Chapter 18- Baby Shower

566 Words
Narrators POV As the decorating gets under way, both Mary and Ava begin prepping for everything else. Watching from a distance is a cloaked figure, hiding their face with a mask. No one notices this figure, glaring at them with pure hatred. All this figure can do is wait and see where this leads. Both of the older she-wolves begin to bicker about where the party plates and the food should go. "I think the food should be at the center of the table, not the end"! Mary demands, as the poor Omegas don't know who to listen to. "No, they should be half way so that there's room for the cake"! Ava growls back. Both of these women have known each other for a long time and know that neither of them can win. Chase's POV **My mother and the former Luna are at it again**. I say, getting annoyed at this point. "Shouldn't Nyx be deciding where to put the food, decorations and choose the cake"? I asked them but yet again, poor little old Chase, gets ignored. *Good thing our mate isn't here to see this*, Anakin, my wolf says, bursting into laughter watching both of these two grown women have an argument through my eyes. "What's going on"? A familiar voice caught my attention. I turned around and there was Ruby. *What's she doing back*? My wolf asked angrily, knowing how much pain and suffering she caused our little sisters. "Look, Chase, I don't want to argue. I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything". She soon responds, catching me off guard. "You should apologize to Nyx and Clara". I demanded. "I have and they both forgive me". Clara can't speak without stuttering, so how would she be able to say "It's okay"? "It's true". My sister's voice comes through, which scares me to the point I've almost s**t myself. "Nyx, when did you learn to use telepathy"? I asked her through the mind link. "Mary and Rory taught me". That explains it, but my Goddess did she give me a fright. I sighed and looked up at Ruby, who seemed to understand what had just happened. "Alright, but if you hurt any of my sisters, you will be sorry". I threatened my ex who I had once loved. When I turned back around I noticed Nyx had now stepped in to help our mother and her mother-in-law. *Wow, I can't believe our sister is a Luna". Anakin purred, feeling proud of his younger sister finally being someone she was meant to be. Nyx's POV After the whole ordeal with the older she-wolves that I had asked to do a simple baby shower, I finally got them to agree to put the cake on a round table. My mum asked a cake baker to add in the blue or the pink sponge, layered with blue and pink icing. I had to give it to my mum's best friend. She was good. *Maybe we should take a little nibble*? My wolf tried to bribe me. **No, it's for the gender reveal**. I scolded her. *But pup is hungry*, Laika whined. **We just had food two minutes ago, Laika**! I exclaimed. Laika has been using that trick card a lot and, not going to lie, so have I. I hugged them both and we all decided to wait for everyone else to join us.

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