Chapter Three

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Chapter Three The Servant Problem Nicole reflected back on that first meeting many times. It was a scene to be replayed again and again in the ancient library of the grand chateau, where she would come to take her place before her benefactor’s massive desk and there she would strip at the silent nod of that fine, gray-haired head, slowly and deliberately taking off each piece of clothing while he directed her actions with a few sparse words. He was an exacting master, but unfailingly kind and always courteous, more like a courtly uncle than a lover, she thought. Yet she sensed the iron will behind the soft courtesy, and Nicole tried hard to please, for she feared to see his wrath. For her second visit she was told to wear a skirt and blouse. Once again she was ordered to undress, this time removing her pale blue ruffled blouse and the navy blue brassiere she had selected, slick blue satin edged with lace. She secretly hoped he would like the choice. Things were as they were before, except the tea service was not in the usual place on the sideboard. It was only when the bare breasted girl was seated that the butler came in carrying the tea service before him. Taken aback by this sudden intrusion, the confused girl snatched up her blouse to cover herself. But Breedlowe shook his head in silent admonition, and gestured for her to drop the shielding cloth. “Come, My Dear, you must permit a bit of display,” he urged, speaking sweetly as though he were reasoning with a small child. “Gilles here has seen many a young lady in various states of dishabille. He is not one to be easily shocked, I can assure you. Here, let us ask him, shall we?” he proposed, turning to his waiting butler. “Gilles, I trust you would not find the sight of Mademoiselle deB.’s considerable charms to be shocking?” “Certainly not, M’lord,” the butler answered tight-lipped, retaining his unflappable expression features, nose lifted in regal disregard. So, slowly, reluctantly, Nicole did as she was told, lowered her protective covering till she held the crumpled blouse in her lap. As predicted, the faithful servant proved quite indifferent to the sight of her exposed breasts, moving about serenely impassive, pouring and the serving tea, paying no more attention to the half-naked girl than if she were any other properly dressed dinner guest. After a few moments, Nicole had come to ignore his silent presence. But if the sudden appearance of the butler had left her unsettled, the encounter which followed was quite a bit more alarming for the anxious young girl. For when the door opened again, it was to admit a sturdily built, big-breasted woman. Nicole looked up in surprise, and instinctively reacted to cover herself, although Breedlowe caught her eye, and she obediently froze, the blouse clutched in her hands on her lap. Breedlowe kept his eyes on Nicole, ignoring the stocky female who strode over to take her place next to his side. The matronly woman was in her mid-fifties, with salt and pepper hair pulled back from her severe features and swept up in a tight bun. A knitted wool sweater strained over her bulging figure, and she wore the sleeves pushed back halfway up her sturdy forearms; a dark skirt fell over the generous curves of a pair of wide robust hips. Her substantial legs were encased in black stockings; her shoes, thick and serviceable. This stalwart was introduced to Nicole as His Lordship’s faithful housekeeper, Mrs. Schroeder. Breedlowe, watching Nicole’s face to gauge her reactions, dryly informed her that his indispensible housekeeper was well-experienced in dealing with spirited girls. In fact, he said, she had once been in service at an exclusive girl’s school, and she was something of an expert in the proper handling of young ladies, one who knew just how to take them in hand, as it were. Nicole looked to the hard chunky features and small, deep-set eyes that seemed to regard her with ruthless disdain; a cold shudder ran through her naked shoulders. Suddenly, she was intensely aware of her nakedness, her vulnerability before this imposing woman who now stood with arms akimbo, looking down on her with that a look that bordered on contempt. Instinctively, the girl glanced to Breedlowe for protection. But he was sitting back in his chair with hands across his chest, fingers steepled, a quietly amused smile playing over his lips as he watched his pretty guest’s growing unease. Patiently, in his usual serene manner, he reminded Nicole of their arrangement, of the obligation she had willingly incurred to submit to the occasional spanking. It was now time to have her lovely bottom attended to, he informed her; Mrs. Schroeder would see to it. He now ordered Nicole to stand and step up to the desk. Coming around behind the half-naked woman, he had her lean down over the desk, bracing herself on extended hands, while Mrs. Schroeder watched with impassive eyes. “For the time being you will be placed in Mrs. Schroeder’s capable hands. You are to obey her in all things,” he added, stepping back to appraise the slender leaning girl who stood with nyloned legs rigidly set, heels slightly spread, shiny black pumps planted several inches apart in the thick carpet, her narrow midnight blue skirt stretched tight around that smoothly curved tempting bottom. *** The bent-over girl felt the hem of her skirt being lifted, eased up in back, exposing the full length of her attractive limbs, the tops of her midnight blue nylons, her columnar thighs, and finally her shiny blue panties, before her skirt was hiked up over her back to be left bunched up about her waist. Her underpants were stretched tight over the rounded curves of her tautly-drawn buttocks. Breedlowe took in the exciting picture she presented: the extended lengths of her nyloned legs, the splendid architecture of the young girl’s mouth-watering, evocative thighs, and that pert pantied behind with those shapely buttocks snugly encased in a pair of thin silky-smooth panties. His eyes followed up the sweeping curve of her bare back, the arched spine dimly visible, as were faint traces of angular shoulder blades. The un-holstered t**s that hung under her had swung forward, thrusting out with up-tilted n*****s that were softly pink and jutting out in bold defiance. His eyes continued up her tilted neck to arrive at the silky black hair that fell in a fine curtain spilling down over her bowed head. “Perhaps you’d care to do the honors, M’Lord,” Nicole hears the syncophantic matron ask her employer. “Thank you, Mrs. Schroeder. I believe I would.” Nicole felt a light pat on the seat of her panties, and then the hand lingered there to slide the slippery fabric all over her cringing cheeks. Nicole waited, tense and expectant. SMACK! The sudden slap on her pantied behind caused the girl to gasp and jerk forward in surprised reaction. SMACK! SMACK! Twice in rapid succession she was spanked by the English Lord who swung his cupped hand lightly, and smiled to find the fleshy mounds beneath the thin panties were both firm and bouncy, wobbling liquidly in the aftermath of each precise slap. “Such pretty panties, don’t you think, Mrs. Shroeder?” Nicole hears his lordship ask archly. “But surely they offer too much protection. I’m sure you would agree that a spanking must be administered on the bare bottom if it’s to be done properly.” Nicole held herself rigid and her body stiffened even more when she felt Breedlowe’s cool dry fingers delve into her deep blue panties at either hip and proceed to peel her underpants down, easing them over the outthrust curves to expose her choice young bottom to the cool air of the room. Her slick panties were drawn further down her thighs to be left suspended in place just above her knees. For a long moment no one spoke; the hands left her, the girl stood alone. He liked to see his girls bent over in this provocative pose, panties lowered, bare ass on display, and waiting. Nicole felt the rising heat, intensely aware of her position. She was secretly thrilled to be showing herself like this. “Come now, Miss. Show us that pretty little bum of yours!” The woman’s voice purred with menace. “Spread those legs; arch that back!” The commands were sharp, spat out in a voice meant to be obeyed. Nicole did as she was told, widening her stance, lowering her body, sticking out her rearend in lewd presentation. But apparently this was not enough to satisfy the exacting woman. A steadying hand was placed on the back of her neck and she was pushed down, hard, forced to bend over in an even more obscene posture. “Down...on your elbows!” Nicole fell forward, and has to throw out her forearms to brace herself, tautly curved breasts pressed against the smooth polished wood of the desktop. The new position has her head lowered to within inches of the desk, while deepening the bow of her back and raising her hips, thus offering up her naked buttocks in the most obscene manner. Breedlowe smiled at the presentation of Nicole whose tight-cheeked young bottom was so elegantly shaped with that essential roundness, plumpness and firmness, the English connoisseur so especially admired. Drawn irresistibly to the absolute perfection that is the young girl’s seductively curved behind, his hands reached out for her. Nicole warmed to the pleasuring touch, the comforting feel of hands that fondle her protruding behind so with such loving affection. He took her pert cheeks in his cupped palms. The curved fingers dug with into the fleshy sides, while the opposing thumbs press into the girl’s butt crack and he opened her up, holding the rubbery mounds apart, exposing her pale pink anus. Nicole shut her eyes and took a deep breath, fighting to hold herself still while manipulating hands held her so openly exposed. They are his hands, of that she was sure: cool, soft yet strong; masculine hands that pry her open, and hold her straining cheeks apart. Something touched her anus, electrifying the girl, sending her shoulders jerking upwards in shocked recoil; she sucked in a long shivering hiss of breath. “Noooo,” she breathed, receiving a smart slap on the ass in warning. One of the woman’s strong arms encircled her waist to steady her. She was spanked her again. “Quiet! You must never, never say ‘No’ to me! A spirited young girl like you must learn to accept, even to suffer the occasional indignity, if I want it to be so.” The probing fingertip that touched her there was cold; greased with some sort of lubricant. It worked its way around its spasoming target and then inched forward pressing on the tightened anus. She realized she was being prepared for entry, and she curled her lips to bite down with her small white teeth, grimly determined not to utter a sound. She took a deep breath and forced herself to relax and with the sudden easing the insistent finger gained entrance and began working its way up her clenching anus, securing an inch or so while the skewered girl twisted her shoulders and arched back with clenched eyes against the stuffed feeling of the persistent intruder inching its way up her behind. She couldn’t stifle the tiny whimper that escaped her tightly-pressed lips. For a moment the finger jiggled in her rectum while Nicole expelled a low shivering moan. Whose finger? she wondered as she shivered and sucked in a quick gasp of air. Was the ruthless woman gaining some perverted pleasure by rudely shoving a finger up her rearend? Abruptly, the sliding finger retreated, withdrawing to the very entrance where it was instinctively expelled by the small ring of contracting muscle. The straining rearcheeks were allowed to snap back into place. Immediately she felt a hand, his hand, return fitting itself to the curvature of her bottom, moving down along her buttocks. Suddenly two fingers were thrust into her gaping s*x, while at the same time a thumb was pressed into her rearend. It happened in one quick and electrifying motion. The swiftness of the double penetration took her breath away bringing forth a tight-lipped grunt. As he held her in his cupped hand, skewered on his fingers, the English Lord began to talk to her in a low half-whisper. “You are beautiful, my Pet, and you are mine...all of you, your ass, your cunt, your mouth, your lovely breasts. The moment you step into this house, these things no longer belong to you. I will use them as I see fit. I will pleasure myself with that enchanting body of yours whenever, and however I like, and you will submit. And sometimes, my pet, just sometimes, you will also be punished. This too, you must learn to accept like all other things that happen to you here, because it gives me pleasure. Do you understand, me?” The girl closed her eyes and nodded. “Say it, Nicole. I want to hear you say it. Say ‘I am yours’. Say it!” She took a deep breath. “I am yours,” she managed to utter through clenched jaws, as she arched up, twisting in his hand. The fingers impaling withdrew. Relieved, Nichole stood with head hung low, her ragged breathing slowly evening out. Breedlowe walked around behind the desk. He reached for her, dug his fingers into the mass of silken hair and yanked her head back forcing her to look into his eyes. “Look at me! Whatever happens, you are to look at me. You are not to take your eyes off mine!” Nichole found herself confronted by the steel she saw in those cold blue eyes, eyes that never wavered, eyes that held her destiny. Bent over and staring into those mesmerizing eyes, she sensed rather than saw a movement behind her as Mrs. Schroeder took up a new position. The thought crossed her mind of how she must look to the older woman: naked bottom jutting out from under the skirt that lay draped across her arched back, lowered panties still stretching across the thighs she held opened in the provocative pose in which she had been placed. Breedlowe opened the middle drawer of his desk to extract a thin wooden ruler. He held it in his hands testing the pliability. He held it up for Nichole to see; abruptly slapped his palm with it before the startled French girl’s wide eyes. “Yes, my Pet, there are times when I will want to see you punished. No time like the present, eh? “Mrs. Schroeder, five of your best please.” He handed the instrument over to his trusty assistant. She could imagine the sturdy woman stood right behind her now, eyeing up her target. Now Breedlowe reached across the desk to take Nichole’s wrists in his, clamping them tight. He held her by the wrists, staring into her eyes; the two of them locked together in their own little universe… waiting. Nicole tensed up at the menacing swish of the whippy rod slicing the air. THWACK! The ruler struck squarely across the vulnerable cheeks of the girl’s rigidly-held body; a single stinging slap that caused her to jerk upright, eyes shooting wide open. A tiny “yelp” came from her tightly-pressed lips. Breedlowe tightened his grip on her extended wrists, but otherwise didn’t flinch. He just stared into those big brown eyes as they registered the first surprised shock. Behind the girl, a pleased smirk curled the lips of the capable assistant as she pushed back a sleeve from a muscular arm and raised the thin lathe for a second vicious cut. THWACK! The ruler cut swiftly through the air to bite into the bouncy resiliency of Nicole’s taut-cheeked young bottom, landing with a resounding smack. “Yeee...ouch!” A high-pitched yelp escaped her lips; Nichole shot bolt upright at the sudden impact of the whack that vibrated through her rigid body. ‘Eeeeee,” she keened through clenched teeth as she wriggled her hurting behind as though to shake off the deeply-implanted sting. His hands tightened on hers. She had reflexively closed her eyes against the pain. “Open your eyes, pet. “Close them again, and you will be given five more!” Once more she tried to focus on the hard blue eyes before her, though tears are welling up in her own, blurring her vision. THWACK!....THWACK! Two shots rang out in rapid succession, and Nicole shrieked in shrill echo. She struggled, writhing up even as he held her hands firmly down on the desktop; she couldn’t help shaking her tail furiously. “Settle down, Pet. Courage, Mon cheri! Just one more now, and it will all be over,” he speaks to her soothingly, calming her, making it all seem right somehow. “Mrs. Shroeder wait for you. Tell me when you’re ready.” He saw the anguish and hurt in those big brown eyes; watched her take a deep breath, press her lips together firmly, and nod. Breedlowe looked up at the towering woman who stood poised and ready to strike; he nodded. THWACK!” The rod struck straight across the cringing cheeks, biting into the pillowy softness to rebound off the firm elasticity of that tautly-stretched bottom. “Yeeeehow,” The shriek was louder, longer. The girl’s shoulders shot up, and she immediately slumped forward, her face close to his, her eyes wide and uncomprehending, her mouth open in labored breathing. Her bottom bore the unmistakable imprint of the ruler. The vicious sting had left behind a throbbing strip of pain crossing her clenching rearcheeks. She couldn’t help writhing in fiery agitation, shifting from one foot to another, all the while trying to keep her eyes on the man whose pale blue eyes searched her own, looking for something in the depths of her soul. *** That first day Nicole was to spend a full hour standing in the corner of the room adding to the chastised girl’s humiliation. The housekeeper had taken away her skirt but left the half-masted panties in place, hobbling her movements as she was led by one arm, waddling, to the far corner of the room. There she was to stand with nose pressed to the wall like a freshly-punished schoolgirl. The housekeeper adjusted Nicole’s pose, forcing her to stand with back straight, taking the girl’s hands and placing them on top of her head. And so, while His Lordship busied himself at his desk, he might occasionally look up to be greeted by the pleasing sight of the slim young woman, hands on her head, stockinged legs pressed together, standing straight and tall in her high heels, panties lowered, thoroughly chastised buttocks left on open display: a pert bottom crisscrossed with stripes of throbbing pink, laid on at His Lordship’s command. After standing on display for some time, he deemed her punishment over, and Nicole was allowed to pull up her underwear, and still a bit unsteadily, allowed to resume her seat. She sat down very gingerly. Then Breedlowe smiled at her like a proud parent; kissed her briefly; rang for brandy. Nicole was to be soothed after her ordeal, comforted by his kindness, his solicitous manner, and the warmth of the fine honeyed liquor that flows through her, quickly restoring her spirits. To her surprise, the position she had been placed in, the s****l humiliation, and the spanking that followed, has left the young woman feeling warm. A shudder of horniness rippled through her body leaving her slightly a-tingle.
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