Chapter 10 Slipping in

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Those two people were wearing hoods and looked ferocious. They carried a crescent machete and walked up to Mu Yunfei and Nana. "Who are you and why are you here without permission?" One of the men in black shouted, but they didn't stop and ran straight to the two of them. To them, anyone unauthorized appearing here would end up dying! Because this place concerned Demon God Race's secret. Meanwhile, Mu Yunfei and Nana also rushed up to the two people. The space was warped, and Void Breaker was activated! Mu Yunfei appeared behind one of the men in black instantly. Since everything happened so fast, the man in black was still rushing forward, only to find that the person in front of him was nowhere to be seen. Mu Yunfei lifted his right hand and smacked it down on that man's back. Golden ice crystal was activated! At this moment, the ice crystal, which was shedding a faint golden light, was spreading from Mu Yunfei's hand and tying that man up little by little. That man was in despair! When he turned around to look at Mu Yunfei, it was also when he was completely frozen. His wide-open eyes also froze at this moment. Mu Yunfei threw a punch and that man fell into the valley. Nana's style was, obviously, more aggressive. Instead of getting around to the rear of the enemy skillfully like Mu Yunfei, Nana preferred to launch an attack head-on. She tossed out a blue ice cone and it dashed towards the other man in black. Mu Yunfei couldn't help being shocked. He had seen Nana's ice cone before, and that was when he hadn't awakened yet. But compared to that time, the ice cone she throwing away today was much faster. It was like a laser beam! The man in black also had a swift response, and only suffered a few abrasions in a moment of haste, but... When he looked up, he found that what greeted him was an ice blade. The superiority of the blade made of ice crystal was its dreadful coldness. Before the blade hit the man, the coldness had already been infiltrated into his bone. That man was chilled by the coldness. Once the blade touched him, he was dead... And all this happened in a few moments. "Not bad. You've got something up your sleeve." Nana said to Mu Yunfei as she drew closer. Mu Yunfei gave a faint smile. "It seems that we're already close to that base. What we need to figure out now is how to slip in without being noticed." Just when the two of them were figuring out how to sneak in, the appearance of another two men in black not far away caught their attention. Mu Yunfei and Nana exchanged glances, smiled, and walked away separately. When the two met again not far away, they were not in their original outfits. Instead, they were in the black clothes of those two suckers'. "Their clothes reek..." Mu Yunfei complained. He always wore designer clothes and perfume, so naturally, he was disgusted with the smell of blood. "Just put up with it. When the bomb is planted, it's done." Nana was also covering her nose with her hand. The strong smell of blood was indeed sickening. The two of them just walked into the woods like this slowly. Mu Yunfei discovered that the plants around them seemed to be withering. Besides, the deeper they went, the worse the situation was getting. If he was not wrong, the base of that mysterious power must be in the deepest part of the woods. Mu Yunfei thought to himself. As expected, when the two had walked for nearly an hour, a giant platform, which looked out of place, came into their view far away. There were around 20 men in black standing around that giant platform, as if they were holding a memorial ceremony for something, while in the middle of that giant platform stood a man wearing a hood. He was emitting dazzling a red glow. It was red like blood, and exuding a vicious aura. So this place was that mysterious fortified point. Mu Yunfei turned to look at Nana, only to see Nana making a "shush" gesture to him, and signaling him not to move forward. Staring at the man glowing red ferociously in the middle of the platform, Mu Yunfei felt a sense of pressure that he had never experienced before. It was not because of bloodline, but because of the absolute gap between their strength. Mu Yunfei knew that he was no match for that man, while that man killing him was as easy as one trampling an ant. The two didn't dare to act rashly. They hid themselves in the woods, watching silently. Before long, the red glow faded away. That man floated down from the platform, while the men in black around him knelt down one after another. "Congratulations to Second General! The transfer of the blood array is about to finish!" The men shouted at the same time. Right, this man was exactly the Second General of Demon God Race, Bloodsucker. "Second General?" Mu Yunfei thought to himself. No wonder he had such a strong aura. Seemingly, he was a high-ranking person among the mysterious power. Most of Bloodsucker's physical power was consumed due to the transfer of the blood array just now. At this moment, his face became paler, which looked extremely terrifying. Bloodsucker waved his hand and walked towards the tent not far away. Now what he needed more was rest. He was also doing this for the last transfer of the blood array tomorrow. When the men in black sent Bloodsucker into the tent, they spread out and continued their patrols. "It's time, Yunfei." Nana patted Mu Yunfei gently and said. At this point, the strongest general was resting, while the men in black scattered and were on patrol. Therefore, this was the best opportunity to sneak in. Besides, the two were in disguise, so general people wouldn't notice them. The two walked out of the woods slowly with the crescent machetes. Just like what they had presumed, the men in black didn't pay attention to them when they caught sight of them. The smell of blood on the clothes covered their own smell perfectly. They drew closer to that giant platform slowly, and actually saw a huge magical circle. When they came nearer, a strong smell of blood greeted the two, making them sick. The magical circle was actually drawn with fresh blood. "Hey bros, did you forget that Second General told us not to come close to the blood array without his consent?" Just as the two were watching this blood array, a voice rang out behind them. A man in black was standing behind them somehow. "Excuse us. We're just kind of curious. We want to look at this magnificent blood array a little more." Mu Yunfei cupped his hands and answered. Since Nana was a girl, she couldn't make a voice. "Yeah, this blood array is indeed magnificent. It's a miracle! Please get away from here soon, in case it leads to your death!" That man in black didn't seem to become suspicious at all. When he finished his words, he ran away. Mu Yunfei turned to Nana and said, "It seems that the thing we need to destroy is exactly this thing." As he spoke, he took out the space fission microbomb given by the technology department from the storage capsule. At this moment, Mu Yunfei, who had just experienced "Void Breaker", had a clearer perception of this bomb. He could get a clearer picture of the scene when the bomb exploded. Mu Yunfei glanced at Nana and turned on the countdown timer on the bomb slowly. Once the timer on the space fission microbomb was switched on, it couldn't be stopped. It was a five-minute countdown. Five minutes later, everyone within 10 km of this bomb, as well as this blood array, would be wiped out from this world. Mu Yunfei threw the bomb up to the blood array. It was impossible for ordinary people to run more than 10 km away in five minutes, but to Mu Yunfei, who had both "Void Breaker" and the ultimate speed skills, he was able to do that. Mu Yunfei scooped Nana up from the ground. "Hold onto me..." "Since you've come, don't ever think of leaving." A hoarse voice came from inside the tent and interrupted Mu Yunfei. An overwhelming sense of pressure was engulfing Mu Yunfei, and he was shocked to know that his power was actually useless right now...
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