Chapter 15: Chest of Treasures

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The afternoon free lesson to games time was spent differently by all the students. Some used it to finish up their assignments, others used it for storytelling and group discussions that went on at low tones. Others went to the music room to sharpen their skills and Mason with his soccer buddies chose to hit the field early. The annual interschools games were just around the corner. Under the warmth of the scorching hot sun the future face of football and his teammates jumped over the training cones and proceeded to hit at a ball at the back of a small net. One after another for minutes they jumped until the captain blew his whistle. "Time out!" He shouted going after Mason, "you were slow back there" "Maybe I was too fast for you cap" "Or maybe your mind is somewhere else" he said stylishly juggling the ball around, before Mason could hit him back with his response he kicked the ball towards him. Mason jumped up high and controlled it midair then stopped. "Looks like my mind is here dude" he pointed his head, "you know it will be easier to win your bet of you just kept your distance" "And miss a chance to see you tear to shreds your self-respect. Naah I'll pass" "All good. It's not like am whining" they walked to the cooler box, both of them picked up a bottle of water. "Progress report?" "All good you don't have to worry. She is slowly falling for this bad boy" "Not that bad" "You're just jealous, suck it up" The team went to recovery mode, the team gym room. Graffiti on the wall and the stickers of half-naked celebrities would welcome you and the heat mixed with sweat would make your nasal nerves numb. It was the sweat of success as the boys prepared for greatness under the hundreds of their fans and scouts all over canon islands from colleges, with nothing but their pride on the line since it was not a competitive fixture. Somewhere else in the same school, in the hallways Audrey was walking with her locket swinging, it was one of those unusual days she was not in the library. After agreeing with Tina at lunch time about preparing her for that party she had not showed up and for some reason her phone wasn't going through. While it was easy for Tina to find her, it was hard for the reverse. Like looking for a needle in a haystack. This was also due to the fact that she was a terrible speaker and everyone was either looking at her funny or they just didn't want her to stop then and ask about a petite tattered blonde, a bit violent but with a heart as big as a barn. Desperation brings courage, after trying to find her on her own without any success, she chose to ask. And yeah, her heart was racing too. "Hello" "Look at this" mocked one of those who were supposed to help her, Tina's classmates, "who are you talking to? Do you see anyone who looks like you here?" "I just want to know where Tina is, please" "Do we look like we care where she is?" Another one jumped in surrounding her, now she could tell why Tina was that violent. Was it just her or the former's classmates were lunatics? "Come on, she is just being human. Asking for help" a sensible one came forward. "Are you seriously sympathizing with her? What is it with everyone?" "Try the music room" Her face lit up, had she just been reminded of something she knew? Where else would a future Rockstar be found if not in the studio perfecting her art. "Thank you" "You're welcomed" Audrey rushed to the music room, trumpets and drums with some rock n roll could be heard from a distance. She stopped to put herself together, tie her long hair and keep her snacks away. There was no need to embarrass Tina more when her mere presence was going to embarrass her. She breathed in and out then confidently walked in. One after another the drumming, trumpets and piano stopped, all eyes were at the door. Didn't she know it was a special club? Keyword special. "Okay" the leader said, "please tell me am just dreaming and that's not Audrey Miller standing there" "It's her in the flesh" Tina stood up for her, "and she is here for me, right babes" Audrey nodded in agreement. "Hold up a minute. You of all people know the rules..." "Who said she can't play any of those instruments" Audrey's eyes almost popped out, "you guys judge her unfairly before giving her a chance to show you what she is capable of" "What are you doing?" Audrey whispered in her ear, Tina ignored her and circled her right hand around her shoulders. "My friend here" some could be heard choking on their saliva, "Yes I said friend, is more human than any of you and she is better at piano than most...sorry all of you dimwits!" The piano gang was heard groaning in disappointment. They booed her and she smiled through it. On the bright side, she had dared them with something Audrey could do or rather stopped doing for some time. Piano. There was that relationship she had with the tunes, a safe haven in her head where she could hide from everything. "I'm a bit rusty" she whispered. "Do I look like I care right now, do your what's it gonna be?" She shouted the last bit out, super charged with confidence of a hunting black-maned lion. "I'd love to see what she can do with those sausages she calls fingers" their leader mocked amid laughter, it was also a psychological tactic to knock her off her feet even before she began showcasing her craft. They were all scared of her, innately. "Shut the f**k up and learn" Tina pulled a stool for her best friend and welcomed her to seat, Audrey exhaled sharply, looked around at the dozen set of eyes on her as she walked to the piano. It had been long but she could always find a rhythm after two or three unsuccessful trials. Everyone fails sometimes, but wasn't that what they expected? Laughter roared in the music room, a few ribs had surely cracked because of how terrible she was at the piano. Even Tina found herself secretly laughing on her sleeve. But amidst that storm, like a Phoenix she chose to rise from the ashes with a melodious tune that commanded silence and left those who doubted her with a dropped lower jaw. In fact, she played it so well that they surrounded her and of course got out their phones except this time not to record her shame but her victory and glory in winning hearts of music lovers. For the next minute or so they didn't see her as the biggest freak in Bridgetown fraternity but rather as one of their own, united and glued together by the fabric of art. When her performance ended, she received a standing ovation, not used to getting such she just sat there her hand across her heart. Maybe her face didn't say it all but deep down she bowed with outmost humility. "Thank you!" She finally found her voice when the clapping went down, "though am a little rusty" "Shut up girl, that was amazing" "It was. I'm sorry for seeing you through the lenses of others" the team leader said, he exhaled sharply, "I never thought I'd say this" There was excitement in Tina's general body presentation. Did she know something everyone else didn't know? "You deserve a spot in this team, so, if you want to join the music club. You don't have to give us your answer right now buy you should consider it..." "She will consider it" Tina jumped in interrupting the leader. "Sure?" "Yeah" "I'm talking to her" "And I speak for her" He looked at Audrey who didn't want much arguing so she just nodded and it was a settled matter. Not all of them agreed with that decision but they were all going to fall in line anyway. The duo left looking happy and chatty, but Audrey still had some doubts. "You did well, see, you are part of the music team" "I don't know. Is it just me or they accepted me because of you and maybe Mason" "Don't drag us into your win girl, come on. It's just you. Learn to take some credit when you deserve it" "Okay" "So, what's up?" She asked stopping further away from the noise. "Been trying to call you like forever" Tina quickly went for her sling bag and retrieved her phone, "oh sorry, it's hard to hear it ring with all that noise" "I think it's fair to call it music, what do you play in there anyway?" "Have you seen me play a trombone?" She shook her head in denial. "Well you should coz no one plays it better than I do" "Great, now to why I was looking for you" she paused a little, it was still a blurry line between going to the dance for Mason or out of defiance and anger towards her family, "The party" "Sorry if forgot. You want a snack as we talk about it?" "No" She tickled her, surprisingly it had no effect. Her rib cages were way too embedded in thick layers of fat to feel those tickles. "That was a terribly botched prank, anyway am sure you can use some snacks. How long has it been, ten minutes?" She asked as the strolled towards the canteen. "I can go for long without them" "How long is long?" "Just get me the damn snacks" Audrey waited at one of the benches while Tina went to get her snacks. She smiled with contentment, pride, staring at her fingers that at her moment of need they came through for her. Finally, a group was willing to incorporate her and all thanks to Mason and Tina. She wasn't regretting meeting them. she just didn't know that there's more to what meets the eye, in the coming days she would lose herself, fall for the temptation of being like everyone else at the expense of her uniqueness that made her special? What do you think? Was she special? Are you special or different?
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