11 (Thanksgiving)

1921 Words

Time really does pass by when you're having fun, one moment it's the start of classes, then you're cramming for exams, now here I was... sitting at Thanksgiving dinner with my mom, dad, and Sara. Tension has been building up since this morning and I'm here nearly suffocating. "Can somebody start thanking something already?" Impatience escaped my voice, Sara doesn't even bother to look at me, she's been playing with her hands since we've sat. On the other hand, mom looks at me with apologetic eyes while dad sits in the middle uncomfortably. Sigh. Let me trace back a few days earlier. Three days earlier Sara and I were cuddling in her bed, U2's Ordinary Love playing in the background. We've been lying there for a long time and normally a person would get awkward from such length, but we

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