Chapter 52 God and Ordinary

1565 Words
Only when the ghostly edge came to Mu Yunfei could he really feel the horrible breath hidden in it. The whine from Hell resounded in his ears, and anybody would feel scared unprecedentedly. The Bloodline Sword was raised and showed purplish and bluish golden light, colliding with the ghostly edges shining with black light. This time, the energy released was even much more than the last collision. The bluish golden light on the Bloodline Sword spun in front of Mu Yunfei and formed a natural defense for him, while the purplish golden light erupted out of the sword and entered the endless darkness. The illusory energy shadow was like real now and exploded next to the two. What a powerful collision! All the spectators' eyes widened. It was safe to say that they had thought that it would be an overwhelming duel which would end quickly and miserably, but till now the victory hadn't been decided, and every clash seemed to be a draw. Although it appeared that Zoria launched attacks all the time, Mu Yunfei was like a tumbler and could resist the powerful propulsive force skillfully every time. After the collision, the stage fell into deadly silence again. Mu Yunfei still stood there, but he showed a strange facial expression, with surprise or joy. His clothes were somewhat broken, yet it appeared that he was fine. On the other side, Zoria flew backward ten meters away before she steadied herself after this collision, and she could hardly conceal the astonishment on her face. "How is it possible?" She murmured and looked at Mu Yunfei not far away. Her hands which grabbed the ghostly edges were trembling unexpectedly. The killing ritual article ghostly edge in her hand was a ritual article of Golden Level, which was why she could kill everybody with this ritual article. When a ritual article reached Golden Level, it would be extraordinary. Zoria took good care of the ghostly edges and felt proud of them. "Nobody can stay alive under my ghostly edge", it was what she said most frequently, and she believed in it all the time. However, just now, her ghostly edge was defeated. Although it was not her most powerful attacking way, she flew away under the attack of this man's sword, which was what she had seen for the first time in her life. Anger concealed her astonishment, and her blank eyes changed a little now. The empty and glassy eyes which were as deep as abysses showed some red light indistinctly, or rather reddish golden flames, and even her body showed some energy like reddish golden flames. What was this? Mu Yunfei didn't know what it meant. He just felt that Zoria in front really got furious after the last collision. He didn't know, but it didn't mean that others didn't know. At the moment, the spectators around the stage and Nana and Bei Linfeng in the lounge screamed. The reddish golden flame on Zoria was Bloodline Power which was burning. This state could damage herself greatly yet promote her strength to a higher stage in a short time. Zoria was really mad. She hadn't expected that a battle which should end quickly would become like this, and the man in front of her forced her to burn Bloodline Power. Looking at Mu Yunfei not far away coldly, she firmly believed that she wouldn't lose this time. She had reached the peak of Grade 3 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline in the past, and now the method of burning Bloodline Power promoted her strength to Grade 4 at the Top Stage of Red Bloodline, which was equal to the Top Stage of Golden Bloodline. She could dominate thousands of people on the battlefield. Strong Bloodline Power erupted from her body and burnt around her, promoting her momentum constantly, and the dark breath which seemed able to swallow everything rose continuously. "You are powerful," Zoria said unhurriedly, with sorrow in her tone, as if speaking to a dead person. "However, unfortunately, you will die here." Only a few words came out of her mouth but were piercing, with coldness which could shock the soul. At the moment, Mu Yunfei stopped trembling gradually which caused by the collision. As the Bloodline Sword recharged him nonstop, he regained Bloodline Power in his body, and now he had fifty percent, yet he was still shocked by the scene before his eyes. He raised the Bloodline Sword slowly, and this time he didn't put it horizontally before his chest to defend but aimed at Zoria, with excitement in his eyes. Next second, he shot out like a bomb and rushed to Zoria. He didn't plan to defend anymore this time but launch a strike first to gain the initiative. "Aha... You don't know that you are dying!" Zoria looked at the figure rushing to her and said coldly. She didn't panic at all. She started to chop with the ghostly edges slowly and raised her hands on both sides of her body. Then she also shot out to resist him, while she didn't start the ghostly steps but headed to him directly. The ghostly edges in her hands shone with dazzling purplish black light. Next second, the purplish black light blended into Zoria's burning Bloodline Power. Seen from a distance, she was like a purplish red ghostly flame with dazzling light flashing. On the other end, Mu Yunfei was totally different from he had been when he defended earlier. He waved the Bloodline Sword quickly several times in one second. The purplish golden and bluish golden light blade attacked Zoria in turn, and the blue and purple colors were quite gorgeous under the setoff of the golden color. He started Thundery Chop and Ice Chop at the same time. This time, both parties didn't show skills but fought against each other with the actual strength. At the moment, the audiences were shocked by the skills Mu Yunfei released. They were fantastic moves, like works of art in the battle. In their hearts, they expected the effect of such a magnificent attack. Could it compare with Coldblooded Queen's most powerful attack? To the spectators, this match was much more splendid than every match they had watched before. Although it was the Common Arena, competitors mainly fought against each other with Bloodline Power, and the ritual articles were rare to see, let alone a fight with the ritual articles of such a high level, which they had never seen. The sounds of collision could be heard again, and it was the third fierce collision of this match, but this time, it didn't fall into peace slowly like before. Countless sounds of explosion came in succession and endlessly. Even though they couldn't feel the breath, the energy light of explosion was enough to make the people around quiver. The smoke dust brought by the energy collision scattered and disappeared gradually at last, and the stage showed up in front of the spectators again. A figure flew backward. It was Mu Yunfei! There were faint blood stains on his lips, but different from others', his blood was golden, so it was not as eye-catching as bright red blood. Mu Yunfei bumped into the light curtain behind him and then got up from the floor slowly. With the Bloodline Sword in his hand, he swelled out his chest although he was dressed in shabby clothes. Zoria lay there quietly not far away and trembled, surrounded with faint purple light. Her empty eyes were filled with shock and reluctance. The two ghostly edges lay not far away from her, with many cracks on them. Obviously, in the collision, they were damaged under the powerful strength that they couldn't resist. They were ritual articles of Golden Level! "Why..." Zoria asked in a sobbing voice, with reluctance in her eyes. Till now, this Coldblooded Queen didn't know why she lost. How did she lose to the man whose bloodline was much inferior to hers? Mu Yunfei was calm at the moment. Looking at Zoria who lay on the floor in the distance and couldn't get up, he raised the Bloodline Sword slowly and pointed the sword tip to her body, saying indifferently, "You want to kill me? You don't have the ability. How can your ghostly edges cross the distance between God and ordinary?" "What? Do you mean that your sword is a sacred ritual article?" Zoria exclaimed. "You don't need to know it," Mu Yunfei responded coldly. "Aha..." Zoria laughed. Yes, as a loser, how could she have a reason to ask such a question? Mu Yunfei glanced at Zoria lying on the floor and shook his head, turning around to walk to the exit. The victory had been decided, and it was unnecessary to declare the result. "Wait!" When Mu Yunfei was about to push the gate open at the exit, Zoria shouted. "What can I do for you?" Mu Yunfei turned around and asked slowly. "Why didn't you kill me?" Zoria had an unusual expression flashing in her eyes. She didn't understand why he kept her alive while she wanted to kill him. "Because I am different from you. I don't like to kill. Maybe it's also the difference between God and ordinary," Mu Yunfei answered, looking at Zoria's blank eyes. Then he walked out of the gate. "God and ordinary..." Zoria repeated.
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