Chapter 83 Shadows

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After coming out of the inner mansion, Mu Yunfei and his two companions walked to their rooms. There were shrubs in order on both sides of the road and several tall and straight Phoebe zhennan in the distance. Although they couldn't compare with the one-thousand-year-old ancient trees in the forest, they were exquisite, beautiful, humid and gentle. Everything became harmonious seemingly because they had finished the task successfully. The three walked on the road, talking and laughing continuously. "Boss, after we go back this time, shouldn't we give a dinner party to celebrate it? Are you going to stand treat?" Bei Linfeng moved closer to Mu Yunfei and smiled flatteringly. Mu Yunfei looked at him crossly. "You know nothing but eating. Don't worry. I don't know if there will be a party to celebrate it, yet I will surely let you eat enough." After hearing that, Bei Linfeng got excited at once, and it seemed that there were all kinds of luxurious dishes from everywhere before his eyes and he was going to drool. "You only know how to eat." Nana poked the fat on Bei Linfeng's waist and then came to Mu Yunfei, saying softly, "Yunfei, after we go back, we should ask William for a holiday of several days. He said that we came to have a holiday, but we spent several days with the demon beasts unexpectedly." While speaking, Nana pouted and looked unhappy. Mu Yunfei patted Nana's head. "Okay. I am at your disposal." Such an action made Bei Linfeng behind jealous of them. When he saw them display affection, he was suddenly full even though he had been hungry. He followed them and tried to look around, preventing himself from being a pest. "Three guests from the Elemental Star Headquarters." A deep voice came from behind them not far away suddenly. The three turned around, to see a middle-aged man standing not far away. His hair was butch, and he looked different from the other people in the Xing family. His eyes narrowed, and the thick brows were so eye-catching on his eyes which were small and could hardly be noticed. He looked serious and mighty even though he was not angry. He only stood there, but made people feel scared. Seeing the three turn around, that man walked to them slowly. His black clothes rustled under the breeze, which added special momentum to him. Looking at this man, Mu Yunfei felt that he was mysterious, and he couldn't see the middle-aged man's strength. When Mu Yunfei stared at him walking to them slowly, the more than ten meters seemed to be long, and it seemed to take forever. The man came to the three and showed a smile on his face, yet his smile looked stiff. He said unhurriedly, "Three guests, I am glad to hear that the Elemental Star Headquarters has allied with our Xing family. In the future, we will be partners." While speaking, he reached out his right hand to them. When the three turned around, Mu Yunfei walked ahead in a natural way. Facing the hand the other party reached out, he would naturally shake hands with the comer in greeting. He raised his right hand and smiled at this middle-aged man. "Of course." But he transferred the Bloodline Power to the palm of his right hand in secret. When they shook hands, the man had an unusual expression flashing in his eyes, yet he still smiled. He shook Mu Yunfei's hand gently and then loosened his hand. Mu Yunfei was surprised. He had input Bloodline Power to his palm because he was afraid that this mysterious man would harm him when they shook hands. He was always cautious in front of strangers, but the huge force he imagined didn't emerge. The man in front of them didn't come with resentment and hypocrisy. What he did seemed reasonable, and he didn't do anything excessive or express resentment. "Right, I have forgotten to introduce myself," The man continued. "I am the butler of the Xing family, and my name is Gu Chengfeng." The butler? This man was the butler of the Xing family unexpectedly. Remembering that the Cold Coagulation Spring outside the inner mansion could detect people's evil intentions, Mu Yunfei got relieved. He looked at Gu Chengfeng and bowed. "Mr. Gu." Gu Chengfeng didn't say more. He smiled at the three again and then walked forward, with magical breath around his body all the time, which was mysterious. Mu Yunfei didn't think about more. After all, this was the butler approved by the Xing family, and the two great masters had no objection, so there must be nothing wrong with him. But from the bottom of Mu Yunfei's heart, he always thought that Gu Chengfeng was strange... ... The sunglow hid below the horizon gradually, and another night came. In the quiet mansion, the conversation between two people indistinctly came from behind a Phoebe zhennan. Under the moonlight, two shadows were left. One of them stood, leaning against a tree quietly, and the other stood next to him respectfully. Both of them showed mysterious breath, which made the air around twist slightly. "The Xing family decided to join the Elemental Star Headquarters in the end," The shadow leaning against the tree spoke in a low and deep voice, which had sympathetic responses with the air. "Our people have lurked on the only way which must be passed when they go down the mountain. Are we going to intercept and kill them?" Another shadow asked with respect. The first speaker shook his head and conveniently beat a fallen leaf into dust in the air, replying coldly, "We can't do it for now." "My Lord, why not?" The other man asked. "The force behind these kids is quite powerful, and especially the young master Jie has a teacher who may show up at any time, so we can't be overhasty." "What should we do next?" It seemed that the first shadow didn't plan to answer him directly. He continued, "Although this time, the Elemental Star Headquarters asked the Xing family to join them, anybody with sharp eyes can see that the Xing family will gain more profit from this cooperation. As a family mainly using Bloodline Power, after they join the Elemental Star Headquarters, they can inevitably bring themselves better resources and then get a chance to promote the family's strength." While speaking, the voice seemed to become deeper. "All people know that there are two factions in the Elemental Star Headquarters, the bloodline warriors and the warriors with ritual articles. But the bloodline warriors play a leading role all the time, while the warriors with ritual articles have no power without foundations and can't shake the will of the Elemental Star Headquarters easily. After the Xing family joins them, it will make the bloodline warriors more powerful. When they are on very intimate terms, they will take over the position of us warriors with ritual articles in the headquarters." That man straightened his back slowly and walked under the moonlight. The silver moonlight shone his face and showed his appearance. If Mu Yunfei and his two companions were here, they would find that this man was the butler of the Xing family, Gu Chengfeng they had met today. He had another identity, the cousin of Luo Se who was the leader of the group of warriors with ritual articles in the Elemental Star Headquarters, and Luo Sen had arranged for him to work undercover in the Xing family throughout the year. The other man followed him closely and showed up next to him. This was nobody but one of the warriors with ritual articles, Yuan Huan, who had tried to intercept Mu Yunfei and his two companions in the upper air with a height of nearly ten thousand meters. When Mu Yunfei and his two companions showed up in the mansion of the Xing family, Gu Chengfeng sent the information to Luo Sen in a special way, and it made Luo Sen furious. He summoned Yuan Huan and cursed him. He had wanted to kill Yuan Huan to vent his anger, but thinking that the faction of warriors with ritual articles was weak for now, he told Yuan Huan to atone for his past mistakes and come here to discuss how to handle the matter next with Gu Chengfeng. Luo Sen knew that his cousin was not so powerful in strength, yet few people were smarter than Gu Chengfeng. So he set his mind at ease and told his cousin to make next arrangements, while he threw himself into another important job. "My Lord, what should we do next?" Yuan Huan asked again. "Do you know the Chu family?" Gu Chengfeng asked. "Yes, it's a family of warriors with ritual articles among the top three families," Yuan Huan answered. "Contact them and win them over. Then..." As Gu Chengfeng was speaking, his narrowed eyes suddenly widened, with cold light flashing, showing breath of death. "Then, Aha... It will be the time of death for the Xing family." Gu Chengfeng sneered with cold light flashing in his eyes, which made Yuan Huan next to him tremble involuntarily. "Remember to bring the bloke from the Chu family. He will be helpful to you," Gu Chengfeng added. "Yes," Yuan Huan replied respectfully. It was midnight, with scattered stars in the sky. The moonlight gently shone the grand mansion of the Xing family. It was silent around and as harmonious as the beautiful world in the dream. At this hour, all people in the Xing family were asleep, but they didn't know that such a beautiful life might be ruined before long when they woke up.
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