Chapter 93, Generously Sending Millions!

1778 Words

When Colton heard Leyla's voice, his face became extremely gloomy, and he stared at Judith. Judith, on the other hand, looked at Colton with a smile that wasn't quite a smile and said, "Hello Leyla, I am Judith Taylor." There was a quick silence on the other end of the phone. "What do you want with me?" Leyla, also a temperamental woman, sounded cold and clearly angry. Judith didn't rush to answer, but looked at Colton and softly said, "If Leyla knew your identity, how do you think she would react? Have you thought about that?" Colton clenched his fist, his eyes cold, and his low voice sounded like a wild beast's growl, "Judith, you are playing with fire!" Colton was nervous and angry. He didn't like being threatened! "Colton, don't you know me yet? The more provocative the game, t

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