1047 Words

Triston matched into his castle with a huge smile on his face. He halted in the living room, giving Eric a strong handshake. "You did well. Now I just have to think of a way to win the court hearing and kill that asshole once and for all." Triston said. "Kill?" Eric muttered with his mouth slightly open. "Yes, I want to kill Logan. Maybe that will be the only way to get him to leave Sage alone," he replied. "But if you kill him, the moon goddess will give Sage another mate, which means..." Triston cut in. "How did you know I was cursed?" he questioned. Eric gulped, avoiding his gaze. Only a few people in the pack knew about Triston’s curse, and he was sure Eric wasn’t among them, but the fact that he knew meant the whole pack would be aware now. "I…I uh, I gotta go, my mom needs me

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