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Eric turned back into his human form, naked in front of Triston because he couldn’t speak in his wolf form. In their pack, only Triston had the ability to speak in his wolf form, because he was their king and was the last Lycan. Triston decided not to care about his naked body. To werewolves, nakedness was a normal thing, and since they were both male wolves, it wasn’t a big deal. "What are you doing here? Why did you follow me? Didn’t I ask you to take care of Brian?" Triston asked in a harsh tone that made Eric take a step back. "I asked the other warriors to take him to the castle. I wanted to be with you and help you. Your Highness, tell me if I did the wrong thing. I will accept any punishment you give me." Eric said, looking down. He had asked the other warriors he asked to follow

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