Chaos in the pack 2

1030 Words

"Goddamnit!" he yelled as the car responded. He blasted the engine and started driving. The warriors were jumping out of the way as they used their swords to hit the car one after the other. "Get out of the car." one of the warriors said as he spread his hands in the air. Brian gnashed his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the warrior before running him over. The warrior flew in the air, breaking one of the side mirrors as Brian drove off at great speed without looking back. "I think my father must have sent them." Sage commented, looking back at the warriors. "He sent them." Triston replied as they made a U turn, driving into their pack. They all heaved a sigh of relief as they drove past the border of their pack. "This is all my fault. Now my father wants to get rid of me." Sage said,

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