Chapter 13 Zilong Pavilion Auction House

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When Mu Yunfei woke up from his dream again, it was already at noon the next day. It could be considered the mini vacation he gave himself after the task. At this moment, he was lying in the separate room provided by Elemental Star Branch. Although it was not as luxurious as his own home, it was still fully functional. After all, it was transformed by the staff members of the technology department. Mu Yunfei looked out of the window. It was cloudy and rainy today in S City, and the weather made one depressed. But to him, who had no task right now, it didn't matter that much. Mu Yunfei stretched himself and tidied up the room simply. "Ring... Ring... Ring..." The sharp ringtone rang out. "Hello, Nana." Mu Yunfei said lazily. "Yunfei, there's a new task for us. See you in the operation department." Nana's voice came from the other end of the line. "Well, what task?" Mu Yunfei had wanted to take a day off today, but now it seemed to be an impossibility. "The task this time may be very simple to you..." When Mu Yunfei arrived at the operation department, Long Ao, Nollet and Nana were already waiting there. "Yunfei!" Long Ao greeted him passionately the moment he saw Mu Yunfei. In Long Ao's opinion, it was something a child like Mu Yunfei could boast about for the rest of his life that he had beaten back, or even probably killed Bloodsucker. Nollet nodded at Mu Yunfei and said, "Since everyone is here, let me explain the task this time. First of all, the location of your task this time is at the biggest auction house of Celestial Empire, in G City _ Zilong Pavilion Auction House!" Nollet took a puff and went on, "According to sources, an ancient artifact, Bloodline Sword, will be auctioned at Zilong Pavilion Auction House in two days. Since it's a piece of ancient artifact, even we have little information about it. Therefore, ordinary people are less likely to know about it. They may even auction it off as an ordinary ancient sword." Nollet shook his head helplessly when he said that. "Due to our existence, the government and our country don't know about it, so we can never make a statement on it, but only get it at auction." Long Ao added. "Auction?" Mu Yunfei asked faintly. Auction houses were not strange to him. Since the Mu family was the wealthiest family of S City, Mu Yunfei had attended some auctions with his parents before. However, his father was always on a business trip to Murica, so most of the time, Mu Yunfei attended the auctions with his mother. "You and Nana will perform this task together. Elemental Star Branch has already prepared the entrance tickets for you two." Long Ao patted the two on the shoulders and said, "You'll be given ten million to fulfill the task this time." It seemed to be enough to buy a long sword that was considered an ordinary antique sword by the people for ten million. Even if it was not enough, it was not a big deal... Mu Yunfei smiled. ... Two days later. When Mu Yunfei and Nana appeared at the entrance of Zilong Pavilion Auction House, they attracted many people's attention. "Why are such young kids here to attend an auction?" "Maybe their parents want them to hang out here." "Yeah, just to enrich their experience." "By the way, I heard that there would be an extremely exquisite antique sword up for auction today." "Exactly. I may bid for it then..." The people around were whispering. Everyone was wearing a suit. Those who were able to get into the auction house were mostly successful people in society. Therefore, Mu Yunfei and Nana's appearance raised a little doubt among the crowd. "Hey kids, this is not the place you should come. Go home and look for your parents!" A middle-aged man appeared behind the two and said. Mu Yunfei cast a look at this man. He was in a black Brada suit and prematurely bald. Behind him, a few bodyguards in black were staring fiercely at the two of them. Mu Yunfei didn't care much about this kind of people. After all, those who were sophisticated and had strong backgrounds for real wouldn't act like this. However, the people around already kept away from that man. Mu Yunfei didn't know the man, but that didn't represent that the people around didn't. The middle-aged man before Mu Yunfei and Nana was exactly Guo Kun, who ranked top in the G City rich list. Mu Yunfei's distant manner greatly annoyed Guo Kun, who always enjoyed compliments paid by others. "Young man, I'm sorry. You will not bring anything away from this place today." Having said that, Guo Kun went into the auction house, followed by several bodyguards in black behind him. Apparently, this Guo Kun would probably have his finger in no matter which item Mu Yunfei bid for today. Nana was smiling, not taking offense at Guo Kun's provocation at all. At least she knew that Mu Yunfei's ability was not as "green" as his age. The reason that Zilong Pavilion Auction House was called the biggest auction house of Celestial Empire, was largely because of its luxurious interior design. The golden dome looked magnificent and splendid. Led by the guide, Mu Yunfei and Nana walked into today's main hall, which was the biggest auction hall in Zilong Pavilion Auction House. At this moment, the stalls on the first floor were filled with business tycoons who came here especially and successful people in the industry from all over the country, and they were talking about the auction items today. However, what drew Mu Yunfei's attention was the second floor, which was composed of several small boxes. Mostly, members of the established families would sit in these rooms. They wouldn't bid for items easily, but once they saw some great auction items, they would get them. Guo Kun, the middle-aged man who appeared just now, was among this group. At this point, Guo Kun and Mu Yunfei's eyes met. Guo Kun cast a disdainful glance at Mu Yunfei and then walked into the box. In his opinion, the Mu Yunfei in front of him was nothing but a young lad, and Guo Kun could steamroll him into submission with ease. Mu Yunfei and Nana's seats were in the middle. They blended in with the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Zilong Pavilion Auction House. It's my great honor to host this auction for you." The host introduced with passion, "There're three auction items today, and they are: the violet gold crown, the silver dragon necklace and an antique sword!" The host asked the staff member to push the first auction item up to the stage as he spoke. "Lot 1: the violet gold crown, fully cast out of purple rare metal and gold. The gems on it are all of top quality! It's an extremely precious ornament! We start at two hundred thousand, while the scale is no less than twenty thousand each time!" The host's voice rang out, and then he lifted the curtain. The crown was glittering with gold, and the gems on the crown were shedding dazzling light under the light, making the crown look priceless. "Two hundred and twenty thousand!" "Two hundred and fifty thousand!" "Three hundred thousand!" "..." People were bidding against each other one after another. At last, this violet gold crown was bought for seven hundred thousand by a wealthy businessman on the second floor. Probably, he bought this for his wife. Mu Yunfei didn't take part in the bidding. After all, their task today was only about that Bloodline Sword. When Mu Yunfei was resting with his eyes closed and waiting for the third bidding, Nana cried out in surprise suddenly! "Yunfei! Look!" Nana called in haste. "Well?" Mu Yunfei looked up at the stage, only to see the second auction item, the silver dragon necklace, was in front of the audience now. It was emitting silver light, but it also seemed to be emitting cold air faintly. "This is...?" Mu Yunfei was startled. "This is the necklace with the ability of ice nature. It's more like a piece of ritual article." Nana explained, "I have a hunch that it's at least a ritual article of Red Level. If I got it, my power would definitely be enhanced greatly." The levels of ritual articles were the same as that of bloodlines, which were divided into Yellow, Blue, Red, and Golden Level. The only difference was that each bloodline level was divided into another three stages: Primary Stage, Medium Stage and Top Stage. They had known earlier that Bloodline Sword was a ritual article at Golden Level, but now another piece of ritual article at Red Level appeared in front of them. Mu Yunfei couldn't help but be startled. It seemed that this Zilong Pavilion Auction House indeed had some extraordinary background. "Yunfei, can you lend me some money? I want to buy this necklace." Nana asked in a soft voice. When she fled from the Ice Planet, she didn't bring any money with her. Besides, the money they had this time was merely for Bloodline Sword, so Nana didn't have enough money to buy this silver dragon necklace. Mu Yunfei stared at Nana and was amused. Nana, who loved to win at ordinary times, should be borrowing money from him now. Mu Yunfei looked at the silver dragon necklace on the stage and nodded with a smile. "The silver dragon necklace, we open at one million! The scale is no less than one hundred thousand each time!" The host's voice rang out again. "One million and two hundred thousand!" A rich businessman on the second floor shouted, and it was actually the same bidder who bought the last auction item. "One million and five hundred thousand!" A female voice from another box on the second floor rang out. "Two million!" A sonorous voice rang out. It was Guo Kun. He added five hundred thousand straightly. Most of the audience under the stage already gave up the bidding right now. What they wanted more was the antique sword after this item. Meanwhile, since their funds were limited, the audience tended to sit on the sidelines during the first two warm-up auctions. "Two million and five hundred thousand!" "Three million and five hundred thousand!" Guo Kun raised the price again. This time, the other two bidders gave up raising the price. They were also aware that the antique sword was the most important auction item today. Guo Kun glanced smugly at the audience, as if he was showing off his own strength. "Three million and five hundred thousand! No.3 VIP offered three million and five hundred thousand! Any more bid?" The host shouted with enthusiasm. "Three million and five hundred thousand first! Three million and five hundred thousand second! ..." "Ten million!" A voice instantly quieted down the whole hall. Mu Yunfei raised his number plate slowly.
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