all of him. He awoke my dormant desire and I knew that if I didn’t touch him, if I didn’t have his body over mine, I wouldn’t ever be able to be complete again; my art would grow paler, my mind would go numb. My body started trembling, pleasure overwhelming me. It was as if I didn’t have his warm body against mine, all my inspiration would die. His knee opened my legs slowly, and as he straddled my thighs, he pulled the t-shirt up completely. A nervous sigh left me owing to the fact that I'd never done those things before, and everything was moving so fast. Delicious, yet overwhelming. His lips crashed on my neck, and he licked a straight line on my skin whilst his hands reached to cup my exposed breasts. “Easy there, Cowboy!” I slapped his hands away slightly and he chuckled. Hell, with him smiling at me, I would end up saying, ‘yes, please.’ My mind was already jelly and my self-control was gone. “I can’t stop or slow down. You feel it too. I know you don’t want me to stop, Nina. Never. We are wrapped in a web of inevitable desire,” he murmured in my ear, licking my earshell and making my body j.erk up involuntarily. He was right and I was damned! “So, that’s what you want with me, to get into my panties?” I asked. Looking down, I grew self-conscious of the fact that I was wearing very old and ugly panties, like granny ones. I also didn’t take care of the situation downstairs — things might be hairy down south. But again, I was never expecting him! What was the right thing to do in this situation? I had no clue! “Yes, baby. I want to get into your panties, every night! And you want that too!” he told me. Swallowing hard, I nodded. Even though half of me wanted to slap him for his cockiness. ‘Every night?’ I didn’t fall for that. I knew men, their lies, their games, and how they cheated. Yet, the last thing I wanted to do was to stop his wandering hand and his delirious caresses. If he was insane, and this was insanity, I would gladly be insane too — at least for tonight. His lips returned to my neck as his fingers played with the waistband of my panties. My heart raced in my chest. I knew what my body wanted, what my heart wanted… but I was so damn nervous. Why did I even want that? I didn’t know him. And an even more pressing: would he pull my panties down? Hovering over me, he looked intently into my eyes, “Strip for me. Isn’t that your job?” A scream left my lips and I woke up with a jolt. It was all a very confusing dream. Things down south were feeling funny, warm and moist. I… I couldn’t even remember the last time I felt this ar*used, probably never. Exhaling deeply, I laid my head on my pillow and covered my face with my hands. I was losing my mind. What the hell? I couldn’t deny what I felt. This was my dream; this all was on me and not on him, this inevitable desire. I could hardly sleep since everything was so hot around me and not even a cold shower helped. Yet, I had to go through my day and, after class, I headed to the café. My heart was already a jumpy mess with my body behaving funny again, only at the expectation that he would be there today. “Nope, Nina! He won’t be there today. Maybe another day; it’s not like you said yes to his date question.” I tried to pull myself back to the ground, give myself a reality check, as I walked into the café and put my apron on. As I placed the tortillas on the counter, my mind raced with thoughts and ideas. Maybe if I let dream-guy have his way with me, I would take this desperate desire out of my system, and I could surely move on as he would undoubtedly leave me on the following day. That was a good plan, except it made my heart hurt. Besides that, what if being in his arms only made me want him more? I would lose my sanity completely. The place was empty, and the manager left me alone to take one of his very long cigarette breaks. After a few minutes of quiet, the bell on the door rang and my gaze moved up to find Zorion coming in. I swallowed hard, and my breath grew uneven as a stupid wave of desire reached south. Yes, stupid! Zorion was followed closely by a breathtaking brunette wearing sunglasses. She was everything I wasn’t: beautiful, tall, big boobs, with a great body, not to mention a killer sense of style in her black jacket and crop top. My heart dropped in my chest and I cut the tortilla in pieces with rage, the knife sliding down my fingers like in a horror movie. Seriously? So, that was it?! It all made sense, and. I was nothing but a joke to him. Some plain-Jane whose emotions he played with one day, while on the next, he’d bring his girlfriend to my place of work to laugh at me as I had no choice but to serve them. It was so damn cruel! Oh well, pretty guys are cruel. Guys are cruel. I knew it well, yet I forgot it and got all wet and bothered because of his charming smile and his perfect muscles. I was an i***t. A damn huge i***t! “Nina,” I heard his voice and looked up, trying to contain my tears. Why did I care so much about him? He was just a guy I didn’t know. Why did seeing him with someone else make me feel like I couldn’t breathe and my heart was cut into pieces just like the poor tortilla? Nothing made any sense! “What?” I asked, biting my lip in an attempt not to cry. “Did you hurt yourself?” he asked, looking at my hand. I held the knife so tightly that my hand was red, and I could feel the tears sliding down my cheeks. “Yes, the tortilla won this battle. I managed to cut it though,” I tried to joke and conceal my brokenness. Zorion gave me a napkin, and I wiped my tears off without looking at him. I wouldn’t add to his joke and cry in front of him. No! I would remain strong. “This place is nice,” he said, looking around. “Do you want to place your order now? For your friend too?” I asked, trying to sound formal and emotionless. “She isn't my friend. Aurora is my sister,” he told me, looking at the lady on the table and she smiled at us. I only nodded, not even knowing what to say. Breathing deeply, I pulled my gaze away in an attempt to organize the chaos in my mind. Everything I thought was wrong; she was only his sister. Why did this man make me feel so many things? I was jealous and disappointed! I almost killed an innocent tortilla! Searching for my eyes, he placed his order but I didn’t want to look back;I didn’t want him to notice what I was feeling. I couldn’t have him knowing how he affected me and the power he had over me. If he did, he would use and a.buse me like people always did. As I brought the two lattes and — to my wonder — pieces of half-smashed tortilla to the table, my eyes couldn’t leave him. My body clenched with wet desire. Weirdly enough, as soon as I approached the table, Zorion’s nostrils flared and he looked startled for a moment; his eyes changing from blue to green. It must be the light, right? The lady he called Aurora offered me her hand. “Hello, you must be Nina. I am Aurora, but you can call me Lola,” her voice was sweet and so was her smile. She seemed like those genuine kind people who make you feel good when you are around them. They were more challenging to find than shooting stars. “Nice to meet you,” I smiled back. His proximity made me feel all nervous, giddy and hot, but with this girl around, I felt less jumpy. She seemed normal — no mention of a magical world so far. I was already imagining, if he claimed to be a wizard, what would Aurora be? A fairy? An angel? After some small talk, Aurora said, “It’s my first time in Madrid and I would love some tips. Zorion has been here for a while though he hasn’t seen any of the tourist attractions; he can’t help me at all!” A chuckle left her lips. “I haven’t been to many of them, but I can try to help,” I told her. “That’s great! Maybe if you have a little free time, you could show us around. Zorion mentioned that you study art. It would be nice to have a local with an artistic gaze with us. Do you paint?” I only nodded at her question. “Our uncle is an artist as well. His main inspiration is the hu… renaissance,” Aurora smiled. “He is very good!” Zorion chimed in; he wasn’t talking much today, only drinking his coffee and listening. “I am not an artist. I just love panting, that’s it,” I gave her a shy smile. Artist sounded such a powerful word only meant for someone talented, a professional. Certainly, it was not for me. “Well, having someone that knows art and beauty to tag along with would be nice,” she said. “I have a free morning tomorrow.” Aurora’s smile grew wider at my words. “Great!” she said before we set a time and place to meet. Zorion too had a beautiful smile, and I had to pull my eyes away from him, else I felt like I would melt, significantly down there. Even though I had plans to sleep a lot on my only free morning of the month, I said yes to her. I didn’t even know why. Hell, I knew why! I yearned for Zorion’s presence, and somehow, Aurora seemed to put me a little at ease. With Aurora around, I wouldn’t jump on him and ask him to make my dreams come true.
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