Chapter 69 Dream Controlling

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When Dalla shouted, Mu Yunfei found in surprise that he seemed unable to control his body and entered a marvelous realm. It seemed that he opened his eyes and watched himself having a real dream. The blood sucking mantis' two edges like sickles reached him at this time, but something that surprised him more happened. The sickles cut his body, yet he didn't feel any pain. The two edges shining with blood red light seemed to be inexistent, and next second, with light flashing before his eyes, the two edges which cut Mu Yunfei inserted into the blood sucking mantis itself unexpectedly. With a horrible whine, the blood sucking mantis exploded and died under its own two edges. With thick b****y smell, it dashed to the ground and made the ground tremble. Everything happened in a flash. In Nana's and Bei Linfeng's eyes, the blood sucking mantis seemed to get crazy suddenly and inserted the two edges into its own body, causing the scene of extreme suicide. Although they didn't understand, it was a good result. So they didn't think about more. However, Mu Yunfei knew what had happened. He had seen that the two blood red edges penetrated him, but next second, it turned in the opposite direction, which confused him undoubtedly. He regained the ability to control himself gradually and then asked in his brain, "Dalla, what happened just now?" "Nothing. I just borrowed your body and exerted an ability," Dalla stated casually, as if talking about a trifle. "Ability? What's the ability?" Mu Yunfei continued. He just felt that he was unable to control his body for a moment, but he didn't feel that there was something new that was similar to an ability inside. Looking at Mu Yunfei's confused face, Dalla smiled. "I controlled your body just now, so the ability is mine. How can you feel it?" She expressed in a joking tone. "How did you make it?" Mu Yunfei still asked in doubt. "Have you heard that dreams are opposite to reality?" Dalla asked. "Of course. All old people said that dreams are opposite to reality, so nightmares can't augur anything," Mu Yunfei replied casually. "But does it have anything to do with your ability?" "Of course yes. My ability is Dream Controlling. After having a nightmare, people are used to telling themselves that dreams are opposite to reality as a comfort, and my ability is to make people dream about what he hopes to see and then tell him that dreams are opposite to reality," Dalla answered. "Simply speaking, I just entered the dream of the blood sucking mantis and made it see what it wanted, which was to kill you. But in reality, the two edges pointed in the opposite direction, itself, and what you saw was just what it imagined in its brain," She explained unhurriedly. Mu Yunfei finally understood everything. He had never expected that Dalla would have such an ability to change the dream forcefully and create a mental image, which made him respect her more. However, at this time, he suddenly thought of another question. He showed an evil smile and asked, "Dalla, how long can you use this ability once? If you can use it frequently, teach me how to use it." Feeling this ability's great power, Mu Yunfei showed his thick-skinned style that few people knew. "Bloke, do you think that this ability is for free? You are daydreaming. When I was in the Dreamland World in the past, I could use it whenever I wanted. Yet now, this was the only attack since I got separated from you in the dream last time, and I have managed with an effort to make it," Dalla said crossly. "Er, what about the next time? When can you use it?" "Next time?" Dalla was furious. "Perhaps you can't expect me to help you within one month. Pray to God to bless you." Afterward, she turned to golden light and scattered. "You are so stingy..." Mu Yunfei murmured. At this time, Nana and Bei Linfeng had come to him and looked at him in surprise. They didn't know what to say for a moment, and their eyes seemed to ask, "You are still alive?" Hmm, in fact, it was not so bad. They must think, "Yunfei, are you okay?" "Yunfei, are you okay?" Nana asked, with concern in her tone. They didn't enter the blood sucking mantis' dream just now, so they had seen that the mantis inserted the two edges into its own body, while Mu Yunfei's body was stiff, and he seemed to be affected. "Yes, Yunfei, how are you feeling?" Bei Linfeng asked, with faint golden light around his body. He started brightness defense zone and enveloped the three, in case that other demon beasts attacked them surprisingly. Mu Yunfei shook his head slowly. "I am fine." Then he stood up with the help of Bei Linfeng and Nana. Although he was undamaged as it was not his ability, he still felt feeble. His Bloodline Power was drained, and even his Dream Power was almost used up under Dalla's Dream Controlling, so the time to use his Dream Power would delay. He shook his head helplessly and swelled out his chest. With his body strength of Golden Bloodline, he felt more comfortable even without Bloodline Power. He looked at the blood sucking mantis not far away. Its two edges were still crossed before its chest, but its chest was cracked and empty, with strong b****y smell. Without the isolation of the brightness defense zone, the smell might be stronger. Something like an elixir flew out of the dead body, with faint dark red light. "That internal elixir!" Nana exclaimed. Probably she was the only one among the three who knew what an internal elixir was because she had one in her body. It belonged to the summoned beast in the dream, Mirror. "Internal elixir?" Mu Yunfei and Bei Linfeng asked in doubt at the same time. "Yes, internal elixir, but I don't know what its function is," Nana replied immediately. She just knew that the internal elixir in her body could let her summon Mirror at any time, yet she didn't know what the usage of this internal elixir of the dead demon beast was. "Bloke, get the internal elixir. It will be useful to you." When the three didn't know how to deal with it, Dalla's voice appeared in Mu Yunfei's brain again, but that was all, and it disappeared once more. "Nana, get the internal elixir. It must be helpful to us," Mu Yunfei said slowly. "Okay." Nana got up and flew to the blood sucking mantis. The strong b****y smell overspread, and she had to cover her nose with her sleeve before she approached it. She urged Bloodline Power slowly and led the internal elixir with dark red light into her hand. Then she quickly returned to the two. With a blush on her pretty face, she glared at the corpse of the blood sucking mantis in the distance. The dark red light circled around the internal elixir with strong b****y smell. It was thrown into Mu Yunfei's hand by Nana who felt disgusted with it. In her eyes, this thing was sick and ugly. She didn't know why Mu Yunfei wanted it. When Mu Yunfei got the internal elixir, he put it in the storage capsule cautiously. Since Dalla said that it was useful, he should keep it well. Nana judged this blood sucking mantis' rank almost correctly, yet there was a difference. It was not at the peak of Blue Rank but in the Initial Term of Red Rank, which meant that this mantis was a demon beast of Red Rank. Only a demon beast of Red Rank or above had an internal elixir in its body, and it was the core of its abilities. However, at this time, they suddenly felt that the ground seemed to be trembling. Although it was not so violent as that when the blood sucking mantis was coming, the sounds were different and disorderly. It seemed that a group of creatures were rushing over. "Some things are coming," Nana said in a deep voice. The three got alert in an instant. Nana and Bei Linfeng turned around quickly and protected Mu Yunfei in the middle, feeling the source of the sounds alertly. What they thought about was right. Sensing the strong b****y smell after the blood sucking mantis died, many demon beasts staying here rushed over with only one purpose, to grab the internal elixir of the blood sucking mantis. The sounds approached gradually, while this time, they were not from the same direction but all sides. Next second, a group of demon beasts like tides showed up and surrounded them, roaring in a low and deep voice.
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