The Hitman Cometh-1

2023 Words

Although I didn’t particularly possess a great deal of knowledge regarding the sordid shenanigans of most of my antecedents, Old Jack Bennett my paternal grandfather, was definitely a bit of a character, to say the least, and he certainly made one hell of an impression on me as a child. Indeed, during the eighty-nine years that he circumvented this planet, Jack appeared to have enjoyed a somewhat vivid and gaudy life, and adventurous anecdotes and exciting escapades flowed easily and readily from his silver tongue, a smirk often lurking in the shadows of each tawdry tale. He was also a constant font of homilies, most of which were as much use as a c****m in a convent, truth be told but there were one or two pearls of wisdom amongst the swine, to be sure, including his oft-repeated dictum

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