Chapter 77 Spinning, Jumping, I Close My Eyes

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When Mu Yunfei was at the peak of his strength, his extreme speed was almost a magical skill and he showed up next to Xing Jie in an instant. Xing Jie had returned to the ground with several scratches on his body. He gasped, but his deep eyes still looked calm, and no emotion could be found. When he saw Mu Yunfei next to him, there was surprise flashing in his deep eyes yet soon he returned calm. He nodded at Mu Yunfei and said, "The murdering bear with a skirt is very dangerous and powerful. You take Xing He and Xing Fan away first. I will keep it here." His tone was resolute. "Don't strive to outshine others. This is a demon beast of Red Rank. Will I leave you alone? Can I do something like this?" Mu Yunfei answered. "I don't know well about you," Xing Jie said casually. "I tell you. I won't leave you alone. Although we are opponents, we are human beings. In front of the demon beasts, we are always on the same side," Mu Yunfei said. After Xing Jie heard that, surprise flashed in his eyes again. He turned to Mu Yunfei, to see a natural smile on his face, which made people feel fresh and comfortable. Xing Jie didn't say more but turned his head, looking at the murdering bear with a skirt not far away. "Be careful of its skirt." After leaving the words, he jumped up to the sky again and an ice blue long sword showed up under his feet, taking him to rush to the bear. Seeing that, Mu Yunfei was astonished. The ice blue long sword under Xing Jie's feet was obviously a ritual article. This guy could even drive this ritual article to fly. It could be imagined that his strength was extraordinary and might be more powerful than Mu Yunfei's. Mu Yunfei's Bloodline Sword was of the best quality among the ritual articles and had reached God Level, but he couldn't ride it and make it fly for now. The light around twisted, and he started Void Breaker. Although he couldn't drive his sword to fly, he could show up in the upper air in his own way. The Bloodline Sword was in his hand and flashed with purplish and bluish golden light, going to the murdering bear with a skirt. He looked at Xing Jie not far away, to see that cyan and ice blue light burst out of him, with the ice blue long sword under his feet, while he grabbed something that Mu Yunfei had never seen. Judging from its shape, it was like a tool for carving, with faint cyan light. What was that? Mu Yunfei was confused about the stuff in Xing Jie's hand. He wanted to ask, but it was not the right time. Xing Jie hung in the sky and gesticulated with the stuff like a carving tool in the void, seeming to draw something. Every time he waved his hand, he seemed to leave a faint cyan shadow in the air, which was mysterious. As the cyan shadows showed up one after another, Mu Yunfei found that a magical image showed up in the void, with the interlaced cyan shadows. What was that? Mu Yunfei suddenly remembered that Xing Jie said next to the Cold Coagulation Spring outside the inner mansion of the Xing family that their family mixed Bloodline Power, ritual articles and magical circles. So was this unreal cyan image in the void a magical circle? Yes, he guessed right. The cyan shadow shaped gradually, and it became solid in front of Xing Jie in the end. A huge magical circle emerged between him and the murdering bear with a skirt not far away. Next second, the magical circle spun out around Xing Jie and enlarged gradually, trying to envelop the murdering bear. This magical circle was named Wind Breaking and could cause stormy waves of a large area, but now Xing Jie used it conversely. It meant that no natural wind or ability of the wind nature would take effect in this magical circle. It prevented the horrible skirt of the murdering bear from destroying randomly under the effect of the wind power to some extent. However, it just worked to a small extent. With its huge body, it could easily make the skirt spin and destroy everything around. What was more astonishing, the murdering bear seemed to enjoy itself and closed its eyes, jumping and spinning in the original spot, like a dancer. As its body twisted without a stop, the steel thorns stood up on the skirt, which showed cold and scary breath. Looking at the murdering bear with a skirt, Mu Yunfei suddenly thought of a song, "Spinning, jumping, I close my eyes..." When he thought so, he didn't dare to slack. He started Void Breaker and the extreme speed, managing to catch up with Xing Jie who rushed to the murdering bear. It was necessary to say that the Wind Breaking Magical Circle released by Xing Jie played an important role. At least, the skirt of the murdering bear accorded with the physical law, and they didn't need to consider the effect of the wind power. Even though the skirt was still disorderly, it still gave them a little comfort. The skirt was full of erect steel thorns, yet they were soft, and it danced nimbly. The bear wore a skirt, but Mu Yunfei couldn't compare it with the girls wearing skirts. How could it compare with them? There were great differences. Xing Jie reached the murdering bear first, and the ice blue light on his body spread gradually. The ice blue sword shadows gathered behind him, and a sword shadow filling the whole sky was formed in the blink of an eye and enveloped the murdering bear. The violent momentum made Mu Yunfei not far away tremble and almost fall from the sky. The ice blue sword shadow came to the bear's hair like steel thorns instantly, but most of it covered the bear's head. The sounds of metal being smashed could be heard, and the bear's hair like steel thorns was smashed under the ice blue sword shadow, while its original skin and hair were revealed. "He made it!" Mu Yunfei applauded in secret. However, when they thought that the ice blue sword shadow would further damage the bear's body, something weird happened. The skirt around the bear's waist showed up around its head in an instant unexpectedly and helped it resist the upcoming sword shadows. The defense ability of this skirt which looked light and thin was more powerful than that of the skin and hair on the surface of the bear, and it resisted the rest sword shadows easily. It shocked Xing Jie and Mu Yunfei. If the skirt just stayed in the distance, they would have the confidence to avoid it, but the truth was not like this. The skirt could move randomly at a high speed. And the original skin and hair had powerful defense ability, which caused the pessimistic situation. The skirt returned to the bear's waist and shook slightly, as if provoking them. Mu Yunfei suddenly had a plan. He grabbed the Bloodline Sword in his hand and started the extreme speed, rushing to the murdering bear. When he passed Xing Jie, he said, "Cooperate with me." He started a dream ability, Dreaminess. An illusory phantom showed up behind Mu Yunfei, and it grabbed the Bloodline Sword releasing purplish and bluish golden light, which was the premotion of Thundery Chop and Ice Chop. Mu Yunfei started Void Breaker, and he disappeared in the air next second. Looking at what was happening in front of him, Xing Jie showed a surprised expression in his eyes. He had never seen or heard about the ability Mu Yunfei had started, so he was shocked. Xing Jie roared and started Explosion Zone, which was a unique Zone Power of the direct line of the Xing family, and it could instantly increase the fighting capacity of the appointed people in the range by fifty percent. It was a magical skill in the zone. Mu Yunfei just felt powerful strength covering him, and the Bloodline Power in his body erupted with endless force. He started Void Breaker and appeared behind the murdering bear. Then he started the golden ice crystal. This time, under Explosion Zone, the power hidden in the ice crystal increased more than any time in the past. With extremely cold breath, it was going to envelop the bear's skirt, with only one purpose, to freeze the bear's skirt and its body together only for a moment. It did this just to let the phantom of Dreaminess' attack destroy the bear to the greatest extent. Even Xing Jie secretly praised the series of movements and admired Mu Yunfei more. However, everything was not as simple as they had imagined. When Thundery Chop and Ice Chop were going to break the bear's defense, the frozen skirt suddenly got rid of the golden ice crystal and spun, rising to resist the sword. Moreover, several wisps of cold light flashed out of the skirt and overspread, trying to attack Mu Yunfei and Xing Jie. It came to them at once.
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