Chapter 3

1094 Words
It's been a week since Ryan was captured. For someone used to living in the open air, Ryan was depressed and already barely eating the three meals a day Kevin brought him. - Don't you think it's time for you to tell me your story? - Kevin asks. - Are you going to kill me? - Ryan asks suddenly. - Of course not. Who do you think we are? We don't kill pups. We only kill rogues when they attack the pack. Also, don't you say you're not a rogue? Why would we kill you? Ryan cried in a corner. He had promised his mother to survive at all costs, but in a cell, he was feeling defeated. - If I tell you everything, will you turn me in? - To whom? - Kevin asks, pulling up a chair and sitting down by the railing. - The people who killed my mother. - Answers Ryan without lifting his eyes from the ground. Kevin opened his eyes wide. Over the course of the week, he had warmed to the young man, and now, more than ever, he wanted to hear his full story. - Ryan, no one here is going to hurt you or give it to someone who will kill you, you can rest assured. Please tell me your story. Ryan closes his eyes and remembers: 10 years ago: - Mom, I'm so hungry. Ryan and his mother had just fled from another city, after the enemies got too close. - I know my love, but mommy can't hunt now, because they are still close. - Mom, who are those people who hate us so much? You're so good, I can't understand. - Baby, you're still too young to understand everything, but you're old enough to know some things. Besides, it's time for mom to start teaching you how to survive. - I'm so hungry, I can't learn anything. Scarlet squeezes her son in her arms, and rocks him. They stay like that for some time, until a squeaking calls her attention. A rabbit had fallen into the trap she had set. Wasting no time, she lets go of Ryan and grabs the rabbit, wringing its neck. -Ryan look, we have food. But we're going to have to eat it raw. We can't make a fire until we have a greater distance. - Raw mommy? - Ryan asks in disgust. - Son, we are wolves. Wolves hunt and eat what they hunt. It's the human part of us that likes to cook. Close your eyes and pretend you are a big wolf. Overcome with hunger, Ryan eats raw meat for the first time. 7 years ago - Congratulations, my little king. Your teacher told me that you are the best student in the class. - I'm a fast learner, Mom. We never know when we have to change cities, so I try to learn as much as I can. - Ryan answers with his chest swollen. Despite being very proud of her son, Scarlet feels a great tightness in her chest. This was not the life she had wanted for her son. - Let's pray to the moon goddess to be safe here. Ryan knew his mother was just saying that to make him feel better. That strong woman who did everything to protect him, was in reality the mate of the alpha of the pack that his mother refused to identify. He didn't understand the whole story, but he would always remember what his mother had told him. A wolf convinced the alpha that his mate had cheated on him with the beta. Blind with jealousy, he orders the beta to be carried out and killed, and arrests his mate at home, threatening to release her only when he forgives her and performs the Luna's ceremonial. A few days after seeing her childhood friend executed, she discovers that she's pregnant. That made the alpha very happy, but once again, that woman convinces the alpha that the son Scarlet is carrying was the result of the romance between her and the beta. In a rage, the alpha has his mate arrested in the dungeon until the child is born, to then kill him, and then, making her have is real son. But this was not enough for that Machiavellian woman. She wanted the title of Luna, and for that, mother and son would have to die. As it was impossible to convince the alpha to kill his companion, she hires a rogue to kill the woman, but this rogue was a good person, and the exact proof that not all rogues are bad and violent, and ends up releasing the woman, advising her to never stop running and never come back. Because he knew all this, Ryan tried to give his mother no trouble, and learn as much as he could, in the shortest amount of time. And Ryan had a big help, Ice, his wolf, who started talking to him the day he turned 10. 5 years ago - It hurts mommy. Really hurts. - Ryan screamed in pain, in the middle of the woods, where his mother had been carrying him in her arms. - Ryan, it's a full moon, and your wolf wants out. It's still too soon for that, but since he spoke four years earlier, it looks like he doesn't want to waste time. I don't know why, baby, it should only be when you turn 18. -It hurts mama, I can't take it – Ryan's screams, and his screams echoed in the wood, at the same time as the cracking of bones echoed in the night. - I don't know how to help you, my love, you're too young for this. Focus on all my love, my little king, give control to Ice, and let him out. Between screams and sobs, cracking of bones and the sound of clothes ripping, Ryan shifted and where he was before, a beautiful white wolf with black ears and golden eyes appeared. - Ice, you are the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen. - Scarlet said, stroking the wolf's head. Ice licks Scarlet's face, making Scarlet giggle. Scarlet undresses and shifts, and both run through the woods, chasing small animals startled by their passage. When they both return, Scarlet shifts back and gets her clots, encouraging Ryan to do the same, and leaving the coat for him to wear. When they return home, they stop and hide. They found them again. Now they had to flee and leave everything they had behind.
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