Chapter 33 The Summoned Beast in the Dream, Mirror

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The light which flickered indistinctly was... Nana was petrified because the source of the light was a word, "Na". Right, between the demon beast's eyes, there was a word "Na" glowing, which was exactly the same as her name. How was it possible? Was it a trend to have a word on a demon beast's forehead? As she had stayed with Mu Yunfei for a long time, Nana had such a weird thought unexpectedly. At the moment, the silver demon beast in front of her was funny. With its two front claws in the front, it sat on the ground and even...wagged its tail. Yes, the demon beast was just like a dog which tried to please its owner all the time, and it tried to please Nana, who seemed to be related to it. Nana's beautiful eyes twinkled. After confirming that Mu Yunfei was well, she walked quickly to the demon beast. It didn't launch a surprise attack like it had done just now. At this time, the demon beast just sat there obediently and seemed to be waiting for something. Looking at its lovely behavior, as a teenage girl, Nana certainly fell for it. She raised her hand slowly and touched the demon beast's head. When she touched the demon beast's forehead, the word "Na" which was shining suddenly disappeared, while a magical warm current poured into her body, warm and soft. When she took away her hand, the word was no longer "Na" but "Mirror". Nana was astonished and tried several times, yet it didn't change anymore. The word "Na" seemed to have disappeared, and only the word "Mirror" still existed. If this demon beast was related to her, and the word which had showed up just now was her name, then the word "Mirror" might be its name. Thinking of the knowledge about demon beasts she had learnt from her grandpa, she found that there was no record about Mirror. The only possibility was that it wasn't from the Elemental Star Galaxy. They were now in the space of Dreaming Endlessly. Did it exist here? Suddenly, Nana trembled and felt that something strange came from her body, and the energy which poured into her body was absorbing something in a weird working way. In a short while, something like an internal elixir was formed in her body. With the inward vision, she found that the internal elixir was next to her two skill grooves, and it was silver all over, the same color as the demon beast. It spun and showed faint silver light. Then she looked at the demon beast, and it seemed... "Mistress!" A low voice was heard in Nana's brain. It seemed to have been aroused by the silver internal elixir, and its source... Nana turned to the demon beast in front of her, and at the same time, it was looking at her. The demon beast opened its mouth and barked in a low voice. "Who are you?" Nana asked cautiously. She had never thought that she could talk with a demon beast someday. "Mistress, my name is Mirror. I am in front of you." The voice appeared in Nana's brain again, and meanwhile another low bark was heard, but what was different from before was that Nana couldn't hear its low bark. She could only hear the respectful voice in her brain. Seeming to notice Nana's doubt, the demon beast barked in a soft voice again, "I am a summoned beast in dream and can shuttle in any space of dreamland." "Why are you here? Why can you talk with me?" Nana asked doubtfully. "Because you are in this dreamland, Mistress. I have felt your breath, so I am here." The demon beast's voice sounded excited. "Mistress? Why do you call me Mistress?" "Mistress, don't you know?" Mirror jumped up and gazed at Nana in surprise. Looking at this demon beast, Nana was speechless for now. "Should I know?" "But I don't know, either..." Mirror had been jumping in the air, yet its two big and fat ears dropped and it quieted down at once, looking lovely. "I thought that you would know, Mistress. Since the day I was born, I have been looking for you all the time seemingly." Nana looked depressed and stared at this adorkable demon beast, at a loss for words. "Why did you attack him?" While speaking, Nana pointed to Mu Yunfei who was still lying on the ground not far away. "He stood next to you, and I found that his breath was powerful. So, I was afraid that he wanted to hurt you. Then..." When it was speaking, it suddenly raised its front claws and gesticulated to Mu Yunfei's corpse, oh, no, his body, seeming to show off. "..." "He is the man that I love. You can't hurt him in the future," After a long time, Nana got up slowly and said. "Okay, Mistress! As long as he doesn't harm you, I will never bully him." Mirror followed Nana and patted its big chest, pledging in all sincerity and seriousness. "Er..." Nana couldn't help but smile bitterly. Why was the man with the most powerful bloodline in the Soil Planet so bad in this demon beast's eyes? At the moment, Mu Yunfei's breastbone returned normal after it was repaired under Bloodline Power repeatedly. It was necessary to say that the ability of Golden Bloodline to recover was much more powerful than that of Red Bloodline. Even so, he was still in a coma. Nana slowly walked to Mu Yunfei and then bent over, caressing his cheeks. She called softly, "Yunfei..." He had no reaction and was still unconscious. She looked back at Mirror behind her, to see that it craned its neck and watched them, with...jealousy in its eyes seemingly. "Why are you looking at us? He's lying here all because of you!" Nana rebuked it gently with a note of complaint. Seeming to feel its mistress' anger, Mirror didn't say more and just stood there quietly. It lowered its head with a grievance and admitted the fault seemingly. When Nana looked at its pitiful expression, her tense face was relieved. She shook her head helplessly as she could do nothing to this lovely little thing, no, big thing. Seeing that Mu Yunfei was stable, Nana stayed next to him and chatted with Mirror. She had a lot of doubts about this creature who showed up all of a sudden. "Where are you from?" She asked unhurriedly. "The Dreamland Universe." Noticing that Nana's expression softened, Mirror answered cautiously and respectfully. "Where is it?" "I don't know." Nana was speechless again because of this demon beast which didn't know anything. But what on earth was the Dreamland Universe like? "What are your abilities? Those you used just now, which seemed to be similar to Yunfei's, yet they looked more potent," Nana continued to ask. "My ability is Quantization and Reflecting," Mirror said these words slowly and then explained, "It means that I can reflect and enhance all the abilities of the people who are below the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline." After speaking, it continued to stare at Nana in a natural way. "What? So abnormal! All the abilities of the people who are below the Medium Stage of Golden Bloodline?" Nana was shocked. She felt that she was lucky as Mirror was related to her in a magical way. If Mirror didn't think that she was its mistress, perhaps she and Mu Yunfei had died at the moment. Looking at this demon beast with a lovely appearance, Nana felt scared involuntarily. ... At this time, Mu Yunfei was in his dream again. Dalla was still not far away from him, and this time they were not at anywhere else but in the endless dream, while Nana and the demon beast had disappeared. Looking at the scene around, Mu Yunfei stepped forward and asked involuntarily, "Dalla, where on earth are we? How should we go out?" He was curious about everything that showed up all of a sudden, yet he was more anxious. It was because that demon beast was there, and Nana was still there. In the past, the places in his dream were places that he had never been to, but this time, he was where he had been just now. The black undercurrent in the sky was still surging, while the dead standing trees not far away were in the original spot, and even the white bones under his feet were real. "Are you curious about why you are where you were just now?" Dalla looked at Mu Yunfei who was anxious and asked unhurriedly. It seemed that she wasn't affected by his anxiety. "Why?" Mu Yunfei asked. "Because the dreams are connected to each other. When you are here, although it is something bad, at the same time, it is a rare chance..." Dalla smiled. "A chance?"
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