I slept for what must have been ten hours, undisturbed. When I awoke, it was pitch black in the room. My stomach was growling angrily, but I ignored it. I had more important things to worry about. Cautiously, I slipped from the bed and tiptoed to the door, my ears perked for the sound of any Devil’s Wings nearby. I didn’t hear anything, so, biting my lip and wincing with every click, I dialed in the code. Pop! The key sprang free! I inserted it into the door and a moment later I was out, freed into a long, dark stairwell. Okay, Faria, I told myself. You’re out. Now what? I need to call Aunt Venus. She would be able to sort things out, seeing as she’d sent me here anyway. Besides, I wanted to check on her. I knew that she was up to handling any asshole on the police, but still, I worri