1100 Words

"What are you guys still waiting for? I want all of you to go out and look for Sage. If you don’t find her, don’t come back to this castle," Triston declared with a straight face. All the warriors, including Eric, bowed their heads in respect and exited the room in a swift motion. Triston grabbed the doorknob and shut the door, turning back to look at the doctor. He tossed the sword to the floor next to the dead warrior and walked past him to the doctor. "How is he?" Triston inquired. "He is alright, he just has a little head injury." The doctor replied, organizing his toolbox. Chris arrived at the packhouse with Kent and ran out of the car the moment the car stopped. "Wait for me." Kent said, getting out of the car, but Chris didn’t wait for him. He was extremely happy, and he wanted

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