16 (Christmas Misadventure)

3024 Words

Sara's POV We arrived in the city at eight in the evening. The city was far from falling asleep, the lights that shone everywhere had signified that. Huge sizes of televisions were scattered all over the place, animated advertisements were playing in the said T.Vs, the streets were still booming with people. Keeping busy by walking, chattering, and eating. It was far from what we've just came into. Our little town was far behind us. At this hour, everyone was tucked in at home, only a few lingered the streets, readying to go to bed after the late night show or snack. There was an expression of astonishment in Allie's eyes, she had never dwindled out of town this far to see such a sight. But the busy body of the city seeped and made me tired.  "Sara?" Allie says, catching my stare. I he

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