Chapter 39 Father?

1461 Words
It was a cloudy day. The black clouds were low in the sky, and light rain was falling continuously. Because the destination of the transmission ladder was random, Mu Yunfei and Nana showed up on a street in N City of Murica. They appeared out of thin air, but it didn't make others feel curious. The passers-by seemed to be busy running about for their own business. Even under such weather, it didn't affect their joy as they returned to their planet. Looking at many people around coming and going and endless stream of vehicles, Mu Yunfei suddenly thought of his father, Mu Zhan. He must be in this city. After this omission, his father's image had changed greatly in his heart, as if he were a different person. The most powerful man in the Elemental Star Galaxy in the past was still a man at the peak of the Soil Planet even though he was merely at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline. As the brand-new labels showed up, Mu Yunfei was more curious about his father. Now that they were in N City, it aroused his desire to see his father, and Queen Lei Xueming had told him to send a message to his father. At this thought, Mu Yunfei couldn't help but glance at Nana next to him. He wondered if she wanted to go with him. "I will go anywhere with you," Nana said in a soft voice, seeming to know what he was thinking about. Then she grabbed his arm and moved close to him slowly, breathing out fragrance. Staring at Nana next to him, Mu Yunfei felt satisfied. So what even if the future was unknown and the mysteries were difficult to disclose? With such a beautiful girl around him, he felt most relieved. Caressing Nana's dancing long hair, Mu Yunfei smiled with love. He knew where his father worked. It was the headquarters of The Mu's Group in Murica and the foundation where his father struggled for life those years. Although Mu Yunfei knew that place, he had never been there. After he knew so much, he even doubted if this headquarters had something to do with the Elemental Star Galaxy. As far as he knew, Elemental Star Headquarters of the Soil Planet was also in N City. They strolled in the rain in N City, and everything around seemed to be beautiful, with nothing worrying them. Mu Yunfei held Nana's hand and enjoyed the momentary peace after the mission. Soon, a tall and large building showed up in front of them, and three big words on it were eye-catching, The Mu's Group. It was an influential large group even in Murica. Looking at this office building, Mu Yunfei walked in with a smile. This was his first time to come to his father's office, one of the most successful companies even in Murica where the economy was the most developed. The female receptionist smiled at them and bowed in a natural way. "Miss, Sir, nice to meet you. What can I do for you?" She was polite and didn't treat them unfairly because they were teenagers. Mu Yunfei involuntarily praised his father in his heart as he was good at choosing employees. He glanced at the lady and answered gracefully, "Nice to meet you. Can you tell me which floor President Mu's office is on?" He came here for the first time, so he didn't know anything here. "Do you have an appointment?" The lady asked. "No," Mu Yunfei replied honestly. "If no, you need to write your name here, and then..." "No need." A voice from not far away interrupted the lady. A man showed up in front of them gradually. He had dashing eyebrows and bright eyes, with prestige even though he was not in a temper. "Father!" Mu Yunfei's eyes were full of surprise and joy and showed that he missed his father. As he called his father, the receptionist was petrified. She hadn't expected that this teenage boy was the son of the president of this group with a large fortune. She even felt lucky because of her respectful attitude. "Father, let me introduce her to you. This is my partner, and...girlfriend," Mu Yunfei stated slowly with shyness but more happiness in his tone. Mu Zhan didn't say anything. He glanced at Mu Yunfei and Nana next to him, saying casually, "Follow me." Afterward, he turned around and walked to the elevator in the distance. He looked august all the way. Mu Yunfei was quite familiar with his father who looked like this. He fondled Nana's head. "Father is always strict with his child in front of outsiders. You will know it later," he explained in a hurry when he saw that Nana was worried. He asked his girlfriend to see his parent for the first time, so his father's stern face gave some pressure to Nana undoubtedly. However, they didn't know that Mu Zhan was gratified now. After all, his son was eighteen years old, and finally there was a girl who was willing to be with him. And he could feel that his son changed slightly because of this girl. How would he not feel happy for his son? Although he thought so, he still remained stern on the surface. This was one character of him. He had male chauvinism. He was like this in front of the people he liked, including his son. They went up in the elevator and stopped on the top floor in the end. "You come back after the business trip?" Mu Zhan asked in a deep voice. Because Mu Yunfei told him so before leaving, he asked such a question, but he didn't know that his son had known some secrets. "Father..." Mu Yunfei called unhurriedly, but then he was hesitant. He didn't know where to start. Staring at his father, he couldn't imagine that this older man was so powerful. He even doubted if Lei Xueming cheated him. Mu Zhan turned around and looked at his son. He suddenly reached out his hand and touched the boy's head. "What's wrong, my son?" Nana was stunned to see that Mu Zhan became gentle all of a sudden. However, Mu Yunfei seemed to be used to his father's action. He stared at Mu Zhan and thought about how to ask him. "Father, do you...know Queen Lei Xueming?" Mu Yunfei finally asked. After hearing that, Mu Zhan suddenly stopped and withdrew his hand. He turned around and seemed to try to avoid it or recall something. "No, I don't," Mu Zhan said after a long time. Mu Yunfei was astonished and felt an unusual emotion in his father's tone, but getting a negative answer. He wanted to ask his father something more about Bloodline Power after he admitted it, but he didn't have a chance to ask. No! The plot was not like this. Mu Yunfei thought with unspoken criticism. "You own Bloodline Power, right?" Mu Yunfei asked more, with expectancy in his eyes. "No," Mu Zhan denied it once more. "..." Mu Yunfei didn't know how to ask more questions about this matter. If his father was as powerful as Queen Lei Xueming said, why was he unwilling to admit it? He looked at his father blankly, at a loss for words. "You must be tired after the business trip and need a rest. I will tell somebody to book hotel rooms for you," Mu Zhan said in a deep voice, looking at the two. He had returned calm and didn't feel shocked because of Mu Yunfei's questions seemingly. Gazing at his father, Mu Yunfei nodded. Perhaps his father had something difficult to express, or... "Queen Lei Xueming told me to say hello to you," Mu Yunfei finally said before leaving. He didn't continue asking because his father would say that he didn't know in the end. He obediently listened to his father's arrangement. He hadn't been to Murica for a long time, so he thought that he could take the opportunity and relax with Nana. ... Soon after the two left here, a figure showed up behind Mu Zhan all of a sudden. It was illusory but became real gradually. He wore a pair of glasses with a golden frame on his prominent nose and looked dazzling. This was the boss of Elemental Star Headquarters, William. "Why didn't you tell them?" William asked while staring at Mu Zhan. "I have my own plan." William walked forward slowly and patted Mu Zhan's shoulder, saying with a smile, "It seems that the woman can hardly forget you..." "Some people can only be friends eventually," Mu Zhan said impassively. "Hope that what is on your mind is right..." "I firmly believe it as always."
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