I immediately lifted my hands in the air, not expecting him to point a gun at my head. A pistol was pointed at me when I was still in possession of my male body, and a gun is still pointed at me now that I'm stuck with Delilah's body. I was scared out of my wits and terrified for my life. "I'm sorry, sir... I didn't do anything." I quickly apologized, frightened for my life. He arched his brows, and it appeared that was when he noticed he was carrying a gun. "I need you to get dressed before I blow your brains out." He gave an order. He never speaks in a calm tone, but rather in a chilly, authoritarian tone. "However, sir. Bikinis are supposed to conceal the breasts, but what I saw in the closet was made entirely of rope." I attempted to clarify. I get the impression that he has no