Chapter 6 Power Switch

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The yellow McLawrence was racing under the bright sunshine. At this moment, all that Mu Yunfei had in mind was the speed which was as quick as a flash of lightning just now. What kind of power was that... Nana was sitting next to Mu Yunfei now, watching the peaceful scenery out of the window. Would this place be destroyed like her own planet shortly afterwards? She couldn't help but think of the despairing look on her grandfather's face when he teleported her away, and crystal tears streamed down from her eyes uncontrollably. "What are you thinking about?" Mu Yunfei asked. "Nothing. I just think that the power you've awakened is amazing," Nana replied. "So my amazing power makes you cry?" "It's not like that." Nana wiped the tears away as she spoke. One had to admit that Mu Yunfei was quite good at teasing. ... Mu Yunfei sent Nana back to the hotel. Before he left, he told Nana that he would pick her up tomorrow morning. Then Mu Yunfei left. On his way back, Mu Yunfei recalled the dream he had had during these three days, but could only recollect that woman's image and nothing else, no matter how hard he tried. "Dalla..." It seemed to be her name, and it sounded so familiar that he might have heard it somewhere. When Mu Yunfei left his company, it was already early evening. Mu Yunfei tidied up the desk briefly before took the elevator and came to the parking lot. However, when he walked over to that Ablasta, he suddenly came up with an idea. It was a crazy one, but it might be the right time for him now. That was right. What he wanted to do was run home. Mu Yunfei's house was about 3 km away from his company, and it was a ten-minute drive. On ordinary days, when he got off work early, Mu Yunfei would change into sportswear and tried to jog back home as a workout. It took him over 20 minutes to go back then, and it was quite fast for a contemporary college student. However, today... When Mu Yunfei's figure made a steady appearance in the air again, what greeted him was his villa, and it only took him about a dozen seconds. Feeling the change in his body, Mu Yunfei pushed open the door with a smile. Mu Yunfei took a quick shower and lay in bed. He reflected on what had happened in the past few days, and it was totally like a dream. He should possess super power now, and it was so strong. His childhood dream was actually realized in reality. Fatigue bore gradually upon Mu Yunfei. He went off into a dream again, smiling. But what Mu Yunfei didn't know was, his power was far more than this. ... When Mu Yunfei opened his eyes, it was already midday. He looked at his watch, finding that he missed the appointed time with Nana. He was exhausted last night, and forgot to set an alarm. Mu Yunfei sprang off bed. What pleased him was that his super power didn't disappear yet. He was afraid that what had happened yesterday was simply a dream, but fortunately, everything was still there. Mu Yunfei found that the ultimate speed brought by his super power could not only be used on running, but also on daily life. He got himself ready quickly and ran out. Today, Mu Yunfei made an appointment with Nana to get familiar with the castle of S City Star Branch, so the two of them had to drive there. "Voom... Voom..." The engine was rumbling, and a red Farrah 488 rushed into the traffic flow on the road. Looking at the missed calls from Nana on his phone, Mu Yunfei couldn't help giving a bitter smile. He found super power demanding too much exertion. Mu Yunfei sent Nana a text message, telling her that he would arrive soon, but got a smile emoji from Nana. When Mu Yunfei arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Nana was already waiting there. She was in a blue crystal slip dress and looked extraordinarily charming, as if she was a character in the fairy tale. "Aren't you punctual, Young Master Mu?" Nana walked over, got into the car and said. Mu Yunfei was extremely embarrassed at this moment, so he could only apologize, "I'm sorry. I was exhausted yesterday, so I overslept." Nana said no more, but played with her phone on her own. It was almost high noon now. Mu Yunfei took Nana to an Itolio restaurant. The red Farrah was parked in front of the restaurant, and drew many people's attention, but the two people getting off the car were even more fascinating. Since Mu Yunfei was the SVIP of this restaurant, soon the valet greeted them. "Young Master Mu, everything is ready," The valet said gently. Mu Yunfei nodded and walked into the restaurant with Nana. "I'm so sorry today, Nana." The two sat face to face with each other, and Mu Yunfei said in embarrassment. "It's alright. I know you're busy." Nana stared at Mu Yunfei with a smile, her tone full of irony. "..." Mu Yunfei took the wine bottle aside, got up and poured wine for Nana gently to redeem himself. However, just at this point of time, a man rushed over suddenly and held Mu Yunfei from behind. That man had dull eyes, which seemed to be shedding faint purple light, and what stuck to his body was a bomb! Everything was happening so fast. A blast! A ruthless blast! In the blink of an eye, the whole restaurant was destroyed in the blast. A layer of ice crystal barrier was activated all over Nana instantly, but she was unable to protect Mu Yunfei at that moment. She could scantly protect herself, and was also thrown away by the shock wave. "Mu Yunfei!" She shouted. The explosive sound died away; instead, the place was filled with smoke. Since it was noon, there were many customers in the restaurant, but they all lost their precious lives in this blast. At this point, Nana had no time to care about anything else. "Mu Yunfei!" She ran to the place she was at just now. The smoke cleared gradually, and a figure should appear in front of her. This was... "Yunfei!" Nana screamed. Yes, the one before her eyes was exactly Mu Yunfei. Different as before, now he was glowing blue and golden. Was that... golden ice crystal? Nana drew closer and watched the man in front of her, totally surprised. Mu Yunfei couldn't look messier right now. The clothes all over him were gasified in the blast. His face was blackened, while his hair exuded a strong burnt smell. Nana went up and held him immediately, saying, "Mu Yunfei! Are you OK?" "I'm... I'm alright." Mu Yunfei's voice was trembling. That bomb was pressed against his body, and it was a miracle that he survived, but how? What was the golden ice crystal all over his body? And why did that bomber want to kill him? Was he at someone's instigation? A battery of questions popped into her mind. The police paid high attention to the blast happening in the center of the city, while the two of them drove off in the chaos. Now, Mu Yunfei already changed into a new suit. To someone like him, it was necessary to have a standby suit in his car. "How are you feeling?" Staring at Mu Yunfei, whose face was ashy, Nana asked with a smile. "I'm alright." "What's that golden ice crystal?" "Nana..." "Yes?" "I've got a kind of feeling..." "What feeling?" "I seem to have awakened another power..."
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