1034 Words

He glanced at her bag. "You don’t need it. Don’t worry. I will get you another one. That one looks old and ugly," he said. "No, I want that one. It was given to me by my mother," she said. "Your mother, who is she?" he asked. But she refused to answer his question, biting her lower lip. "If you don’t want to tell me about her, I won’t get the bag," he threatened. "Please, I need it. My child’s things are in there," she pleaded. "Alright, I will get it for you." he said, and walked over to the bag and grabbed it with his teeth. "Hold on tight, this is going to be a bumpy ride," he said and grunted before running deep into the woods with Sage and her son. She was screaming at the top of her lungs as he ran with her. It was the first time she had been riding on the back of a werewolf an

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