
292 Words

I’ve been lucky enough to have had a number of my yarns published online, in anthologies, in magazines, and I’ve even had a few collections of my own published. With this book, I just wanted to give people an overview of my stuff. A bit like those punk samplers the music press used to put out in the 1970s, or a greatest hits collection. So have a gander if you’re that way inclined. There is a scattershot of short stories and flash fiction for your delectation. Slightly different versions of some of these yarns have been included elsewhere. Solitary Man, for instance, is part of DEAD-END JOBS: A HITMAN ANTHOLOGY, which was edited by Andy Rausch. Baby’s Got a g*n is included in the anthology A TIME FOR VIOLENCE, which was also edited by Andy Rausch-along with Chris Roy. Unknown Pleasure wa

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