Chapter Eleven-2

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As soon as I took my finger off the button, I looked at the monitors in front of us. I hoped that at least one of these monitors would show a layout of the ship, maybe even display a security feed in the hold where the escape pod was so we could see if the doors opened, but unfortunately it was all Greek to me. “What did the button do?” said Mom. “Did it work?” “I don't know,” I said. “Maybe it's bro—” I heard the clanging of metal above and looked up in time to see a large metal cage fall from the ceiling. Without thinking, I jumped backwards, but I tried to push Mom out of the way, too. Unfortunately, I messed up and only succeeded in making Mom stumble slightly before the cage fell around her, trapping her inside it. “Mom!” I said, running up to the cage and wrapping my hands around its bars. “Are you okay?” Mom had fallen against the back of the cage, but pushed herself off its back bars and looked around its interior in shock. “Yes, but where did this cage come from? And why is there a button for it on the controls for the ship?” “To capture fools like you, of course,” said a familiar voice behind me. I whirled around to see Graleex standing in the entrance to the control room, his organic cannon pointing at me. His face was bruised from where the hammer had hit him, but he otherwise looked fine and ready to kill me and Mom. “Surprised to see me?” said Graleex when he noticed my facial expression. “I suppose you are not aware that we Pokacu are very hard to knock out for very long. But it doesn't matter. The memory copier still got a lot of information from your mind, so I no longer need to keep either of you alive.” Feeling the panic rising within me, I aimed the gun at Graleex's body. “Stay back or I'll shoot.” Graleex, to his credit, didn't even seem disturbed by the fact that I was threatening to shoot him. “Pathetic human, do you honestly believe that I am scared by your puny threats? But please, go ahead and shoot me. Maybe it will tickle.” Although I really didn't want to shoot him, I realized that if I didn't kill Graleex then he would just kill us. So I pulled the trigger, not sure what kind of projectile would shoot from the gun. As it turned out, however, nothing fired from the gun at all. I pulled the trigger several more times, but the gun didn't work. I looked up at Graleex, who seemed amused by my bad luck. “Um, is your gun broken or something?” I said. “Because it isn't shooting.” “The gun will not fire for anyone but its owner,” said Graleex, “who just happens to be me. Unlike your human weapons, Pokacu weapons are generally coded to match the DNA of their user. It prevents others from using our own weapons against us and makes it easier for us to kill our enemies, as you are soon about to learn.” With my weapon rendered useless, I did what anyone in my situation would do: I threw the gun at Graleex's face. Much to my surprise, Graleex apparently didn't see that coming, because he failed to dodge the gun, which hit him in the face. He staggered backwards from the blow, but still tried to shoot that blue glue at me, though due to his bad aim it actually hit one of the monitors. Nonetheless, I dove behind the control seat and began crawling along the floor, heading for a ventilation shaft in the floor that looked like it led somewhere. I pulled the vent off and crawled into it, which put me into a small space directly underneath the control room that gave me a little room in which to crawl. I pulled the vent closed above me and quickly crawled along the floor, while Graleex shouted above, “Where did you go, human? Come out and show yourself!” I didn't respond, partly because I didn't want him to know where I had gone, but also because the air down here was even stinkier than it was up there and I was afraid that if I spoke I would end up inhaling some of it and getting sick. But I couldn't stay down here forever, either, especially since Mom was still held captive in that cage. Sooner or later, I would have to emerge, but how was I supposed to beat him? I didn't have my powers anymore and that gun turned out to be the most useless weapon ever. Then my earcom crackled and Valerie said, in a low voice, “Bolt, I think I have an idea about how to defeat Graleex.” “What is it?” I whispered, whispered so low that I barely even heard myself because I was afraid of being heard by Graleex above. “I've been trying to hack into the ship's systems via the artificial limbs and I discovered something I could use to defeat Graleex,” said Valerie. “But you will have to distract him long enough for me to complete it.” “How long will that take?” I said. “A minute or two, I think, because I have nearly gained access to the ship's systems,” said Valerie. “You just need to distract him for a short time.” The idea of distracting Graleex—who wanted me dead—freaked me out more than anything, but I trusted that Valerie knew what she was doing. Besides, I had a feeling that Graleex might decide to just kill Mom if he couldn't find me, so I had to be quick. Crawling through the ventilation shaft, I heard Graleex walking above me, calling out for me to show myself, but I wasn't able to do that until I found another vent that I could crawl out of. I had to get in an awkward position to do it, but I succeeded in carefully and quietly removing the vent, which I crawled out of and then replaced as quietly as before. I had emerged behind a large computer system, which I peeked over to get a good look at Graleex before I showed myself. Graleex stood in the center of the room, looking around for me, but he didn't seem to have heard me yet. I would have been content to just sit back and hide here, but Valerie's plan required that I distract Graleex. Bracing myself, I stood up and shouted, “Hey, ugly! I'm over here!” Graleex whirled around and fired blue glue at me. I ducked, causing the stuff to splatter over the wall behind me, and said, “Bad shot, ugly! I've seen blind mice with better aim than you!” Graleex just growled. He ran toward me, while I dashed toward the entrance. I wasn't really intending to flee the room, but I wanted to get him away from Mom, who was still stuck in the cage that had fallen on her. Unfortunately, Graleex was much faster than I thought, because he reached the entrance before me and blocked it with his bulk. I skidded to a halt as Graleex fired more blue glue at me. Instinctively, I jumped to the side to avoid it and then I lashed out with a punch at Graleex's face. But right before my fist connected, I remembered that I had lost my powers and didn't have super strength anymore. It was too late for me to stop, however, so my fist flew at the alien at full speed. Graleex caught my fist with his three-fingered hand and crushed it under his grip. I cried out in pain, but Graleex didn't seem to care. He just twisted my arm and forced me down to the ground, where I hit the floor with my head again. Then Graleex pointed his organic cannon at my head and fired, but I rolled out of the way at the last second. The blue glue splattered inches away from my head, some of it getting onto my face, but I jumped back to my feet and started walking backwards away from Graleex, who began advancing on me with the ugliest scowl I had ever seen on another being's face. “Uh, Val?” I said under my breath, glancing over my shoulder every now and then to make sure I didn't trip. “Is the trap ready yet?” “Almost,” said Valerie. “Just lure Graleex to the center of the room. That's where the trap will be sprung.” “Okay,” I replied and then I looked up at Graleex again and said, “Hey, ugly, bet you can't catch me!” I turned and ran toward the center of the control room and heard Graleex take after me. Because Graleex was faster, I knew that he would be on me soon, which was why I hoped that Valerie really did have the trap set and that she knew what she was doing. Upon reaching the center of the room, I whirled around to face Graleex again. He was still coming at me, so I said to Valerie, “Val? Is the trap ready yet?” “Almost,” said Valerie again. “Should be any second now.” Before I could tell her that she should do it now, Graleex finally caught up with me. He grabbed my neck and lifted me off my feet, his iron grip choking me. “Enough games, human,” said Graleex, though his voice became distorted, like he was lapsing back into the Pokacu language. “I will pop your head off your shoulders like a Chechen. I mean a chicken. God, I hate your human language. It's so confusing.” I wanted to ask Valerie if the trap was ready yet, but with Graleex's tight grip on my throat, I was unable to speak. I just struggled to free myself, but Graleex's grip was impossible to break. “Okay, Bolt, the trap is ready!” came Valerie's voice in my ear. “Get away from Graleex if you don't want to be caught in it, too!” I couldn't respond, so instead I lashed out and kicked Graleex in the face. It wasn't a strong blow, but it caused Graleex to cry out in pain and loosen his grip on my throat, which I broke with my hands. As I fell to the floor, I saw a cannon, of all things, lower from the ceiling and aim at Graleex. It was behind him, so he couldn't see it, but I had to keep him distracted so he wouldn't notice it. “Stupid human,” said Graleex, rubbing his face as he glared down at me. “Why do you persist in running away? You know you can't beat me. Why don't you just die a dignified death, rather than dying like a scared child?” I smirked. “Because I'm not going to die today.” I rolled to the side just as the cannon made a strange whirring sound. Graleex whirled around to face the cannon, but he was too late to dodge it when it fired blue glue at him. The blue glue slammed into Graleex, sending him flying to the wall on the other side of the room. He slammed hard into the wall, but did not fall off, because the blue glue stuck him to the wall and was already solidifying rapidly. He tried to get it off, but in seconds the blue glue had become as solid as rock, leaving only his head free. Standing up, I put a finger on my earcom and said, “Val, was that the trap?” “Yes,” said Valerie. “I discovered a cannon full of blue glue stored in the ceiling and managed to gain access to it. I don't know for sure why it was there, but I thought we could use it to hold Graleex down.” “You mean that stuff works on him?” I said, looking at Graleex, who was struggling futilely to break the blue glue that held him against the wall. “The Pokacu aren't immune to it or anything?” “Apparently not,” said Valerie. Feeling triumphant, I walked up to Graleex, who glared at me as soon as he noticed me approach. I stopped several feet from him, however, just in case he had some other trick up his sleeve that he could use to get me even while he was stuck with the blue glue. “I don't know how you managed to use my own weapon against me, human, but I do know that I will kill you as soon as I free myself,” said Graleex. “Which should take ten years,” I said. “Or maybe another fifteen, but you'll be okay with that, won't you? I mean, you spent the last fifteen years imprisoned in your own ship. Don't see why you can't spend the next fifteen years doing the same.” Graleex just snarled at my face, but that was pretty much all he could do to show his displeasure toward me. I simply shook my head, turned around, and walked over to the cage where Mom was. Mom—who appeared to have been watching the fight with worry—walked up to the bars of the cage as I approached. “Kevin, are you okay? Did Graleex hurt you?” “I'm fine,” I said, though I winced when I felt my crushed hand. “And don't worry about Graleex. He can't break out of that stuff until I let him, since I have the red liquid that dissolves it and he doesn’t.” “Oh, good,” said Mom with a sigh. “But how will you free me? The cage is locked.” As soon as Mom said that, I heard a click and the door to her cage swung open all on its own. That surprised me until I heard Valerie say, “I managed to access the cage's lock and unlock it from the ship's systems.” “Wow, Val,” I said as Mom stepped out of the ship, “you're really getting the hang of this ship.” “I can only control some basic things,” said Valerie, but I could tell she was pleased by my praise anyway, or as pleased as an emotionless AI could be, at least. “All right,” I said. I looked at the controls again. “Graleex may not be a threat anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that we still need to figure out how to open the hold so we can escape.” “You will never escape this ship alive,” Graleex said, causing me and Mom to look at him. “Like me, you will be stuck down here forever. And because you humans are such weak, frail things, you will die off before I even get hungry, which will allow me to escape this damn world and return to the Mother World at long last.” “Who asked for your opinion?” I said in annoyance. I walked over to the controls again and looked down at them. “So this is still Greek to me, but that's fine, we've got time to—” A sudden boom outside of the ship made me and Mom jump, while Graleex just looked around in alarm. It sounded like something huge and heavy had crashed into the ship, but I couldn't tell what it was from sound alone. “What was that?” said Mom, fearfully grabbing the bars of the cage like she thought it would protect her. “No idea,” I said. “Val?” “I don't have access to the ship's cameras, so I don't know what it is,” said Valerie. “Maybe it was a whale or something.” “You fools, look at the monitors of the sea,” said Graleex, nodding at one of the monitors that displayed the dark ocean outside. “That will show you what it is out there.” Although I was skeptical about taking advice from Graleex, I nonetheless looked up at the few monitors that showed the outside of the ship. At first, I didn't see much except for darkness and water, but then I saw something swim by the camera too fast to make out. “I saw something,” said Mom, who now looked more scared than ever. “Something is out there, but I couldn't make out what it was. Some kind of fish?” “Turn on the exterior lights,” said Graleex, who I guessed was helping us because he thought his own life was threatened by this mysterious attacker. “That should show us what is out there. Press the smallest yellow button.” I found the button Graleex spoke of and pressed it. Immediately, bright white lights shone outside, illuminating the area displayed by the cameras. The lights showed seaweed, some fish, and some rocks, but the thing that had attacked the ship was still unseen until it floated into view. Mom gasped when she saw it, while I felt my heart fall straight into my stomach. Floating in the water there, his long blonde hair splayed out around his head like a starfish, was Robert Candle. And he was glaring directly at the camera, like he was looking at us through it.
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