Chapter 1 Do You Believe There's Super Power in This World

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Mu Yunfei checked the test paper in his hands again. When he made sure everything was correct, he stood up and walked up to the platform. This was the entrance examination of M University, and it had only been half an hour since the exam had started. "Finished?" Asked the invigilator in disbelief. "Yes." At this moment, the students below raised their heads one after another, wanting to see who this arrogant person was on earth. However, what greeted them was a smooth and fair yet angular and stern face, and his features were so delicate that even women would envy him. M University was the top international university in S City! There was no "one of the"! It was also the top university many geniuses scrambling to get into. However, in Mu Yunfei's opinion, the entrance examination of such a university was nothing but a piece of cake, and this was what happened after he had checked his test paper twice. He pushed open the door. The bright sunshine went through the glass ceiling of the teaching building and poured down on his Gabbi reflective knitted suit, which appeared extraordinarily dazzling. Mu Yunfei put on the earphones slowly, and walked towards another classroom not so far away. Although he was keeping a low profile, girls kept peeking at this teenager from time to time. It was not only because of his clothing, but more of his handsome face. However, it seemed that Mu Yunfei was used to all this. He walked into the next examination room, poker-faced. At this point, the examination room was still empty. After all, it had only been half an hour since the last exam had begun. In the classroom, an LCD screen was standing quietly in front of the platform. Rows of desks and chairs were set, and a tablet PC was prepared in advance on each desk. Seemingly, there would be a contest here. Mu Yunfei had watched such contests on TV before. He was somewhat interested in them, and had also thought of participating in such programs, but lost his interest at the sight of the reward. One hundred thousand? It was too little... The Mu family was the well-known and established family in S City. It could even be said that if the Mu family called themselves the second, no one dared to call himself the first. While Mu Yunfei was exactly the young master of the Mu family, and the only one. Time passed slowly when one was waiting, and Mu Yunfei hated waiting. He raised his arm to look at the watch. There was still half an hour left. Therefore, he decided to go to the toilet first before coming back to be ready for the exam. Just when he got up, someone strode into the classroom. It was a middle-aged woman with dark short hair rich in layers. Her grim face embodied the solemnity of a professional woman, and there was an invigilator card hanging in front of her chest. She walked very fast with her back straightened. Her whole look gave full expression to coolness and sophistication. This was not someone he could be trifled with. This was the only thought Mu Yunfei had in mind right now. He got up slowly and was about to walk towards the door. "Where are you from?" The moment Mu Yunfei rose to his feet, that middle-aged woman noticed him and asked seriously. In her point of view, apparently, this handsome boy was more likely a rich kid from some wealthy family, but not someone who could get into M University by passing the exam. Therefore, there was a glint of disdain in her eyes. After all, knowledge was appreciated in such a top university, but not wealth or family power. "I'm the student who is going to take this exam in a while," Mu Yunfei said respectfully. He was the descendant of an established family, but he was not a spoiled brat. Since childhood, his mother had taught him to be respectful of the elders. "Well? This exam? You've finished the last one?" The middle-aged teacher asked in surprise. "Yes," Mu Yunfei replied in a soft voice. Seeing that the teacher said no more, Mu Yunfei nodded a greeting to her and walked out of the classroom. Meanwhile, the teacher just recovered from surprise slowly. She claimed to be knowledgeable, but could only finish the exam in the given time, which was an hour and half. However, it only took this teenager an hour to finish the test. Besides, judging from his look, he seemed to be quite confident in himself. He was great. She thought to herself. If someone told her at this moment that it only took this teenager half an hour to finish the exam, she might be too astonished to breathe... ... ... When Mu Yunfei got out of the toilet, there were about a dozen students walking slowly towards the next classroom in the corridor. "The test is too difficult..." "Exactly, I could barely understand what it was about!" "How come that boy finished the test so quickly just now?" "I think he faked it. Actually, he hardly wrote down anything..." "Makes sense. I think so..." ... Whispers flew into Mu Yunfei's ears. Not annoyed, he just walked silently towards the classroom. "Look! Isn't he that one... He's so handsome..." He already got some fangirls among the crowd. "Shh! Keep your voice down, in case he hears us..." Shaking his head helplessly, Mu Yunfei walked into the classroom with the crowd. Everyone took their seats. The invigilator had already turned on all tablets, on which showed the instructions. "Everybody, I'm glad that you've come here to take the second test. The first test just now aims at checking the literacy knowledge you've learned in the high school, but now, we're going to check your encyclopedic knowledge that includes ten subjects." The middle-aged teacher's voice spread to each corner of the classroom and stopped the noise. Ten subjects? Mu Yunfei thought to himself. There seemed to be a little gap between this test and the programme on TV, whose contest involved every field. Suddenly, he felt that this university's test might not be so interesting as that of the TV programme. "Please open the test interface. There're ten questions in total. Each question is scored according to your accuracy and speed. Each time you answer a question, your ranking will be shown on this LCD screen, and finally we'll enroll new students based on this ranking and your previous score." The teacher went on explaining the test rules. She scrutinized the young people below as she introduced the rules. When she glanced to Mu Yunfei, a trace of amazement flashed across her eyes, because he was not looking at the tablet on the desk now, but kept his eyes shut, as if he was not nervous about the coming test at all. What a weirdo. She thought to herself. "Please get ready, and the test will start soon," She warned again, and it was mostly for Mu Yunfei. The tablet beeped and the countdown started, while at this moment, Mu Yunfei opened his eyes. [Question 1: What kind of fruit are kiwi fruit?] A. Pome B. Drupe C. Berry Could this be easier? Mu Yunfei said to himself. Then he picked C. "Ding..." Five seconds later, a crisp sound came from the LCD screen in front of the students. Mu Yunfei ranked first, not matter in speed or accuracy. The rest of the students were stunned at his excellent data, but after all, this was only the first question, so they didn't take it to heart. They dropped their heads and went on to the second question. [Question 2: Smatio is called "the country inside a country". Which country surrounds it?] A. Nadalan B. Itolio C. Brighton Mu Yunfei picked B without hesitation as usual. There was a faint commotion going on in the classroom right now. Probably it was because some people didn't know the answer, and they had to make a wild guess. Several seconds later, a new window popped up on the screen. Mu Yunfei ranked first again. His data almost remained the same, and his speed was even quicker than the last one. Meanwhile, the corresponding seat number appeared under the name "Mu Yunfei". The students looked for him according to the order of the student number. Finally, they spotted the extremely handsome teenager sitting in the rear of the classroom. Wasn't he the one who had handed in the test paper in half an hour during the first exam just now? Was he really so great? Could he have guessed all the answers? Everyone thought to themselves at this point. However, the following reality proved them wrong. Question 3, Question 4, Question 5... Question 8. It seemed as if the name "Mu Yunfei" was pinned on the screen. He ranked first steadily no matter in accuracy or speed. Was he cheating? Had he bought the answers? [Question 9: Which is the development company of the game "Demon Hunter"?] A. ABC B. TIJI C. DEVIL Mu Yunfei gave a smile and then picked C, because this was his company. Mu Yunfei was only 18, but he was already the president of this huge game company. Although all this was related to the wealth and support from his family, it was enough to draw a line between him and other rich kids. The ranking refreshed again, and Mu Yunfei remained the first. The teacher was also astonished at heart now. Staring at the teenager sitting in the back row in the classroom, she showed appreciation in her eyes. Mu Yunfei stood first for nine questions in a row. Only a few people were able to do that in the history of M University, and each of them turned out to be successful people in society eventually. At this moment, the teacher got a little excited. The way she looked at Mu Yunfei became earnest too. Since the difficulty of the first nine questions was beyond the textbook knowledge, the tenth question was a simple yes or no question, which could be considered a free one. Meanwhile, she also yearned to witness the arrival of the first genius who was able to rank first in ten questions throughout the history of M University. [Question 10: Do you believe there's super power in this world?] A. Yes B. No The question popped up, and the teacher was staring expectantly at Mu Yunfei's finger, looking forward to the instant he tapped on the screen. However, to her surprise, Mu Yunfei hesitated. He actually hesitated. Mu Yunfei actually hesitated over the question that was ridiculous and childish to anyone. "Ding..." The LCD screen beeped again. Everyone raised their heads, but this time, it was...
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