Chapter 4

786 Words
Next morning Tara arrived at college... her face was quite dull and she looked as if in a daze... T: (thoughts) I need to talk to Anant about all this...but how? He is so angry already! What should I do, God help me... It was time for the first class so Tara went for it... there all her friends were also present. The principal (Pr) enters the room... Pr: good morning students! Today I want to announce the official fusion concert.... it will be held by Sir Parth Sharma... please welcome him... Parth (Pa) now came and gave his intro eyeing every other student in the room... Pa: hello students... I am here to prepare you for the fusion concert... as per Nika Maam's recommendations, we have already made some pairs in which you all have to work... so here it goes 1. Karan and Mukta 2. Dhrumil and Arya 3. Anant and Tara (Prerna is not participating) Anant looked at Tara with anger but he saw her looking downwards as if she was unaware of her surrounding... Parth gave his speech and then left assigning a practise room to all the pairs... Dhrumil and Arya were in their room.. D: Arya!! Ar: hmm Dhrumil?? D: actually… I was thinking... A: What?? D: Why don’t Dhrumil and Arya become DhruRya A: what's Dhrurya?? D: dhru+lya!! A: ummm Dhrumil Arya started blushing and same was the case with Dhrumil too... A: umm yes! D: really??? A: yes yes yes!! Dhrumil I love you!! D: I love you too Arya!! I love you a lot!! A: Isn’t this do weird? Like, a month ago, I was running behind Anant who was in love with Tara and you, you were running behind Tara who was in love with Anant... and then finally we both fell in love each other... life is really strange right?? D: yes, but see the good part... we are together A: ya but Dhrumil I really feel bad for Tara! I mean she is a very sweet innocent girl... but I understand Anant too... D: ya, buddy is really angry on her... but she is no less of a match to him... she is also teasing the hungry lion!! Both chuckled and then D: I love you Arya! A: love you too Dhrumil!! Their lips were then joined for a lovely, romantic kiss... Mukta and Karan... Mu: You tell me whats up between you and Prerna C: man... nothing... we aren't even friends yaar... but, she is very hurt... I mean can you even thihnk about her situation? She was in love with Harsh but he spoiled everything by taking videos of their intimate night and leaving her when she is pregnant Mu: I know... but we also know Harsh right! Like he was Anant’s best friend but slept with his mother while he was with me... so... he can bloody never change Parth entered into Dhruryas room, P: Dhrumil as usual you’d play the guitar... but western music and Arya you’ll do the keyboard as always but the music should be indian! Got it?? A: yes sir!! Meanwhile in Anantaras room A; just listen to me.. this all together n all.. it's just for the concert nothing else... coz I don't like to lose... we have to win... so don't you try to come close to me T: hmm... A: what hmm...??? Listen you have to answer me whenever I ask for something!! Tara was lost somewhere... so now Anant dragged her to the announcement room and locked the door and pinned her on the door... A: so now!?? Out with it!?? What are you cooking in your little brain T: Anant... I need to talk... A: about what...?? T: about me.... A: I am not interested in knowing anything about you... T: Anant please just once, hear me out na!! A: oh forget it! I am least interested! T: Anant please! Tara held his hand and Anant jerked her hand hard due to which her hand hit the switch of the mic and now the entire college could hear them... T: Anant please listen na!! A: what is it Tara!?? Why can't you just leave me fu*king alone!! What is your problem??!! You have already spoilt my life once... what now do you want?? Why are you so hell bent in.... Tara cut him in the middle and shouted... T: Anant Malhotra I am pregnant!! Anant had shock written all over his face and he looked at her in shock... while the entire college had heard this and famous5 and Prerna were shocked as hell... they all rushed to the announcements room...
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