Chapter 73 Leyla Gets Beaten, Colton Is Furious!

1865 Words

Professor Jonatan really came to see Colton! This is so astonishing. In the eyes of the Andrew, Colton is a complete failure! Why does he deserve such respect from Professor Jonatan? Wait a minute! Last time I saw him with Professor Jonatan in the hospital rest area, could it be that Professor Jonatan came to see him specifically at that time? In an instant, Andrew panicked. At the same time, he felt a great anger in his heart. This is impossible! It must be a mistake! Looking at Leyla, her eyes widened, she looked at Colton in disbelief, her mouth slightly open, her lips trembling as she asked, "Colton...Colton, Professor Jonatan really came because of you?" Why is this happening? In the past, Leyla would never believe what she was seeing right now, and would even think that P

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