Chapter 26: The Maze

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Within the first a quarter an hour of driving Audrey could already judge that Ivy was a way better driver than Tina in lieu of driving at night and on a road she was not familiar with. The skies were blue with a few stars darting on it, darkness had started consuming the city, street lights were putting on a valiant effort to restore balance, with the help of LED argon and neon signs it was fair to say they were doing a great job, people were also moving around, singles and couples, others seated in the parks, walking their dogs, taking a bite of the famous fort canon city burgers. Just having fun and being grateful of a day ending, angling for happiness. "He has been following us for quite some time now" Audrey raised her concerns about their familiar and obvious tail, again. "Maybe because he is going to the same party as we are" She just smiled and went back to concentrating on a quiz game on her phone, sneaking into her inbox to see of Mason and finally decided to answer her texts or even if he was kind enough to call though her phone's notification settings were down. The snacks kept her going, this time she was lucky Ivy was a snack lover too, so far, the only thing they didn't have in common was her masochistic tendencies, alcohol and weed...and of course body shape, but everything else was almost similar. Especially the part where both of them felt neglected by their parents. Now you know why Ivy switched that quick from being a Lucas pony to being close to Audrey. "Is he okay?" "I mean he seemed surprised that you were going but he is good" "Hopefully he doesn't hate you for riding with me you know I'd have just used a cab" "b***h you're afraid of cabs" she had that look of-who told you so, "It's obvious, I read people too. You're not the only weird one" "You must have heard from Tina. You're not weird, you'll fit in at Bridgetown in days while I've been there for years and am yet to" "Well, sorry to disappoint you but am not planning to fit in. I'm planning to stand out, you are part of the music club that should be a plus?" She sank in her seat staring at the ceiling of the car. As though she wasn't defiant enough to go for a party without asking for permission she went in a range Rover sport, which was fair because no one on the already arrived guest list had parked anything less. Back to the car, Ivy had initiated some sort of mental audit about her lack of satisfaction. After careful deliberations she arrived at a conclusion that indeed she didn't appreciate what she already had. "You've been quiet, did I say something bad? My bad I talk a lot, especially when I feel comfortable" "No, no" she took another bunch of snacks in her hand, "you had a point back there...are you guys racing?" "Your dimwit of a step-brother is trying to prove a point. He might be familiar with these roads but am familiar with driving, and I also hate male chauvinists" "You don't have to win to prove a point. You're already a great driver" "Aww" she said swerving left even before the GPS directed her, "but I'm still beating his ass, sorry" Audrey lost the argument but at heart she enjoyed seeing her manipulative brother get beat. By a girl, too bad she couldn't laugh at him in his face. To some extent, she pitied him. But he was not the one who needed pity. ***** When he came around Mason was lying in his bed stark naked surrounded by darkness, his eyes were still heavy and itchy, so was his head. He couldn't feel his arms and feet and when he tried to get up he failed terribly. Fear set in, what had she done to him? The second attempt saw him succeed to get up and reach the bedside lamp. He trekked to the Waldrop and picked up a T-shirt and a pair of shorts then switched on the lights, his eyes ached and he shut them for a few seconds for purposes of adjustment. When he tried to open his door it was locked, there was no sign of his phone or laptop. "What the f**k?" It dawned on him, he was kidnapped and under house arrest in his own house. On a day he was hosting a party, speaking of which he could hear loud music coming from downstairs. Mason paced up and down trying to calm his mind and think. The only option was the window. A quick look had him retreating. No, it was not worth broken nose or rib but not worse than missing out on his own party, he charged to the window moments away from jumping he heard the doorknob turn and the first instinct he had was grab the lamp and wait to bash the head of anyone who was going to walk in first. When the door opened it was the butler with the last girl he interacted with before passing out carrying all his gadgets. "Jesus Christ, I thought I've been kidnapped" "Sorry master but you needed rest" the butler had a glass of water and some pain killers. "So, you dragged and left me lying naked in my bed?" The butler looked surprised, he looked at Mason's tormentor. The girl who scratched his ego and made him feel like a fool. "Well, in my defense I couldn't think of a better way to make him sleep. It did the trick anyway, how are you feeling?" "Like an i***t, can I not see you again? Like just be around but not within my sight because trust me right now I feel like punching you in that pretty face" "Right after you take your medicine" "How do I know it's not another one of your silly schemes?" "This time I'm here" the butler chipped in. "For all I know you two are comrades, you're together" he said but took the pills anyway. When he returned the glass on the tray he walked to the door, they didn't wait for him to say the words, the signal was enough to make them walk out on their own volition. "Thank you!" He shut the door and hurriedly went to check out his suit. He knew it was just a matter of time before people started asking where he was. A quick shower left him feeling better and he emerged with a towel and boxer shorts, drying his hair. He threw the towel on his bed and took a bottle of lotion, applied it on his body then selected a deodorant from his exquisite selection. Sprayed on his body before he started dressing up, a plain white cotton shirt with shiny golden cufflinks, black bow tie, black pants and of course a red shiny blazer to complete his tuxedo. The classic look was finished with a pair of maroon loafers followed by another classic walk to the mirror. He liked what he saw, everyone would have liked it. A knock on the door had him growling and making an angry face. "Coming!" He shouted going about with his own activities, he knew by fact it was the butler and that pain in the ass girl he still didn't remember her name so well, something like Stacy? or Mercy. A second knock forced him to attend to the door and to his surprise it was not who he thought it was. Totally someone else. "Oh, Hi?" "Hello, you look handsome" "And you look beautiful too" as she walked in he looked around just to be sure no one suspicious was looking, "I don't think it's safe for you to be here right now" "I missed you, am I not allowed to miss you now?" "You're" he said walking towards her, took her arms, "It's just that it's risky for my plan" "You've already won, what's the prize anyway you said you'd tell me" "I will not just yet. Relax baby, you trusted me when we started this where has that trust gone?" "It's still here" she said before they shared the kiss that she suddenly broke free from leaving Mason licking his lips and his eyes shut. His heart was beating in his chest threatening to break free from his ribcage, there were only two reasons why a girl would break a kiss that quick, as per his experience. One if they realized something is off, it's not genuine and two if they remember where you f****d up. He was more concerned about the former. "Everything okay?" "Yes, it's just that, don't you feel bad about what you're doing to her" "There you go again with the guilt. Suck it up, you're doing this for me baby, me. I don't want to say this relationship depends on the success of what we're doing but I'm the prize, put up with this discomfort for a moment" "Okay fine" They hugged before they kissed again and this time he stepped up and tried so hard to sell it. The first signs of his conundrum had started to show and it was just a matter of time before thing fell apart. "Don't forget the lines, they can't be blurred, never be blurred" "I'd rather die than leave you for that my Rockstar girl" he spanked her so hard she gasped in a rather sensuous manner, he felt his d**k get hard there, "Now get out of here, I'll tell you where we can meet for some sweaty untamed protected s*x" "Want it raw been long" she bit her lower lip as he literally pushed her out of the room. "Great s*x is safe s*x, bye baby! Love you" he kisses her forehead and he didn't wait for her to say it back. That was done. Now to the great entrance, he had kept his guests waiting, well served though. Among them, Audrey and Ivy who were standing somewhere in the garden chatting with glasses at hand, watching from a safe distance with a ball of jealousy stuck around his throat, Lucas. He was partly angry after his cousin beat him to that short race. He used more muscle instead of his brains. Maximum effort. "Hello, please let's all get in, the party is about to start" a random guy announced. "Thank you, let's get going girl I don't want to miss any moment of this sick party" ivy dragged Audrey away from enjoying the scent of flowers. They had already been in the house before but this time it was all quiet, as expected it was packed to the brim with nicely dressed teens, couples, singles and waitresses were going around serving drinks. They were all standing, music was playing at a favorable volume, the crystal chandelier lit up the place to perfection with a warm dimming light. The lights went out and a spotlight roved across the room to upstairs where the double spiral staircases met. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Klein manor. I'm your host Mason Klein, let's have fun..." "That's him?" Ivy asked a seemingly supper happy Audrey. "Yeah that's Klein, that's Mason Klein" Ivy saw it. The spark of joy that lit her up like nothing else in the world. And that's how she automatically lost her interest in him. The girl code.
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