Chapter 9: The Orange and the Jackfruit

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Chapter 9: The Jackfruit and the Orange The next class was a general meeting for all the eleventh graders. They were meeting with the senior principal and the Director of Academics for a discussion about the recently released exams and the upcoming exams. It was an impromptu meeting that came as a relief since most of the students would rather sit down for a couple of hours and listen to motivational speakers, laugh at their dry jokes and ignore the overstatement in their stories than listen to a teacher whine about balancing a chemical equation. It was half past nine in the morning, the eleventh graders were flooding the multipurpose hall. Standing at roughly two hundred meters high with a capacity of more than one thousand students, circular with five hundred seats at the ground floor and the remaining two fifty on two top floors. State of the art air conditioning with LCD screens hanging almost everywhere projecting everything from the ground floor podium set up with a microphone and decorated in golden colors of the prestigious Bridgetown High School, arguably the best. The only school closer to them was the Hunt academy. Audrey was waiting at one of the less busy entrances, with everyone struggling to get in through all the three entrances she didn't want to end up being squeezed or stumbled on. She knew most of her school mates didn't like her, others were threatened by her intelligence and others just couldn't stand her presence. Her comfort was standing there until they were all in then she could comfortably walk in. But since when did Mason allow her to be comfortable. Ever since he kicked himself into her life she didn't have time to be comfortable. "Look who's here, your hair looks different" Finally, someone that mattered to her apart from the one who made her hair realized that it was different. Speak of that tingly feeling in the lower abdomen...what do ladies call it. Butterflies? Exactly. "Hi Mason. Thank you" "Hello, you don't want to get in or you are waiting for someone" "Waiting for someone" she said looking away, it was hard to lie straight in his face. Lying made her sick in the pit of her stomach and she also couldn't look him in the eye without shying away. "Look at me, I just saw Tina walk in that means you're lying" "Tina isn't my only friend" "Another lie, come on" he held her hand, she couldn't resist, one he was too strong for her and two it was turning into some sort of a scene attracting the much attention she was trying to avoid. If walking in with him was going to save her from it...we all know that was not the case Mason had attention following him everywhere like a shadow...she agreed. A path was automatically created for them. Phones out taking pictures and recording as Mason dragged her inside, cautiously of course and she didn't know how to react or carry herself but drop her gaze, her heart thudding in her ribcage almost dropping down to her belly. Fear and adrenaline simultaneously hit her in jolts as the entire hall, dozens and dozens of eyes focused on them taking the front seats. As a matter of fact, Mason wiped her seat first before allowing her to sit. "Thank you" That didn't come out as she expected. "Did you say something? I saw your lips move" She cleared her throat and said it again, "Thank you Mason" "You're welcome, now, what do you think this meeting is about...hey look at me don't worry about everyone else" he noticed her lack of concentration and held her arms, "keep your eyes on me until we know what this is about okay? You think you can do that?" "I can't promise it's not easy to look at you" "Why? Am too ugly? You got so make up in there?" He teased making her chuckle amid ripples of hate and jealousy around them. "Stop it" "Okay, just don't worry about everyone else. Get out your phone play a game or something or reply my texts now that you have time" "Sorry, I'm not good at texting...most of the time I don't know what to say" "There are those tiny things on your keyboard called emojis or you can use stickers just don't leave a brother hanging" "Okay. It won't happen again" she got out her phone from her bag pack and the first notifications that hit her were pictures of her and Mason walking in the hall. After ignoring and blocking them she chose to reply his messages with a thumb’s up emoji. "Not bad" Mason said the moment his phone buzzed, "Anyway, how have you been?" "Have you seen those rumors? Don't they affect you, last thing I want is anyone getting bashed for associating with me" Mason didn't see the change of topic coming. A few weeks he has been around her had taught him patience with her and her weak grasp on context and her blind eye or ignorance on both verbal and non-verbal context clues offered by someone she was in a conversation with. Even though she was too analytical, weighing her words before speaking, she had priorities in terms of what had to be clarified before any more exchange of information could continue. To most people, that was weird, same to Mason before he got to know her. But then he did and he found that special. "I've seen them and No, they can't stop me from checking on you" "Is it out of sympathy you hit me with a ball?" "No, I mean at the beginning but every time I get to know you, big juicy jackfruit I realize you're cool and fun to hang around" "That's a nice complement except you called me a jackfruit" "Symbolism, dig deep your super computer of a brain" "Let me see" she went into thinking mode, the low tone murmurs filled the entire hall, laughs and coughs, sneezes were coming from different directions creating a confusing echo, "It has a hard-outer covering" "You pretend all those insults don't get under your skin but they do" Mason gave the explanation feeling proud of his profound wit. "Amazing, it has sweet golden colored arils" "You're sweet, empathetic and kind, nicest person I know of and trust me I know a lot of people" "That one you do. The flesh can be eaten raw or ripe" "You serve silence to those who attack you or make fun of you that's raw and you serve kindness to those who treat you well that's ripe" "Oh, am actually surprised by how smart you’re" "Thank you. It's not easy to get a complement from smart people especially when they think the only thing you can do is kick the ball and stay handsome" She wanted to point out the fact that a jackfruit is mostly advised for diabetic patients which was a direct dig at her Obesity or maybe an involuntary one. But then she realized the pain in his tone. Before meeting Mason, she always thought that young rich celebrities like him lived good stress-free lives, he had brought her to the conclusion that it was not always the case. She realized Mason was always afraid, trying to figure out whether those around him liked him because of his personality or his talent and if they would have been there in the first place if he wasn't that good with the ball at his feet. All that he didn't say loudly, she had to read it out of his face and conversations they shared. That meant she was a better listener. "Just because you're good at soccer it doesn't mean you're not good at other things" "They can't see it" "It's their opinion, it doesn't define what you're. I'd call you an orange" "Oh, we're naming each other after fruits now" "Guess who called me a jackfruit in the first place" He chuckled a little and looked away, his gaze met with his friends who were watching closely including the captain he made the deal with. He swiftly winked at them and concentrated back on his job. "An orange is small" "But am bigger than you. The point is an orange is the smartest fruit, it can concentrate" Mason just like you are right now was left confused, "It's something I read on the internet, good oranges and firm and heavy full of juice and mature. They stand out, you can easily see them on the rack while shopping in the grocery store" "Thank you, I get it now. Can you be my therapist?" "Wait until I get a BA in psychology as my second degree" "I don't think you need comes the principal and the DOA. I'm glad they are late we got to have that chat" "Me too" "Sorry we're late, we had some technical issues to handle but we are here. Any Christian Union member can set us off with a prayer please" Everyone went to their feet as the voluntary member came forward. A true lady of the clothe as indicated by her dress code and body demeanor. She thanked God for the students, the teachers and non-teaching staff, the country, it's leadership. Asked for forgiveness of sins for everyone and asked for guidance throughout the meeting. The prayer was short and precise and it ended with a chorus "Amen" followed by a round of applause. Bridgetown was a school rooted not only in Academics but also in the spiritual nourishment of its students. "Thank you. The DOA will take over" That was the beginning of long tiresome speeches on their performance and a polite reminder that college was not far away. Everyone had to stick to their majors and those who needed help were free to visit the careers office for assistance. For Audrey nothing was going to change especially about her majors, her mind was set at being a cardiologist for most students there were going to be changes. That didn't mean she wasn't enjoying the session, Mason secretly holding her arm and every time they got looking at each other without anyone noticing. What was he doing to her? So sad it was just a bet. The lines were not getting blurred remember.
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