Chapter 04:

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Chapter 04: “Hard for your flock to gather if you lock them out, is it not?” Geo asked. Thaddeus let the scribe speak. He was busy taking in the surroundings. Most of the open space had been taken over by graves of every conceivable shape and size. The chapel yard lacked basic maintenance. Most of the monuments tilted at odd angles, weeds, and brush grew where they shouldn’t. The yard needed tending, badly. For such an out of the way cemetery, with no village nearby, the place was overfilled with the dead. By the looks of the markers, this place had been in use for many decades. A small chapel stood proud on the rise in the center of the cloister. As holy ground, there should be no evil here, this place seemed tranquil in the dark forest. Even if the outward ramshackle appearances might

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