
1487 Words
Ever since their talk, something had changed between El and Appie. They were friendly before, without actually being friends. At least not like Nina and Sophie were Appie’s friends, and Emma was El’s. But now, they were growing closer. At least, that’s how it seemed to others, from the outside. El started going to the library after classes, tailing after Appie and Bee. El even offered to drop Appie home, on her scooter. Sometimes Appie refused. And sometimes, Appie agreed. It looked like El was vying for Appie’s affection. And Appie was vying for Bee’s affection. And Bee didn’t really have an opinion. It was interesting to see. And that was putting it nicely. And given the natural curiosity of everyone, the triangle became the new thing. The three in question, couldn’t be bothered to care. They showed nothing, so it was pretty much impossible to guess whether or not they were aware of their new popularity. Bee and Appie were studying. Really studying. Bee wasn’t a surprise. In less than a semester, Bee had become a different person and everyone, El included, had come to accept that. Seeing him studying wasn’t surprising anymore. Appie was a whole other story. She could be caught studying before a test, before the midterms and the semester finals. She would be studying for the test. But, not like this. Not like now. Yes, she was still studying for the tests and the exams. But she wasn’t packing in all she could, intending to keep it all inside for a few hours, until the end of the exam, and then let it all escape. She was studying now to understand, to gain actual knowledge. She was actually studying. And the most surprising thing, at least for El, was that Bee was teaching and Appie was learning. The two of them were studying with all seriousness, like true study partners. It was a truly terrible sight. - “I want you to help me prepare,” El said. It was a few days after Bee joined the coaching classes for the entrance test. His class was full. It was in the morning. And it was some distance from her uncle’s apartment, which was where El was staying. She couldn’t join his class. But it didn’t matter too much. He was learning anyway. He could just teach her what he learned in the morning after classes. It would be like spending time together in the evenings. Bee agreed. El was delighted. The plan was made. But it was a plan that never came to fruition. They never did study together. Bee never taught her. Something always came up. A movie. Going out to eat. Going on a drive. Or just hanging out at his home. While his parents were at work, they had the home all to themselves. And when they were home, they were always making out. Having fun. Never studying. Until the day of the exam, his first and hers four days later, he didn’t tutor her once. And she did blame him, even if only a little, for her terrible result. He did so well. She would have done so much better if he spent some time teaching her, helping her. She didn’t realise it, but that became a thorn in her heart. - In this life, she didn’t expect to see Bee teach Appie. Was it because he liked Appie so much more in this life than he liked her in the previous lifetime? How was Appie better than her? El hated these thoughts. And she fought them out as soon as they sprung up in her head. But they kept coming back. They kept recurring. It was like an endless battle. “Would you mind teaching me too?” She asked a couple of weeks later. Appie and Bee stared at El. And then, the two girls stared at Bee. He shrugged. That was a yes. “Sure,” Appie said, shrugging just like Bee. “Join us.” The invitation was accepted immediately. Appie sat in the middle. Bee was on her left. El on her right. And because Bee was the one teaching, he had to lean over, so El could see his notes. He didn’t complain. And El wasn’t allowed an opinion. Appie was perfectly happy. They quickly settled into a rhythm. Bee spoke softly. And so, they weren’t a disturbance to anyone. And the librarian, Mr Ramone, liked Bee enough to let him be. They took up the table in the far corner as theirs. And they would be there every afternoon, after classes. Studying. Every time El offered to drop Appie home, it was Bee who convinced Appie. “Just go,” he would say. “It’s so much easier than taking the bus.” Appie agreed a few times. But then she refused. “I like the bus,” Appie said. “Don’t you know why?” She looked at both Bee and El. “Why?” Bee asked. “Why don’t you ask her to drop you then?” Appie challenged. “Because she wouldn’t be comfortable,” Bee said. “Why?” Appie asked. And before El could speak, in an attempt to change the conversation, Bee had already answered. “Because she knows I like her,” he said. Paused. Corrected himself. “Knew that I liked her. She realised it before I could tell her. And she rejected me. So, getting too close would be uncomfortable.” “For her,” Appie said. “Yeah, for her,” Bee said. They looked at El, who shrugged. It was the only reply she could give. “Why the bus?” El asked, turning the conversation back to Appie. She had been embarrassed. Why shouldn’t Appie enjoy the same feeling? “Because I like you,” Appie said, staring at Bee. “She knows. I told her. Now, I’m telling you. Bee, I like you. I want to spend more time with you. So, taking the bus with you is a lot more enjoyable and so much more comfortable, than sitting on the back of her scooter could ever be. So, we can let this rest now. Can we?” El was stunned. Appie just said it out, so easily. And Bee just accepted it all, so easily. What was happening? “Alright,” Bee said. “We let it rest. We’ll take the bus.” “And I like you,” Appie repeated. “Yeah, you like me,” Bee said. They smiled at each other. As soon as they left the library, and stepped out into the open, Appie grabbed his hand. He let her be. They walked hand in hand to the bus stop. And El stood, frozen, watching their backs, staring at their hands, as they left. El couldn’t remember ever holding his hand so freely, so openly in college, in the previous lifetime. They had both been young. It was their first relationship. They were embarrassed. But what about now? Bee and Appie were so comfortable. They weren’t the slightest bit embarrassed. They spoke so easily about liking each other. They held hands like it was the most normal thing. So what if it was the evening and there weren’t that many on the grounds? That didn’t make that much of a difference. At least El didn’t think so. The next morning, Appie and Bee walked into class together. It was as if they had come together. They were holding hands. Even as mouths fell open in the classroom and all eyeballs focussed on them, even while they blushed and smiled embarrassedly, they didn’t let go. They walked to the back, with their hands held. They sat next to each other. And when Abe voiced the questions on everyone’s minds, Appie answered honestly. She answered for the both of them. “What is this?” Abe asked. “What you see,” Appie said. “It’s exactly that.” “Is that why you didn’t come with them?” Abe asked, pointing at Nina and Sophie with his chin. “Yeah,” Appie said. “Bee and I came together. I took a different bus from home. Bee and I caught up in the middle. And then, we came together.” “So,” Abe asked, “you guys are like together?” “Yes,” Appie said, beaming. “Isn’t that wonderful?” Abe nodded dumbly. His face was a sight to remember. The others weren’t much different. Appie enjoyed the attention and the reactions. Bee shook his head. Pulled out a book and began reading. El was standing at the door, having arrived just as Abe started with the questions. She couldn’t bring herself to continue into the classroom. She hated how she was feeling. She hated the classroom at this moment. She had to get away. She turned around and walked out.
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