The Hitman Cometh-3

2011 Words

Ride of The ValkyriesOne Direction Queen’s ‘Somebody to Love’I waited for a moment until Natalia, the Polish nurse came out of the bathroom, smelling of strong perfume. Her blonde hair was wrapped in a towel, and she wore no make-up, but she hardly needed it. Natalia was a natural beauty and I always blushed when I encountered her. Today was no exception. She glanced at me and straightened her crumpled nurse’s uniform. Good morning,’ I said, perhaps over cheerily for such an early hour. ‘Have you got an early start at work?’ ‘Yes, it is the six until four shift today,’ she said, shrugging and smiling. I nodded and grunted. ‘That which does not destroy us makes us stronger, and all that,’ I said. Natalia laughed. ‘In Poland we say that life is brutal and full of ambushes,’ she said.

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