1971 Words
"No! This can’t be! No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn’t want to believe her. The dipstick is telling the truth and she is lying about me being pregnant. She must have something to gain from this. I cried in the bathroom for a few hours until I was satisfied and walked out of the bathroom to my room. It was empty, and the door was slightly open, so were my windows. I reached for the door and shut it. I went back to my bed, pulling the blanket off my body. As the cold breeze from the window entered my room, I felt refreshed and free. Maybe this will all go away tomorrow. I woke up as I felt someone feeling my pulse and touching my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes, and my eyes met with those of the pack doctor. She was looking at me with a worried expression on her face. How did she get into my room? Didn’t I lock the door? I pushed her hand away and sat up on my bed, moving closer to the edge with my eyes fixed on her. "W-What are you doing in my room?" I questioned. "H-How did you get into my room?" I asked. "Stop asking stupid questions, Sage, I heard things from your mother." I heard my father’s voice and gasped as I saw him and my mother in the room. His hand was around her shoulder. I glared at her just like I thought she was a snitch, and she would always act innocent in front of me. I can’t believe I fell for her schemes all these years. The doctor didn’t answer my questions, and she turned to look at my parents. "She is pregnant." She announced. I felt like vanishing into thin air. I couldn’t believe my ears. "I…I am p...pre…pregnant?" I asked the doctor in utter shock; she rolled her eyes and nodded her head. My father’s once expressionless face turned into an angry one. Sweat started forming on my forehead. I was numb and glued to my bed. I couldn't open my mouth to say anything. The doctor stared at me with a lot of pity. "There must be a misunderstanding here; she isn’t pregnant, is she?" My father asked in a calm voice, trying to be polite when he wasn’t. "She is indeed pregnant, alpha. I have seen the signs." The doctor answered. "I know it's hard to believe Alpha, but your daughter is pregnant, two months pregnant." The doctor said. My father looked at me with those eyes that could kill. His green eyes darkened. "What do you have to say for yourself?" my dad asked. I gripped tightly to the sheets. "Are you sure of what you are telling me? Did you conduct the test well?" My dad asked the doctor with a straight face. "Yes, your majesty, she has even used the dipstick." The doctor replied. My dad tossed a threatening glare at me. "Who got you pregnant? Speak up!!" he shouted in a rumbling tone, sending shivers down my spine. "I...I don't know." I replied with my lips trembling. I can't tell him it's Logan, his worst enemy. He will surely kill me and the baby. "You don't know! So, you have become a w***e in the blink of an eye by sleeping with someone that isn't your mate!" my dad ranted. "How did this happen, honey?" my mom asked. Tears started dripping from my eyes. "Stay out of this witch!" I roared at my foster mother and continued crying. My hot tears burned my eyes as they drifted down my pale cheeks. "Abort the baby. I can't let my daughter ruin my reputation. I am so disgusted at the w***e I raised." My dad said. It felt like my heart had been ripped out. The doctor moved closer to me and grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand from her grip and looked at my father. I know Logan wasn't my mate. But it would be a great sin to murder a were-baby before it is brought into this world. The moon goddess will punish us. "I can't abort my child; all this happens for a reason, and besides, the moon goddess won't be pleased if I abort the child," I said. "Shut your mouth hole. You have the audacity to talk. You can't object to my decision. You are the next alpha of my pack." My dad ranted, his voice echoing in the room. "Sage is..." I cut in before my mom could speak. "Stay out of this b***h. This is a family matter, and it has nothing to do with you." I said to my mom, who frowned and looked away, and my behavior enraged my dad. He looked mad, like he wanted to attack me. "Sage, how can you speak to your mother in that manner? Is this how I raised you?" he queried, pissed. "She has been there for you all your life, taking care of you, and you still have the nerve to insult her when the fault is yours." My dad said, gnashing his teeth. "I can’t believe I gave birth to a w***e like you. If you don’t want me to kill you with that baby, I want you to pack your bags and get out of my house," he said. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe he was saying this to me, after all we had been through. "Please, honey, don’t do this to her. She is still our daughter and she is a pure soul." The b***h cut in, staring at her husband. "Pure soul my foot, if she decides to keep the baby, then she is no longer my daughter or the next alpha of this pack. I can’t believe you are still taking her side after all she said about you." My father said, with a lot of anger in his voice. "How can you say such a thing? She is still our daughter." My mom protested. "You mean your daughter? I never raised a w***e. I think I am going to adopt a male child to fill in that void and become the alpha of this pack, although he won't have an alpha bloodline." My dad said. I couldn't help but cry. I can't believe my father is saying all this. He already had a plan to get rid of me because of this baby. "I have a suggestion, honey." My mom said, putting her hand on his back. "What!!" he asked in a cold tone. "Um, why don't we allow Sage to give birth to her baby and hand him over to the orphanage afterwards?" My mom suggested. "You think that would work?" my dad asked. "Yes, it will, as long as we don't allow her to leave the house until she gives birth." My mom suggested. I touched my stomach, feeling the life growing in there. I wasn't ready to give up my baby to someone else and the pain that comes with labor. I wouldn't be able to recover quickly as I haven't shifted yet. "Let's do that," my dad concluded. "I am not giving my child to anyone." I said, looking at him in the eyes. He moved closer to me and grasped my neck, choking me and shaking me. I couldn't breathe. I can't believe my father is doing this to me. I thought I was his lucky charm. His razor-sharp finger was slowly digging into the flesh of my neck. I could see the anger in his eyes, and his fangs came out of his mouth. Oh no! His wolf had surfaced. My father does nasty things when his wolf has taken control of him. My eyes were shaking as I struggled to breathe. "Stop it, Aaron." My mom said with a sly smile and started hauling him away from me, but he wouldn't let me go. My face turned purple. I was literally seeing stars. I didn't know when I passed out on the bed. *************** Bang! Bang! I heard heavy thunderstorms in the clouds and droplets of coldwater landing on my body. Am I dead? I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was outside the castle on the floor where the rain was pouring. I sat up on the floor and saw my mom looking at me through the window with her hand on the glass. She had a persistent smile on her face. She waved goodbye through the window. "b***h!!!" I yelled at her and she closed the curtains. I can’t believe I have been thrown out of my own house and that evil woman was allowed to stay here. My clothes were scattered around the road. The passing vehicles were driving past me, crushing my clothes. The thought that my father had thrown me out of the house left a hole in my heart as the rain increased, wetting my body. Pouring heavily as the cold water dripped down my face. My undies were soaked. I ran to my luggage and started putting my wet clothes in it. What more can I expect from my dad? I have forsaken him. I was supposed to be the next alpha. My tears were lost in the rain. I zipped up my bag and got up on my feet, walking towards my car that was parked close to the entrance. I opened the trunk and put my luggage in it. I opened the door of my car and was about to get into it when I heard my name. "Sage!!" I halted and turned to look at the person. It was Ella. She was carrying a black bag. Her eyes were puffy. I think she had been crying. She didn’t even try to help me. It’s obvious that she doesn’t want me in the house. Maybe she can have her husband to herself now. I got pregnant with someone who wasn't my mate. I don't have anywhere to go or anyone to call for help or money to take care of myself. "Here, take this. Your mother asked me to give it to you." She said, in a shaky voice, while handing me the bag. "I don’t want that, and don’t ever call her my mother again." I said backing Ella. She grabbed my hand and placed the bag in it. "Take it and leave; your father is on his way out." She said, looking around with side-eyes. I blinked back the tears in my eyes and tossed the bag into my car when I realized I didn't have the keys to my car. "Here is your car key. I stole it from your father's room." She said she was putting it in my hand, and I felt guilty taking it from her. If she gets caught, she will be garroted to death. "Believe your mom wishes you well; she doesn’t want this." She said. "You don't have to do much for me. What if you get caught?" I asked. "Shh, don't say anything, just go." She whispered, with her eyes filled with tears, and hugged me briefly. "I am going to miss you." I said with my lips quivering. "I wish all this had never happened. We wouldn't have to separate like this." She said. We started hearing thunderous footsteps heading our way. "Get out of my pack!" My dad's voice echoed. He was standing at the entrance of the pack with two other guards beside him. "I have to go," I said, and quickly got into my car. I fired the engine and drove off at great speed. I didn't know a day would come when I would be treated like s**t by my father. I thought of ending my life with the child. This life is not worth living.
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